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5 Nov 2008 : Column 536W—continued

Pregnancy: Young People

Mr. Burstow: To ask the Secretary of State for Health (1) pursuant to the answer of 27 October 2008, Official Report, column 665W, on teenage pregnancy, when the memorandum of understanding was put in place; and when the first quarterly report on progress will be made; [232366]

(2) if he will audit the range of provision of contraception offered within in each primary care trust area. [232566]

Dawn Primarolo: The memorandum of understanding between the Department and strategic health authorities (SHAs) is currently being agreed and SHAs will be asked to report progress quarterly. The first report will be received in December 2008.

Primary care trusts undertook a national baseline questionnaire of contraceptive services in 2006. The Department of Health document “Findings of the Baseline Review of Contraceptive Services” (2007) has already been placed in the Library.

5 Nov 2008 : Column 537W

Social Services

Mr. Lansley: To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the titles are of all internal reports his Department has produced on social care in the last six months. [226291]

Phil Hope: The Department does not routinely release briefing produced for Ministers.

Social Services: Eastbourne

Mr. Waterson: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many people received local authority-funded long-term care services in (a) their own homes and (b) care homes in Eastbourne constituency in each year since the Fair Access to Care Services criteria were introduced. [231848]

Phil Hope: The information requested is only available for local authorities with adult social services responsibilities and not for parliamentary constituencies.

The following table shows the number of adults aged 18 and over in East Sussex county council area receiving community based services within their own home and residential care from 2003, when the Fair Access to Care Services criteria were introduced, to 2008. All figures are inclusive of Eastbourne constituency.

Community based services data for 2008 is provisional. Fully validated data will be published in February 2009.

Number of adults aged 18 and over receiving community based services and residential care in East Sussex, 2003 to 2008
Rounded number
As at 31 March

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Community based services(1)







Residential care







(1) Community based services include home care, day care, meals, overnight respite (not in the client's home), short term residential care (not respite), direct payments, professional support, equipment and adaptations and other community based care provided by the council.
(2) Data on the number of people receiving community based services from 2004-05 is not comparable to previous years. In 2004-05 restated guidance was issued to exclude people receiving services from grant funded organisations who had not had a community care assessment.
(3) Provisional data.
RAP, Table P2s and SRI, Table S3

Upper Gastro-intestinal Cancer

Andrew George: To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many upper gastro-intestinal cancer centres there are; what population is served by each; where they are located; and when each commenced admitting patients. [231151]

Ann Keen: There are currently 38 upper gastro-intestinal cancer centres serving patients in England.

The following table provides a list of the centres, the relevant cancer network and the trusts covering the centres, as at 30 October 2008.

Information on the population served by each centre and details of when each centre commenced activity is not available centrally.

5 Nov 2008 : Column 538W

5 Nov 2008 : Column 539W
Cancer network Centre Trust

Lancashire and South Cumbria


Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Merseyside and Cheshire

Royal Liverpool

Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Hospitals NHS Trust


Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation

North East Wales

North East Wales NHS Trust

North of England

James Cook

South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust


Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust/North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS Trust

Humber and Yorkshire Coast


Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust



Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust


Leeds Teaching hospitals NHS Trust

North Trent

Sheffield/ Doncaster(2)

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust/Doncaster and Bassetlaw NHS Foundation Trust

East Midlands


Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust


Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust


Norfolk and Norwich

Norfolk and Norwich university Hospitals NHS Trust


Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust


Mid Essex

Mid Essex Services NHS Trust

Mount Vernon


West Hertfordshire Hospital NHS Trust



University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust

Pan Birmingham

University Hospital Birmingham/ Heart of England(3)

University Hospital Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust/Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust

North London

University College London Hospital

University College London Hospitals NHS Trust

South East London

Guy's and St Thomas'

Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

South West London

Royal Marsden

Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

West London

St Mary's

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

North East London

Royal London

Barts and the London NHS Trust

Queen's Hospital

Barking, Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust

Central South Coast


Southampton university Hospitals NHS Trust


Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Thames Valley


Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust

Royal Berkshire

Royal Berkshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Kent and Medway


Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire

Royal Surrey

Royal Surrey County Hospitals NHS Trust


Royal Sussex County

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust

Avon, Somerset and Wiltshire

United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust

United Bristol Healthcare NHS Trust



Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Three Counties


Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

(1) There is a single multi-disciplinary team at Newcastle but operating at the Freeman and Carlisle Hospital.
(2) There is a single multi-disciplinary team at Sheffield operating in both Sheffield and Doncaster on the basis of even flows to each site.
(3) Operating as a joint centre on the basis of a single multi-disciplinary team with even flows to each site.


Bank Services: Overseas Residence

Mr. Swayne: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether British citizens resident in the UK with deposits in Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander bank held in the Isle of Man will be included in his compensation scheme; and if he will make a statement. [227451]

Ian Pearson [holding answer 16 October 2008]: Arrangements for depositors in banks in the Isle of Man are a matter for the Government of the Isle of Man.

Deposits with Kaupthing, Singer and Friedlander, Isle of Man, will be subject to the Isle of Man Deposit Compensation Scheme.

In line with usual constitutional arrangements, the Government will represent the Crown Dependencies in its negotiations with the Icelandic Authorities.

Bank Services: Small Businesses

Hugh Robertson: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer pursuant to the answer of 28 October 2008, Official Report, column 877W, on banking services: small businesses, whether the definition of a small business for the purposes of a claim on the Financial
5 Nov 2008 : Column 540W
Services Compensation Scheme extends to (a) individual company accounts and (b) consolidated subsidising companies. [232659]

Ian Pearson [holding answer 3 November 2008]: The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is responsible for making the rules of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), including the rules which determine whether a company or other body is eligible to claim compensation under the scheme. The rules on eligibility for FSCS compensation are set out in the FSA handbook which is available on the FSA website. Guidance on eligibility for FSCS compensation is available on the FSCS website.

Banking Supervision

Mr. Dai Davies: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will instruct the non-executive appointees to the boards of banks in receipt of funding from the public purse to enforce a carbon audit of the investments made by their banks; and if he will make it a condition of recapitalisation of banks that they minimise their investments in and loans to projects involved with high levels of greenhouse gas emissions. [227925]

Ian Pearson: As part of its investment, the Government have agreed a range of commitments with banks accessing the capitalisation scheme. The conditions attached to the Government’s recapitalisation scheme were set out in detail in the Chancellor’s statements of 8 and 13 October.

Banks: Iceland

Mr. MacNeil: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what reports he has received on developments in Icelandic public opinion on the UK following the entry into force of the Landsbanki Freezing Order 2008. [230734]

Ian Pearson: The Chancellor has been regularly updated on the situation in Iceland since the Landsbanki Freezing Order 2008 entered into force.

Tim Loughton: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what briefing material his Department has circulated to hon. Members on the situation for British depositors with Icelandic-owned financial institutions; and what advice his Department has made available for hon. Members to pass on to their constituents who are such depositors. [232462]

Ian Pearson [holding answer 3 November 2008]: Information for depositors is available on the Financial Services Compensation Scheme and Directgov websites. The Treasury has also worked with the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform to develop advice for business which is available on the Business Link website.

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