Index for Volume 471—continued

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Kaufman, Rt Hon Sir Gerald


    Palestinians, Overseas aid 299

Kawczynski, Daniel

                  Chamber Debates

    Treaty of Lisbon (05.02.2008) 799-802


    Local government finance, Shropshire 1316-8w

    Schools, Rural areas 316

    Shropshire, Ministry of Defence 803w

Keeble, Ms Sally

                  Chamber Debates

    Police (07.02.2008) 1150

    Treaty of Lisbon (29.01.2008) 183


    HIV infection, Overseas aid 304

    Maternity services 656w

    Olympic Games 2012, Northamptonshire 20

    Passports, Lost property 387w

Keeley, Barbara

                  Chamber Debates

    Special Educational Needs (Information) Bill, 2R (01.02.2008) 570-2

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Teenage pregnancy (29.01.2008) 25wh


    School leaving 639

    Sports, Females 3

Keen, Alan

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Maternity services (30.01.2008) 87-9wh

Keen, Ann, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Accident and emergency departments, Lancashire 593w

    Anaesthetics, Training 454w

    Antibiotics, Health education 870w

    Barking Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust, Crimes of violence 453w

    Barking Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust, General practitioners 462w

    Barking Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust, Magnetic resonance imagers 593w

    Cancer, Health education 455-6w

    Cancer, Palliative care 475-6w

    Cardiovascular system, Screening 872-3w

    Central Lancashire Primary Care Trust, Dental services 873w

    Clostridium, Yorkshire and the Humber 1465w

    Colorectal cancer, Screening 871w

    Community care, Medical equipment 1068w

    Community nurses, Car allowances 327-8w

    Community nurses, Easington 1450w

    Community nurses, Manpower 457-8w

    County Durham Primary Care Trust 1451-2w

    Cystic fibrosis 328w

    Dental services, Closures 637w

    Dental services, Colchester 639w

    Dental services, Pensions 640w

    Dental services, Staffordshire 639w

    Diabetes, Greater London 640-1w

    Doctors, Foreign workers 1243w

    Doctors, Greater London 466w

    Doctors, Manpower 332w

    Family nurse partnership programme, Nottingham 774

    Fluoride, Children 877w

    Fluoride, Drinking water 1452w

    Fractures, Health services 461w

    Gastrointestinal system, Cancer 871-2w

    Gastrointestinal system, Health services 877-8w

    General practitioners, Crimes of violence 1244-6w

    General practitioners, East Riding 462w

    General practitioners, Pay 334-6w

    General practitioners, Tamworth 641w

    General practitioners, Training 467w

    Gloucestershire Primary Care Trust, Palliative care 641-2w

    Health visitors, Urban areas 339w

    Macular degeneration 1466w

    Macular degeneration, Medical treatments 882-3w

    Magnetic resonance imagers 1254w

    Maternity services, Manpower 783-4

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 883-4w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Greater London 651-2w

    Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Finance 1467-8w

    Midwives, Recruitment 1063w

    Midwives, Training 345w

    Musculoskeletal disorders 468w

    Neurology, Manpower 1468w

    NHS, Car allowances 346w

    NHS, Working hours 470w

    North Cheshire Hospitals NHS Trust, Finance 1472-3w

    North West Health Brussels Office, Expenditure 1473w

    Patients, Safety 470w

    Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Midwives 1086-7w

    Primary care trusts, Public appointments 350w

    Queen's Hospital Romford, Consultants 472-3w

    Queen's Hospital Romford, Infectious diseases 657w

    Radiotherapy, Waiting lists 888w

    Recruitment, Dept of Health 459w

    Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust, Infectious diseases 1478w

    Transplant surgery, Death 888-9w

    Transplant surgery, Kidneys 659-60w

    Transplant surgery, Liver diseases 657w, 889w

    University Hospital of North Durham, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 467-8w

    York Hospitals NHS Trust, Manpower 660-2w

    York Hospitals NHS Trust, Waiting lists 661-2w

Kelly, Rt Hon Ruth, Secretary of State for Transport

                  Written Statements

    London Underground, Finance 74-6ws

Kemp, Fraser


    Carbon emissions, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 893w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 188w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for International Development 318w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Transport 196w

    Carbon emissions, Dept for Work and Pensions 857-8w

    Carbon emissions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 504w

    Carbon emissions, Ministry of Defence 796-7w

    Carbon emissions, Ministry of Justice 1423w

    Education maintenance allowance, Tyne and Wear 255w

    Floods, North East 77w

    Personal income, Tyne and Wear 123-4w

    Pre-school education, Tyne and Wear 272-4w

    Schools, Fire extinguishers 276w

    Tourism, North East 21-2w

Kennedy, Rt Hon Jane, Financial Secretary to the Treasury

                  Chamber Debates

                  Written Statements


    Adjudicator's Office, Operating costs 668w

    Capital gains tax, Second homes 288w

    Child benefit, Easington 401w

    Council tax, Valuation 671w

    Customs officers, Vacancies 671w

    Data protection, Treasury 122w

    Income tax, Tax rates and bands 291w

    Members, Correspondence 671w

    Multiple occupation, Licensing 124w

    Natural England, Databases 672w

    Northern Rock, Nationalisation 672w

    Pregnant women, Grants 339w

    Property, Data transmission 674w

    Revenue and Customs, Manpower 837-8w

    Revenue and Customs, Milton Keynes 734w

    Revenue and Customs, Telephone services 676w

    Revenue and Customs, Welshpool 676w

    Stamp duties, Care homes 288-9w

    Tax allowances, Gyms 678w

    Taxation, Married people 404w

    Taxation, Parking 669w

    Valuation Office, Geographical information systems 742w

    Valuation Office, Press 679w

    Valuation Office, Rightmove 680w

    Welfare tax credits, Correspondence 291w

    Welfare tax credits, Devon 680-1w

    Welfare tax credits, EC nationals 681w

    Welfare tax credits, Fraud 681w

    Welfare tax credits, Telephone services 681-4w


    Building schools for the future programme 911w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 776-7w

    Local government finance 840-1w


    Overseas residence 766w

Key, Mr Robert

                  Chamber Debates

    Police, Finance (04.02.2008) 680

    Wiltshire (Structural Change) Order (05.02.2008) 911, 915, 919-21


    Bombs, Treaties 769w

    Business questions 1129

    Chewing gum, Waste disposal 449

    English Heritage 189w

    House of Commons, Carbon emissions 1133w

    House of Commons, Catering 1-2w

    Tuvalu, Overseas aid 722w

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