Index for Volume 468continued
A Al Ap B Bi Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Dj Du E Ec Et F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Ki L Le Lu M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Or P Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sn St Sw T Th Tu U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Leader of the House of Commons
Corporate hospitality 1217w
Departmental responsibilities 1217w
Leader of the Opposition
Learning disability
Leasehold Reform Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
Leech, John
Companies, Registration 114w
Legal opinion
Legal profession
Legal Services Commission
Legal systems
Legislative and Regulatory Reform (Regulatory Functions) Order 2007
Chamber Debates
Legislative competence
National Assembly for Wales 5ws, 301w
Leigh, Mr Edward
Lepper, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Post offices, Petitions (04.12.2007) 805-6, (05.12.2007) 933
Westminster Hall Debates
Letwin, Rt Hon Oliver
Chamber Debates
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (04.12.2007) 763
Scallops, Lyme Bay (05.12.2007) 934-6
Westminster Hall Debates
Post offices, Closures (29.11.2007) 138wh
Levitt, Mr Tom
Chamber Debates
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (04.12.2007) 760
Community support officers 5
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Defence 559
Home information packs 126
Lewes-Uckfield railway line
Lewis, Ivan, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health
Chamber Debates
Health services (03.12.2007) 658-64
Autism, Health services 993w
Autism, Jobcentre Plus 993w
Consent to medical treatment 706w
Depressive illnesses 418w
Disabled, Social security benefits 1118w
East Midlands Strategic Health Authority, Public participation 420w
Health services, Equality 242w
Health services, Prisons 247-8w
Hearing impaired, Health services 716-7w
Hospitals, Waiting lists 1325w
Mental health services 1318w
Mental health services, Death 723-4w
Milton Keynes Hospital, Hospital beds 249w
Milton Keynes Hospital, Maternity services 249-50w
Milton Keynes Hospital, Midwives 725w
Palliative care, Finance 1012w
Peterborough Hospital, Maternity services 1009w
Primary care trusts, Finance 425w
Social services, Finance 258-9w
Speech impaired, Health services 420-1w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Aircraft carriers, France 449w
Defence Export Services Organisation 450w
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Defence 559-60
Written questions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 218w
Written questions, Prime Minister 128w
Liaison Committee
see House of Commons Liaison Committee
Licensed premises
Licensing laws
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Chamber Debates
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (04.12.2007) 762
Nimrod aircraft, Accidents (04.12.2007) 696-7
Public service, Ethics (05.12.2007) 863
Armed forces, Inquiries 2w
Lidington, Mr David
Chiltern Railways, Greater London 1230w
Railways, Greater London 1232w
Veterinary services, Finance 626-8w
Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 590w
Linton, Martin
Chamber Debates
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse (06.12.2007) 1021
Middle East, Peace negotiations (28.11.2007) 296
Thameslink railway line 666-7
Liver diseases
Lloyd, Mr Tony
Chamber Debates
Middle East, Peace negotiations (28.11.2007) 294
Political parties, Finance (04.12.2007) 726-8
Children, Maintenance 1283w
Local government, Climate change 124
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn
Chamber Debates
Middle East, Peace negotiations (28.11.2007) 290-1
Prisons (28.11.2007) 384-5
Animal experiments, Licensing 633-4w
Home information packs 125-6
Local authorities
Local broadcasting
Local employment partnerships
Local government
Public participation 883w
Translation services 1165w
Local government executive
Local government finance
Ministerial statements (06.12.2007) 981-95
London Communications Agency
Thames Gateway Executive 151-2w
Lone parents
Social security benefits (28.11.2007) 88-95wh
Loughton, Tim
Child benefit, Personal records 583w
Children, Communication skills 377-9w
Children, Protection 376w
Hospitals, Admissions 1120w
KPMG, Dept for International Development 916-7w
Love, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Bangladesh (28.11.2007) 400
Housing and Regeneration Bill, 2R (27.11.2007) 158, 180, 239
Public service, Ethics (05.12.2007) 858
Arms length management organisations 139-40
Low incomes