Index for Volume 467continued
A Al As B Be Br Bu C Ce Co Cr D Dh Du E Ec Eu F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Is J K Ki Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Ph Pu Q R Ri Ry S Sh Sk Sq Sw T Ti Ty U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme
Physical education
Pickles, Mr Eric
Chamber Debates
Institute for Animal Health 759w
Petitions 6-7p, (13.11.2007) 642
Planning permission
Plaskitt, James, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Work and Pensions
Written Statements
Disability living allowance 112-4ws
Council tax benefits, Post offices 1079w
Debts, Advisory services 540w
Disadvantaged, Financial services 948-9
Grandparents, Parental responsibility 955
Jobseeker's allowance 34-6w
Social security benefits, Pensioners 955
Unemployment benefits, Eastbourne 1083-4w
Northern Ireland (21.11.2007) 1308-14
Petitions (19.11.2007) 1070
Police custody
Police patrolling
Police Service of Northern Ireland
Police stations
"Policy Appraisal and Health"
Policy Review
Political activities
Political parties
Political refugees
Politics and government
Democratic Republic of Congo 1036w
Public participation 975w
Pope, Mr Greg
Academies, Special educational needs 409-10w
Educational psychology, Regulation 598w
Post codes
Post Office
Disciplinary proceedings 494w
Post offices
Council tax benefits 1079w
Postal services
Government Car and Despatch Agency 460w
Pound, Mr Stephen
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (06.11.2007) 48, 56, 60-2
Schools (21.11.2007) 1242
Political parties, Finance 661-2
Prentice, Bridget, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Justice
Compensation, Industrial diseases 141w
Coroners, Greater London 143w
Coroners, Heathrow Airport 143w
Fines, Driving offences 722w
General Election 2005, Ballot papers 511w
Opinion Leader Research, Ministry of Justice 724-6w
Standards, Ministry of Justice 1101w
Voting rights, Prisoners 516w
Young people, Conferences 508w
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Chamber Debates
Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) Bill, 2R (20.11.2007) 1124
General practitioners, Recruitment 823w
Medicine, Education 1005w
Pre-school education
Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 568w
Price, Adam
Chamber Debates
Channel Tunnel Rail Link (Supplementary Provisions) Bill, 2R (20.11.2007) 1124
Queen's speech (14.11.2007) 760
Westminster Hall Debates
Dyfed Powys Police, Finance (21.11.2007) 178wh, 180wh
Public expenditure (21.11.2007) 156-8wh
Economic situation, Wales 1176
Gangmasters Licensing Authority, Wales 465w
Price fixing
Primarolo, Rt Hon Dawn, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (13.11.2007) 557
Written Statements
Food Standards Agency, Supply estimates 81-2ws
Accident and emergency departments, East Sussex 1113-4w
Alzheimer's disease, Medical treatments 1114w
Childbirth, East Sussex 988w
Chiropody, East Sussex 988w
Chronic fatigue syndrome, Research 819w
Domestic accidents, East Sussex 997w
Drugs, East of England 377w
Drugs, Rehabilitation 1122w
East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust, Clostridium 1123-4w
Eastbourne Hospital, Cleaning services 997w
Fats, Health hazards 823w
Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General 988-9w
Health education, Copeland 998-9w
Health services, France 59w
Health services, Overseas visitors 377-8w
Heart diseases, Drugs 1124w
Heart diseases, West Midlands 1124-8w
Hospital beds, West Midlands 193w
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Public appointments 1001w
Industrial diseases, Research 1131-2w
Influenza, East of England 378w
Influenza, Greater London 378w
Influenza, Vaccination 1131w
Macular degeneration, Drugs 525-6
Medical treatments abroad 831w
Methyl methacrylate, Health hazards 196w, 379w
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence 179w, 832w
NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement 288w
Nurses, Prescriptions 289w
Ovarian cancer, Screening 197-8w
Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme 1007-8w
Prescriptions, Fees and charges 289w
St Helier Hospital, Nurses 818w
School fruit and vegetable scheme 436-7w
Sexually transmitted diseases, Hertfordshire 384-6w
Skin cancer, Young people 524
South East Coast Strategic Health Authority, Marketing 289-90w
West Sussex Primary Care Trust 290w
West Sussex Primary Care Trust, Marketing 289-90w
Worthing Hospital, Accident and emergency departments 290w
Primary education
Prime Minister
Departmental responsibilities 1097w
Public participation 1097w
Prisk, Mr Mark
Chamber Debates
Queen's speech (08.11.2007) 269, 275
Orders and regulations, Dept for Work and Pensions 544w
Regional planning and development, Finance 1325
Prison accommodation
Prison Officers' Association
Prison Service
Prisoner escorts
Prisoners' release
Prisoners' transfers
Repairs and maintenance 354w
Pritchard, Mark
Cricket, Primary education 658w
Terrorism, Nuclear weapons 10w
Terrorism, Philippines 1041w
Private education
Private finance initiative
Building schools for the future programme 664-6
Private sector
Chinook helicopters 1185w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 560w
Programme motions
Project Al Yamamah
see BAE Systems, Saudi Arabia
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 96-7w
Property development
Property transfer
Proscribed organisations
Proscribed Organisations Appeal Commission (Procedure) (Amendment) Rules 2007
Chamber Debates
Road traffic offences 148w