Index for Volume 471—continued

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Meacher, Rt Hon Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Treaty of Lisbon (05.02.2008) 834-7


    Housing, OECD countries 689w

Meat Hygiene Service



Medical equipment

Medical treatments


    Information and communications technology 181w, 1117-8

    Rulings and statements (31.01.2008) 467, (04.02.2008) 659

Members' staff

Members' suspension

    Conway, Derek (31.01.2008) 481-90

Mental health

    Adult education 883w

Mental health services

Mentally ill

    Disability living allowance 859w

Mercer, Patrick

                  Chamber Debates

    Electronic surveillance, Admissibility of evidence (06.02.2008) 970

    Forces Widows' Pensions (Equality of Treatment) Bill, 2R adjourned (01.02.2008) 627-8

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Disclosure of information, Ministry of Defence (29.01.2008) 64-6wh


    Armed forces, Manpower 365w

    Freedom of information, Ministry of Defence 966w


Merron, Gillian, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for International Development


    Advertising, Dept for International Development 1168w

    Developing countries, Maternity services 1169w

    Developing countries, Primary education 721-2w

    Ethiopia, Foreign exchange 721w

    Ghana, Foreign exchange 721w

    HIV infection, International assistance 664w

    Intimidation, Dept for International Development 1379w

    Mozambique, Foreign exchange 722w

    Sexual harassment, Dept for International Development 1381w

    Sierra Leone, International assistance 1092w

    South Africa, HIV infection 1093w

    Sudan, Overseas aid 667w

    Uganda, Foreign exchange 723-4w

Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive


Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus

    University Hospital of North Durham 467-8w


Metropolitan Police

    Victim support schemes 825w

Michael, Rt Hon Alun

                  Chamber Debates

    Police (07.02.2008) 1146



Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Middle East


    Pre-school education 658



    Peterborough and Stamford Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust 1086-7w

Milburn, Rt Hon Alan


Miliband, Rt Hon David, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs


    Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 759-60w

    Afghanistan, Prisons 760w

    Departmental reorganisation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1399w

    Kosovo, Peacekeeping operations 766-7w

    Lebanon, Politics and government 223w

Miliband, Edward, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster


    Duchy of Lancaster Benevolent Fund 948

    Government departments, Publicity 939-40

    Honours, Criminal investigation 248-9w

    Manpower, Cabinet Office 58w

    Voluntary organisations, Social policy 946-7, 1206w

Military afloat reach and sustainability programme

Military aircraft

Military attache«s

Military bases

Miller, Mr Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Treaty of Lisbon, Business motions (28.01.2008) 99-104


    Government departments, Data protection 942

    Museums and galleries, Children 9

Miller, Maria

                  Chamber Debates

    Special Educational Needs (Information) Bill, 2R (01.02.2008) 575, 597-606

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Teenage pregnancy (29.01.2008) 39-41wh


    Regional planning and development, Finance 588w

    Special educational needs 907-8w

    Sure start programme, Manpower 283-4w

Milton, Anne

                  Chamber Debates

    Police, Finance (04.02.2008) 687

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Christmas, Dept for Communities and Local Government 839w

    Christmas, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1300w

    Christmas, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 704w

    Christmas, Dept for Transport 536w

    Christmas, Dept for Work and Pensions 855-6w

    Christmas, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 397w

    Christmas, Ministry of Justice 723w

    Community nurses, Manpower 457-8w

    Contracts, Dept of Health 1073w

    General practitioners, Training 467w

    Hospital wards, Gender 1076w

    Hospitals, Cleaning services 879-80w

    Incapacity benefit, Appeals 298w

    Patients, Telephones 1458w

    Post offices, Closures 105w

Milton Keynes

    Revenue and Customs 734w

Milton Keynes Partnership

Minimum wage

Minister for the Olympics and for London

    Information and communications technology 519w

    Trade unions 5w

Minister for the West Midlands

    Departmental responsibilities 850-1w

Ministerial changes

Ministerial corrections

Ministerial duties

Ministerial policy advisors

    Dept for Work and Pensions 1344w

    Leader of the House of Commons 1144w

    Ministry of Justice 1181w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1297w

Ministerial statements

    Electronic surveillance (06.02.2008) 959-71

    Khan, Sadiq (04.02.2008) 660-70


    Official residences 672w

Ministry of Defence

    Accountancy 33w

    Animal experiments 70ws

    Disclosure of information (29.01.2008) 60-6wh

    Freedom of information 966w

    Information and communications technology 35w

    Mobile phones 37w

    National security 801w

    Official engagements 525w

    Official secrets 35w

    Personal records 523w

    Road traffic offences 802w

    Telephone services 37w

Ministry of Defence Police and Guarding Agency

Ministry of Justice

    Accountancy 296w

    Cabinet committees 128w

    Fair trade initiative 1429w

    Freedom of information 1181w

    Information and communications technology 1423-4w

    Ministerial policy advisors 1181w

    Telephone services 128w



Mitchell, Mr Andrew


    Departmental responsibilities, Minister for the West Midlands 850-1w

    Developing countries, Malnutrition 322-3w

    Dieticians, Dept for International Development 323w

    HIV infection, Overseas aid 304-5

    Mobile phones, Health hazards 332-3w

    Official engagements, Minister for the West Midlands 850-1w

    Press releases, Minister for the West Midlands 853w

Mitchell, Mr Austin

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Housing, Standards (05.02.2008) 169-73wh


    Bail accommodation and support service 1119-20w

    Banks, Accountancy 685w

    Company liquidations 203w

    Council housing, Finance 582-3w

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