Index for Volume 468—continued

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Fabricant, Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Middle East, Peace negotiations (28.11.2007) 295


    British Waterways Board, Finance 954

    Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 953-4

Fair trade initiative

Fairtrade Foundation

Faith and Social Cohesion Unit

Falkland Islands

Fallon, Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Local government finance (06.12.2007) 992

    Planning and Energy Bill, 1R (05.12.2007) 853


    Northern Rock 419




    see also Agriculture

Farrelly, Paul

                  Chamber Debates

    Political parties, Finance (04.12.2007) 722-3


Farron, Timothy

                  Chamber Debates

    Asylum, EC action (29.11.2007) 509-11

    Housing and Regeneration Bill, 2R (27.11.2007) 207


    Bluetongue disease, Disease control 509w

    British Waterways Board, Finance 736w

    Cumbria, Dept for Children Schools and Families 379w

    Cumbria, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 32w

    Cumbria, Dept of Health 706w

    Cumbria, Home Office 647w

    Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 515w

Featherstone, Lynne

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Burma, Overseas aid (06.12.2007) 336-8wh


    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 232w

    Anti-terrorism control orders 177-8w

    Cyprus, Foreign relations 691w

    Cyprus, Politics and government 691-2w

    Data protection, Dept for International Development 730-2w

    Drugs, TRIPS Agreement 324w

    Manpower, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 115w

    Manpower, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 164w

    Manpower, Dept of Health 711w

    Manpower, Ministry of Justice 76w

    Northern Cyprus, Overseas trade 692w



Field, Rt Hon Frank

                  Chamber Debates

    Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill, Rep and 3R (03.12.2007) 606

    Local government finance (06.12.2007) 987

    Remploy (29.11.2007) 459


    Compensation, Industrial diseases 476w

    Jobcentre Plus, Standards 1172w

    National insurance, Foreign workers 1289w

    Pension credit, Overpayments 138w (472 21-2mc)

    Portcullis House, Fire alarms 1078w

    Post offices, Closures 1335w

    Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 70-1w

    Youth services, Finance 130

Field, Mr Mark

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Television, Children (04.12.2007) 213-7wh


    Northern Rock 418

    Thameslink railway line 666

Financial assistance scheme

Financial markets

Financial services

Financial Services Authority

    Public participation 391w


Fire alarms

Fire extinguishers

Fire prevention

Fire services

    Hoaxes and false alarms 408w



    Young offender institutions 494w


First Solution Money Transfer



Fishing catches

Fishing vessels

Fitzpatrick, Jim, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Transport

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Bus services, Preston (27.11.2007) 55-7wh


    Air routes, North East 1069w

    Airports, Immigration controls 851w

    Airports, Police 852w

    Airports, Public participation 14w

    Aviation, Exhaust emissions 684

    Aviation, Medical equipment 295w

    Bristol Airport 443w

    Buildings, Dept for Transport 296w

    Bus services, Concessions 673-6

    Climate change, Dept for Transport 1477w

    Consultants, Dept for Transport 852-3w

    Correspondence, Dept for Transport 853w

    Disclosure of information, Dept for Transport 444-5w

    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Complaints 1478-9w

    Driving under influence 681-2

    Haven Gateway Partnership 855w

    Health insurance, Dept for Transport 855w

    Information and communications technology, Dept for Transport 443-4w

    Internet, Dept for Transport 16-20w

    Land, Dept for Transport 853w

    Lorries, Speed limits 20w

    Minibuses, Licensing 298w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Transport 853-4w

    Motor vehicles, Excise duties 85w, 854w

    Motor vehicles, Exhaust emissions 854-5w

    Motor vehicles, Licensing 1232w

    Official cars, Leader of the Opposition 15-6w

    Official hospitality, Dept for Transport 296w

    Orders and regulations, Dept for Transport 296w

    Postal services, Dept for Transport 1478w

    Public participation, Dept for Transport 445w

    Recruitment, Dept for Transport 19w

    Sick leave, Dept for Transport 1231w

    Transport, Sustainable development 856-7w

    Vehicle number plates 1484w

Five minutes rule

    Rulings and statements (29.11.2007) 521

Fixed penalties

Fixed Term Parliaments Bill 2007-08

                  Chamber Debates

    1R (05.12.2007) 855

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