House of Commons


Wednesday 6th February 2008


Committee of the whole House




European Union (Amendment) Bill


[Fourth day]


Day 4


        Amendments to Clause 2 relating to the single market


Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Bob Spink


Not selected  230


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 1, paragraph 4, replacement Article 2 TEU relating to the


aims of the European Union, in paragraph 3, the words “a highly


competitive social market economy”; and





Mr William Hague


Mr David Lidington


Mr Philip Hammond


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Gauke


Mr David Evennett


Negatived on division  237


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 12, inserted Article 2B TEC (TFEU),


paragraph 1(b) providing for the establishing of competition


rules necessary for the functioning of the internal market to be an


area of exclusive competence of the European Union; and





Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Bob Spink


Not called  231


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 12, inserted Article 2B TEC (TFEU),


paragraph 1(e) providing for the common commercial policy to


be an area of exclusive competence of the European Union; and





Committee of the whole House Proceedings: 6th February 2008  



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Bob Spink


Not called  232


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 12, inserted Article 2C TEC (TFEU),


paragraph 2(a) providing for the internal market to be an area of


shared competence of the European Union and Member States;







Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Bob Spink


Not called  233


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 12, inserted Article 2D TEC (TFEU),


paragraph 3 providing that the European Union may take


initiatives to ensure coordination of Member States’ social


policies; and





Mr William Cash


Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Bob Spink


Not called  219


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 40 to to 45, inserted Title I and Articles 22a


and 22b, renumbered Title Ia, amended Article 23(1), inserted


Chapter Ia and Article 27a TEC (TFEU) relating to the internal


market; and





Mr William Hague


Mr David Lidington


Mr Philip Hammond


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Gauke


Mr David Evennett


Bob Spink


Not called  239


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 45. inserted Article 27a TEC (TFEU),


relating to customs co-operation; and





Mr William Cash


Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Bob Spink


Not called  220


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 50 and 51, amendments to Articles


39(3)(d) and 42 TEC (TFEU) relating to the free movement of


workers; and





Committee of the whole House Proceedings: 6th February 2008  



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Hague


Mr David Lidington


Mr Philip Hammond


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Gauke


Mr David Evennett


Bob Spink


Not called  240


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 51(b) replacement paragraph in Article 42


TEC (TFEU), on the procedure for adopting measures in the field


of social security; and





Mr William Cash


Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Bob Spink


Not called  221


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 52 to 55, amendments to Articles 44(2), 45


and 47, and inserted Article 48a TEC (TFEU) relating to freedom


of establishment; and





Mr William Hague


Mr David Lidington


Mr Philip Hammond


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Gauke


Mr David Evennett


Bob Spink


Not called  241


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 54(b), deleting paragraph 2 of Article 47


TEC (TFEU) on the procedure for deciding on directives that


require the amendment of national principles governing training


for, and conditions of access to, the professions; and





Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Not called  234


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 78, Article 88 TEC (TFEU), inserted


paragraph 4 enabling the Commission to adopt regulations


relating to the categories of State aid the Council has exempted


from the State aid authorisation procedure; and





Committee of the whole House Proceedings: 6th February 2008  



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


Mr William Hague


Mr David Lidington


Mr Philip Hammond


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Gauke


Mr David Evennett


Bob Spink


Not called  238


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 83, amendment to Article 96 TEC (TFEU)


providing that directives to deal with distortions in competition


shall be subject to the ordinary legislative procedure; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton


Bob Spink


Not called  140


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 84, new Article 97a TEC (TFEU) relating to


intellectual property; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton


Bob Spink


Not called  141


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraph 85, inserted Article 97b TEC (TFEU),


relating to the single currency, and paragraph 86, amendments to


Article 99 TEC (TFEU) relating to broad economic guidelines;







Mr William Hague


Mr David Lidington


Mr Philip Hammond


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Gauke


Mr David Evennett


Bob Spink


Not called  242


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—


Committee of the whole House Proceedings: 6th February 2008  



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued



Article 2, paragraph 86(a), amending paragraph 4 of Article 99


TEC (TFEU), on warnings and recommendations addressed to a


Member State found to have economic policies inconsistent with


the broad economic guidelines of the European Union; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton


Bob Spink


Not called  143


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 88 to 110, amendments and new Articles


TEC (TFEU) relating to economic and monetary policy; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton


Bob Spink


Not selected  144


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 112 and 113, relating to the moving of Title


IX TEC (TFEU) (Common Commercial Policy) and Title X


TEC (TFEU) (Customs Cooperation); and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton


Bob Spink


Not called  145


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Article 2, paragraphs 114 to 122, inserted Article 136a TEC


(TFEU) relating to social partners, and amendments to Articles


137 to 140, 143 and 148 TEC (TFEU) relating to social policy;







Mr David Heathcoat-Amory


Not called  235


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—


Committee of the whole House Proceedings: 6th February 2008  



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued



Article 2, paragraph 158, inserted Article 188C TEC (TFEU),


relating to the common commercial policy; and





Colin Burgon


Jon Trickett


Jon Cruddas


Not called  224


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



the provision for a “special committee” to assist the Commission


in negotiating and concluding agreements under the Common


Commercial Policy contained in Article 2, paragraph 158,


inserted Article 188C TEC (TFEU), paragraph 3; and





Mr William Cash


Mr John Redwood


Mr Iain Duncan Smith


Mr Bernard Jenkin


Mr Richard Shepherd


Sir Nicholas Winterton


Bob Spink


Not called  195


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



the Protocol on the Internal Market and Competition; and





As an Amendment to Mr William Cash’s proposed Amendment (No. 195):—


Dr Vincent Cable


Mr Edward Davey


Jo Swinson


Mr Jeremy Browne


Not called  (a)


Line  1,  after ‘Competition’, insert ‘, unless arrangements have been made for the


Secretary of State to report to Parliament each year on the operation and


application of European Union competition policy according to the principle set


out in the Protocol’.


Mr William Hague


David Davis


Nick Herbert


Mr Dominic Grieve


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Evennett


Bob Spink


Not called  215


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



Annexed Protocol No. 1 Amending the Protocols Annexed to the


Treaty on European Union, to the Treaty establishing the


European Community and/or to the Treaty establishing the


European Atomic Energy Community, Article 1, paragraph


Committee of the whole House Proceedings: 6th February 2008  



European Union (Amendment) Bill, continued


20(h), relating to the application to the United Kingdom and


Ireland of measures relating to the free movement of persons,


services and capital; and





Jon Trickett


Colin Burgon


Jon Cruddas


Frank Dobson


Ms Gisela Stuart


Kelvin Hopkins


Adam Price


Mr Elfyn Llwyd


Not called  223


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  12,  after ‘excluding’, insert—



any provision relating to the Internal Market in so far as it could


be applied to healthcare services; and





Mr William Hague


Mr David Lidington


Mr Philip Hammond


Mr Mark Francois


Mr David Gauke


Mr David Evennett


Not called  243


Clause  2,  page  1,  line  13,  after second ‘to’, insert—



European intellectual property rights; and





Progress reported.