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19 Nov 2008 : Column 649Wcontinued
At level one (less serious misconduct) there were six written warnings issued
At level two (more serious offences or repeated misconduct) there were seven final written warnings issued
At level three (gross misconduct) there were five dismissals and three final written warnings
At level one there were four written warnings issued
At level two there were seven final written warnings issued
At level three there were three dismissals and one formal reprimand with a final written warning
2008 (up to and including October)
At level one there were four written warnings issued
At level two there were two final written warnings issued
At level three there was one dismissal and one final written warning
Pete Wishart: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what the cost was of (a) internet and website design and hosting, (b) print media design and (c) broadcast media for each of his Department's public information campaigns since 1997. [214707]
Caroline Flint: Internet and website design and hosting, print media design and broadcast media for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office's (FCO) public information campaigns since 1997 have been undertaken in-house or contracted out individually by FCO posts overseas and the FCO in London. Information on the total cost incurred is not readily available and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.
Mr. Hoban: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many civil servants in his Department were recruited through the fast stream; and what the average salary of those officials is. [229182]
Gillian Merron: To collect the information on numbers and average salary of all Foreign and Commonwealth Office staff recruited through the fast stream would incur disproportionate cost. However, statistics on intake into the civil service fast stream as a whole are available, published annually at:
Mr. Keith Simpson: To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs which countries (a) he has visited in his official capacity since June 2007 and (b) his Department's Ministers have visited in their official capacities in the same period; on what dates each such visit took place; and if he will make a statement. [235946]
Gillian Merron: My right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary has visited the following countries/cities in an official capacity since his appointment in June 2007.
Date | Country/city |
Other FCO Ministers have visited the following countries in an official capacity since their appointments in June 2007.
The Minister of State for Europe
Jim Murphy MP
Date | Country/city |
Right hon. Caroline Flint MP
Date | Country/city |
The Minister of State for Africa, Asia and the UN
The right hon. Lord Malloch-Brown
Date | Country/city |
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