Index for Volume 471—continued

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Hague, Rt Hon William

                  Chamber Debates

    Treaty of Lisbon, Business motions (28.01.2008) 25, 58-75


    Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 759-60w

    Afghanistan, Prisons 760w

    Departmental reorganisation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1399w

    Foreign workers, Dept for International Development 751-2w

    Kosovo, Peacekeeping operations 766-7w

    Lebanon, Politics and government 223w

    Military attache«s 702w


    Crimes of violence 956

    Planning permission 1313w

Hall, Patrick


    Cancer, Health services 775

Hamilton, David

                  Chamber Debates

    Treaty of Lisbon, Business motions (28.01.2008) 50

Hammond, Mr Philip

                  Chamber Debates


    Child benefit, Personal records 1048w

    Marketing, Dept of Health 331-2w

    National identity register 386-7w

    National identity register, Treasury 1050w

    Procurement, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 894w

    Revenue and Customs, Higher civil servants 1057-8w

    Revenue and Customs, Recruitment 1058-9w

    Revenue and Customs, Visits abroad 1059-60w

Hammond, Stephen

                  Westminster Hall Debates



    Ministry of Defence 33-4w

    Waste disposal 90w

Hancock, Mr Mike


    Animal experiments, Cosmetics 376w

    Animal experiments, Licensing 91-2w

    Animal welfare, Jordan 666w

    Cabinet committees, Disclosure of information 246-7w

    Carbon emissions 73w

    Domestic wastes, Waste disposal 90w

    Floods, Housing 981w

    General practitioners, Portsmouth 1453w

    Genetically modified organisms, Crops 664w, 982w

    Hampshire, Ministry of Defence 33-4w

    Macular degeneration 1466w

    Offenders, Deportation 1220w

    Olympic Games 2012, Security 356w

    Railways, Birmingham 375w

    Rolling stock, South West Trains 542w, 789w

    South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust 351-2w

    Vietnam, Chemical weapons 753-4w

Hands, Greg

                  Chamber Debates

    Treaty of Lisbon, Business motions (28.01.2008) 36-7


    Civil servants, Codes of practice 247w

    Cyprus, Diplomatic relations 712w

    Energy, Conservation 1334w

    Heathrow Airport, Construction 197-8w

    Police stations, Greater London 813w

    Regional ministers, Greater London 1033w

Hanson, Rt Hon David, Minister of State, Ministry of Justice

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Bail accommodation and support service, Peterborough 294-5w, 940-1w

    Chelmsford Prison, Per capita costs 1435w

    Community orders 294w

    Departmental reorganisation, Ministry of Justice 939-40w

    Domestic violence, Sentencing 1428w

    Driving offences, Convictions 296-7w

    Driving offences, Sentencing 1116w

    Firearms, Sentencing 1195w

    Legal Aid Procurement Review, Public appointments 1434w

    Life imprisonment, Prisoners' release 487-8w

    National Offender Management Service, Finance 133w, 568-9w

    National Probation Service for England and Wales, Information and communications technology 299-300w

    National Probation Service for England and Wales, Pay 133w

    Offender Management Act 2007 133-4w

    Offenders, Databases 569w

    Open prisons, Prisoner escapes 1116-7w

    Open prisons, Prisoners' transfers 490w

    Prisoners' release, Foreigners 1433-4w

    Prisoners' transfers, Expenditure 571-2w

    Prisons, Management 166

    Prisons, Private sector 158

    Prisons, Standards 147w

    Probation, Information and communications technology 312w

    Probation, North East 159

    Regional offender managers, Property 147-8w

    Regional offender managers, Wales 1435-6w

    Reoffenders, Voluntary organisations 1186-7w

    Reparation by offenders 292w

    Secure training centres, Restraint techniques 148-50w

    Thorn Cross Young Offender Institution 1131-2w

    Young offender institutions, Crimes against property 1191-2w

    Young offender institutions, Standards 153w

    Young offenders, Custodial treatment 149-52w

    Young offenders, Sentencing 154w


Harman, Rt Hon Harriet, Leader of the House of Commons, Lord Privy Seal, Secretary of State for Equality and Minister for Women

