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21 Jan 2008 : Column 1786W—continued

Police: Uniforms

Mr. Hayes: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many protective vests were issued to police officers in each year since 1997. [178214]

Mr. McNulty: This information is not held centrally. Decisions relating to the selection, purchase and issue of body armour are matters for individual chief officers of police.

Proscribed Organisations

Mr. Gale: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department pursuant to the answer of 10 December 2007, Official Report, column 98W, on Proscribed Organisations Appeals Commission (POAC) and the subsequent refusal of the POAC to permit the Government to appeal against its order to the Home Secretary to lift the ban on the prohibition of the People's Mujahedeen of Iran, what steps the
21 Jan 2008 : Column 1787W
Government are taking to comply with the judgment and implement the order. [175673]

Mr. McNulty: The Government have applied to the Court of Appeal for leave to appeal the judgment of the Proscribed Organisations Appeals Commission (POAC) in relation to the proscription of the People’s Mujahedeen of Iran. No action will be taken in respect of the judgment until the appeals process has concluded.

Public Order Offences

Mrs. Moon: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what guidance her Department has issued on the prevention by police of photographers taking pictures in public places; and if she will make a statement. [177626]

Mr. McNulty: It is an operational matter for the chief constable of the force area concerned, based on the individual circumstances of the situation, to determine whether action is required to respond to an offence or where they suspect an offence is about to be committed or to prevent a breach of the peace.

Violence Against the Person

Mr. Boris Johnson: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the percentage crime detection rate for (a) violence against the person, (b) sexual offences, (c) burglary, (d) robbery and (e) theft from a vehicle was in each London borough in each year since 1988, broken down by age group. [172541]

Mr. McNulty: The information requested is not available centrally from the recorded crime statistics. Details of the ages of victims and alleged offenders are not collected.

21 Jan 2008 : Column 1788W

Mr. Boris Johnson: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many offences were recorded for (a) violence against the person, (b) sexual offences, (c) burglary, (d) robbery and (e) theft from a vehicle in each London borough in each year since 1988, broken down by age group. [172542]

Mr. McNulty: The information requested is not available centrally from the recorded crime statistics. Details of the ages of victims and alleged offenders are not collected.

Visits Abroad

James Duddridge: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department what the (a) destination, (b) duration and (c) purpose was of each overseas visit by members of staff in her Department of each civil service grade over the last 12 months. [177518]

Mr. Byrne: The requested information could be provided only at disproportionate cost.

The Department expects all official travel to be undertaken only where there is a clear business need and that, when such a need arises, it is carried out by the most efficient and economic means available, taking into account the cost of travel and subsistence, savings in official time, management benefit, and the needs of staff with disabilities. This is in accordance with the Civil Service Management Code.

West Mercia Police: Finance

Mark Pritchard: To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if she will hold discussions with the chief constable of West Mercia police on the funding arrangements for the policing of community events. [179622]

Mr. McNulty: Funding arrangements for the policing of community events are a matter for the chief constable and police authority concerned.

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