House of Commons portcullis
House of Commons
Session 2007 - 08
Internet Publications
Other Bills before Parliament




House of Commons


Notices of Amendments


given on


Thursday 3rd April 2008


For other Amendment(s) see the following page(s) of Supplement to Votes:


1131-40, 1239, 1287, 1459-60, 1623, 1715, 1717 and 1721


Consideration of Bill


Pensions Bill, As Amended


Armed forces


Mr Secretary Purnell




To move the following Clause:—



A person serving as a member of the naval, military or air forces of the Crown is


not, by virtue of that service, a worker for the purposes of this Part.



A member of any of the forces specified in subsection (2) who assists the


activities of any of those forces is not, by virtue of anything done in assisting


those activities, a worker for the purposes of this Part.



The forces are—



the Combined Cadet Force;



the Sea Cadet Corps;



the Army Cadet Force;



the Air Training Corps.’.


Mr Secretary Purnell




Page  40,  line  31,  leave out Clause 82.




Mr Secretary Purnell




To move the following Clause:—



This Part has effect in relation to a person who—



holds the office of constable or an appointment as a police cadet, and



does not hold that office or appointment under a contract of employment,


Notices of Amendments: 3rd April 2008                  



Pensions Bill, continued



as if the person were employed by the relevant police authority under a worker’s





A police authority that maintains a police force is the relevant police authority—



in relation to a constable, if the constable is a member of that police force;



in relation to a police cadet, if the cadet is undergoing training with a


view to becoming a member of that police force.’.


Danny Alexander


Paul Rowen




Page  6,  line  4  [Clause  9],  leave out lines 5 to 7 and insert ‘that all jobholders and


workers are entitled to 30 minutes of one to one generic advice either by phone or in


person, depending on their preference, that is—






publicly funded, and



delivered through at least one advice centre in every parliamentary





A scheme under section 58 may not be implemented before the entitlement set out


in subsection (2) can be delivered.



The Secretary of State must publish an annual report on the cost of delivering the


entitlement set out in subsection (2).’.


Danny Alexander


Paul Rowen




Page  2,  line  37  [Clause  3],  at end insert—



The Secretary of State must publish an annual report on the impact of means-


tested benefits on automatically enrolled members of the scheme established


under section 58.



Any report published under subsection (8) shall include details on the number of


pensioners facing marginal deduction rates of 40 per cent. and above.’.


Open market option as the default for the administration of personal accounts


Danny Alexander


Paul Rowen




To move the following Clause:—



An annuity bought with funds saved through the scheme established under


section 50 or a qualifying scheme is a lifetime annuity if—



it is payable by an insurance company,



the member was required to select the insurance company from the open





it is payable until the member’s death or until the later of the member’s


death and the end of a term certain not exceeding 10 years, and



it is a level annuity, an increasing annuity or a relevant linked annuity.



An annuity is a level annuity if its amount does not vary from year to year.



An annuity is an increasing annuity if its amount increases from year to year.



An annuity is a relevant linked annuity if its amount varies from year to year but


only in line with changes in (or by an amount which does not exceed the amount


by which it would vary if it varied in line with changes in)—


Notices of Amendments: 3rd April 2008                  



Pensions Bill, continued



the retail prices index,



the market value of freely marketable assets, or



an index reflecting the market value of freely marketable assets.



“Freely marketable assets” means assets which are sold on the open market at a


price not determined by the member.’.


Danny Alexander


Paul Rowen




Page  34,  line  38  [Clause  70],  at end insert—



the UN Principles for Responsible Investment should be adhered to’.


Uprating pensions in line with earnings


Danny Alexander


Paul Rowen




To move the following Clause:—


‘The Pensions Act 2007 is amended as follows—



“In Section 5, subsection 4, delete from ‘means’ to end and insert ‘the tax year


beginning 1st April 2009’.”.’.


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Revised 4 April 2008