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Session 2007 - 08
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Other Bills before Parliament


Notices of Amendments: 15th February 2008                



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 189, inserted Section 1a and Articles 201a


and 201b TEC (TFEU) relating to the European Council; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 191, amendments to Article 205 TEC


(TFEU) relating to the Council; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 192, replacement Article 207 TEC (TFEU)


relating to the Committee of Permanent Representatives; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 196 to 203, inserted Article 211a TEC


(TFEU) relating to membership of the Commission, and Articles


212 to 215 and 217 to 219 TEC (TFEU) relating to the


Commission: amendments and repeals; and





Notices of Amendments: 15th February 2008                



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 204 to 222, repeal of Article 220 TEC


(TFEU), amendments to Articles 221, 223 to 225, 225a, 228,


229a, 230 to 237 TEC (TFEU), and inserted Articles 224a and


235a TEC (TFEU) relating to the Court of Justice; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 224, replacement Article 241 TEC (TFEU)


relating to proceedings before the Court of Justice and the Statute


of the Court; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 227 to 229, inserted Section 4a and Article


245a TEC (TFEU) relating to the European Central Bank; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 233 to 236, inserted Section 1, amendments


to Article 249 and inserted Articles 249A to 249D TEC (TFEU)


relating to legal acts of the Union; and





Notices of Amendments: 15th February 2008                



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 237 to 245, inserted Section 2, amendments


to Articles 250, 251, 255 and 256, and replacement Articles


252a, 253, 254 and 254a TEC (TFEU) relating to procedures for


the adoption of acts; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 245 to 251, new Chapter 3 and Article


256a, repeal of Articles 257 and 261 and amendments to Articles


258 to 260 and 262 TEC (TFEU) relating to the Economic and


Social Committee; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 252 to 254, amendments to Articles 263 to


265 TEC (TFEU) relating to the Committee of the Regions; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 257, amendments to Article 268 TEC


(TFEU) relating to financial provisions; and





Notices of Amendments: 15th February 2008                



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 258 to 260, inserted Chapter 1,


amendments to Article 269 TEC (TFEU) and repeal of Article


270 relating to the European Union’s own resources; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 277 and 278, inserted Title III and new


Articles 280A to 280I TEC (TFEU) relating to enhanced


cooperation; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 279 to 288, repeal of Articles 281, 293, 305


and 314, amendments to Articles 282, 283, 288, 290, 291, 294


and 299 TEC (TFEU), general and final provisions; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 289, replacement Article 308 TEC (TFEU)


relating to action within the framework of policies defined in the


Treaties where the Treaties have not provided the necessary


powers; and





Notices of Amendments: 15th February 2008                



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 290, new Article 308a TEC (TFEU) relating


to provisions to which the simplified revision procedure shall not


apply; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 291, replacement Article 309 TEC (TFEU)


relating to voting arrangements in respect of the suspension of a


Member State; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 3, providing that the Treaty is concluded for an unlimited


period; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 6.2, providing for the entry into force of the Treaty on 1st


January 2009; and





Notices of Amendments: 15th February 2008                



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



the Protocol on the Application of the Principles of Subsidiarity


and Proportionality; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



the Protocol on Permanent Structured Cooperation Established


by Article 28a of the Treaty on European Union; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



the Protocol on the Decision of the Council relating to the


Implementation of Article 9C(4) of the Treaty on the


Functioning of the European Union between 1st November 2014


and 31st March 2017 on the one hand, and as from April 2017 on


the other; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Annexed Protocol No. 1 Amending the Protocols Annexed to the


Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty Establishing the


European Community and/or to the Treaty Establishing the


European Atomic Energy Community, Article 1(14) relating to


the Protocol on the Privileges and Immunities of the Union; and





Notices of Amendments: 15th February 2008                



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Annexed Protocol No. 1 Amending the Protocols Annexed to the


Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty Establishing the


European Community and/or to the Treaty Establishing the


European Atomic Energy Community, Article 1(15) relating to


the Protocol on the Convergence Criteria; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Annexed Protocol No. 1 Amending the Protocols Annexed to the


Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty Establishing the


European Community and/or to the Treaty Establishing the


European Atomic Energy Community, Article 1(16) relating to


the Protocol on Certain Provisions Relating to the United


Kingdom; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘protocols’, insert ‘and Declarations annexed to the


Final Act, save for Declaration 17 concerning primacy’.


Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton




Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘protocols’, insert ‘and Declarations annexed to the


Final Act, save for Declaration 18 in relation to the delimitation of competences’.

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Revised 18 February 2008