Index for Volume 468continued
A Al Ap B Bi Bu By C Ce Ci Cr D Dh Dj Du E Ec Et F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu I Ir J Ju K Ki L Le Lu M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Or P Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Si Sn St Sw T Th Tu U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Mobile phone masts
Mobile phones
Moffat, Anne
Chamber Debates
Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill, Rep and 3R (03.12.2007) 608, 620
Electricity generation, Scotland 267
Moffatt, Laura
Bus services, Concessions 673
Housing, Low incomes 402w
Mole, Mr Chris
Chamber Debates
Child benefit, Personal records (28.11.2007) 312, 316, 319
Money laundering
Moon, Madeleine
Chamber Debates
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (04.12.2007) 776-8
Birds, Registration 31-2w
Carbon emissions, China 952
Furniture, Fire prevention 1331w
Moore, Mr Michael
Chamber Debates
Middle East, Peace negotiations (28.11.2007) 288
Balkans, Peacekeeping operations 1403-4w
Ballistic missile defence 1130w
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Politics and government 1294w
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sanctions 212w
China, EC external relations 342w
Data protection, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1427-8w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Sanctions 1132-3w
Fisheries, Subsidies 1094w
Ivory Coast, Sanctions 342w
North Korea, Sanctions 348w
Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 223-4w
Syrian Arab Republic, Sanctions 227w
Uganda, Human rights 228w
Moran, Margaret
Chamber Debates
Housing and Regeneration Bill, 2R (27.11.2007) 178, 228-32
Morden, Jessica
Bank services, Fees and charges 415
Community support officers 2-3
Revenue and Customs, Newport Gwent 582w
Morgan, Julie
Chamber Debates
Housing and Regeneration Bill, 2R (27.11.2007) 200-3
Voting Age (Reduction) Bill, 1R (05.12.2007) 855
Prisoners, Learning disability 486w
Morley, Mr Elliot
Chamber Debates
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (04.12.2007) 771-3, 779-81, 793
Moss, Mr Malcolm
Chamber Debates
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (04.12.2007) 773-6
Mother and baby units
Motor vehicles
Motorway service areas
Mountford, Kali
Chamber Debates
Child benefit, Personal records (28.11.2007) 302-3, 315-9
Vocational training (26.11.2007) 26
Wind power, Planning permission 274-5
Mousa, Baha
Moussawi, Ibrahim
Mudie, Mr George
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (06.12.2007) 993
Mulholland, Greg
Chamber Debates
Health and Social Care Bill, 2R (26.11.2007) 66-7, 80
Ballistic missile defence 820w
Child benefit, Personal records 534w
Mullin, Chris
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Defence 558
Recycling, Supermarkets 318-9w
Revenue and Customs, Sunderland 58w
Mundell, David
Elections, Scotland 265-6
Munn, Meg, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
British overseas territories, Nature conservation 212-3w, 1294-5w
Burma, Ethnic groups 1131w
Central Africa, Peacekeeping operations 1043-4w
Christmas, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1132w
Climate change, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1426-7w
Computers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1048w
Consultants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1427w
Correspondence, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 343w
Cuba, Politics and government 1295-6w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Politics and government 1296-7w
Diplomatic service, Children 1051w
Diplomatic service, Domestic service 219w
Disclosure of information, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 215-6w
Entry clearances, Complaints 1298w
Eritrea, Emigration 1428w
Flags, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 219w
Foreign workers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 343w
Gabon, Diplomatic service 1299w
Gough Island, Nature conservation 220w (10mc)
Group of Eight, HIV infection 1053w
Health insurance, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 343-4w
Human rights, UN resolutions 1430w
Illegal immigrants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1301w
Indian subcontinent, Nuclear disarmament 1301w
Information and communications technology, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 215w, 1050w
Kosovo, UN resolutions 1303w
Labour turnover, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1133w
Land, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1050-1w
Marketing, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 216-7w, 344w
Middle East, Armed conflict 1135-6w
Morocco, Entry clearances 1303w
Orders and regulations, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 344w
Overseas investment, Property 349w
Papua, Human rights 1135w
Postal services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1427w
Purchase of Wine Advisory Committee 1300-1w
Redundancy pay, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 224-5w
Secondment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 497w
Seychelles, Capital punishment 1304-5w
Somalia, Armed conflict 1060w
Sudan, Legal systems 1306w
Tibet, UN resolutions 700w
Tristan da Cunha, Rodents 220w
Uganda, Peace negotiations 1064w
Visits abroad, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1297w
Written questions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 218w
Zimbabwe, EU-Africa Lisbon Summit 1436w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 705w
Murphy, Mr Denis
Chamber Debates
Apprentices (29.11.2007) 471, 487
Murphy, Jim, Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Written Statements
EU General Affairs and External Relations Council 17-21ws, 84-6ws
Azerbaijan, Politics and government 211w
Belgium, Politics and government 212w
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Peacekeeping operations 1042-3w
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Politics and government 1293-4w
Bulgaria, Children in care 213-4w
Catering, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 215w
Central Africa, Peacekeeping operations 1044w
Cyprus, Armed forces 692w
Cyprus, Community relations 693w
Cyprus, Economic and monetary union 694w
Cyprus, Foreign relations 691w
Cyprus, Missing persons 696-7w
Cyprus, Telecommunications 1047w
Kosovo, Politics and government 1055w
Macedonia, Politics and government 1055w
Northern Cyprus, EC external trade 699-700w
Northern Cyprus, Economic situation 1057w
Northern Cyprus, Electricity 1057w
Northern Cyprus, Higher education 701-2w
Northern Cyprus, Islam 1057w
Northern Cyprus, Overseas trade 692w
Northern Cyprus, Property development 699w
Northern Cyprus, Smuggling 1058w
Official hospitality, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 216w
Recruitment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 217-8w
Russia, Human rights 1304w
Russia, Nuclear weapons 1059w
Somalia, Politics and government 225w
Sudan, Peace negotiations 226-7w
Turkey, EC enlargement 1064w
Zimbabwe, Overseas aid 230w
Murrison, Dr Andrew
Military aid, Emergencies 451-2w
Museums and galleries
Music Standards Fund