                  Chamber Debates

    Business statements (29.01.2008) 167-8

    Conway, Derek, Members' suspension (31.01.2008) 481

                  Written Statements

    Prostitution, Human trafficking 11-2ws


    Females, Discrimination 1111-3

    Information officers, Leader of the House of Commons 401w

Harper, Mark

                  Chamber Debates

    Police, Finance (04.02.2008) 677

    Special Educational Needs (Information) Bill, 2R (01.02.2008) 577, 581, 589-91, 597


    Business questions 1139

    Community care, Finance 1064w

    Females, Discrimination 1112

    "Housing Statistics 2007" 438w

    Members, Correspondence 900w

    Olympic Games 2012 17

    Olympic Games 2012, Disabled 745-6w

    Palestinians, Overseas aid 303-4

    Parliamentary questions, Dept for Work and Pensions 1225w

    Political impartiality, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1340w

    Political impartiality, Dept for Transport 1013-4w

    Political impartiality, Home Office 1222w

    Public expenditure, Government Equalities Office 1295w

    Special educational needs 657-8

    Tourism, Finance 13-4

Harris, Dr Evan

                  Chamber Debates

    Electronic surveillance, Admissibility of evidence (06.02.2008) 969-70


    Complementary medicine 778

Harris, Mr Tom, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Transport

                  Chamber Debates

    Railways, Points of order (05.02.2008) 791

                  Westminster Hall Debates

                  Written Statements


    Abrahams, David 372w

    Birmingham New Street Station 369-70w

    Great Western Trains, Complaints 372-3w

    Railway stations, Disabled 1416w

    Railway stations, Greater London 789w

    Railways, Accidents 374w

    Railways, Birmingham 375w

    Railways, Repairs and maintenance 47w

    Railways, Standards 1011w

    Railways, Theft 375w

    Railways, West Yorkshire 1016w

    Railways, Yorkshire and the Humber 1406-7w

    Roads, Accidents 790w

    South West Trains, Rolling stock 542w, 789w

    Waterloo Station 372w

    West coast railway line 374w

Harvey, Nick


    Ambulance services, Devon 453-4w

    Armed forces, Children 31w

    Armed forces, Recruitment 1483w

    Army, Recruitment 965w

    Data protection, Ministry of Defence 184w

    Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, Finance 577w

    Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service, Pensions 577-8w

    Future large aircraft 703w

    House of Commons, Carbon emissions 1133w

    House of Commons, Catering 1-2w

    House of Commons, Information and communications technology 1w

    House of Commons, Information officers 749-50w

    House of Commons, Political impartiality 3w

    House of Commons, Repairs and maintenance 962-3w

    House of Commons, Travel 362w

    Iraq, Armed forces 39w

    Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 185w

    Local government, Devon 444w

    Members, Information and communications technology 181w, 1117-8

    Norman Shaw buildings 3w

    Olympic Games 2012, Aldershot 526w, 966w

    Renewable energy, Planning permission 1203w

    Welfare tax credits, Devon 680-1w

    Wind power, Planning permission 904-5w

    Wind power, Radar 904w


    Social security benefits 65-6w

Hayes, Mr John

                  Chamber Debates

    Police, Finance (04.02.2008) 708, 710


    Academies, School leaving 250-1w

    Aviation, Ministry of Defence 1486-7w

    EC action, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 516-7w

    EC internal trade 686w

    European Commission 54w

    European Union, Exhibitions 712-3w

    Flags, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 930w

    Food, EC action 705w

    Foreign relations 397w

    Higher education, Student numbers 930w

    Higher education, Student wastage 931w

    Investors in People, Finance 931w

    Offensive weapons 514w

    Olympic Games 2012, Consultants 356-7w

    Olympic Games 2012, Pay 357w

    Pay, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 16-8w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 202w

    Police, Industrial disputes 392w

    Recycling, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1328w

    Recycling, Dept for Work and Pensions 61w

    Recycling, Ministry of Justice 1427-8w

    Schools, Offensive weapons 1102w

    Schools, Work experience 280w

    Training, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 202w

    Vocational training 962w

    Vocational training, Cost effectiveness 518-9w

    Young people, EC action 929w

    Young people, Unemployment 978w

Hazardous substances

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