B Bu By C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dj Du E Ea Ec Em Er Ex F Fl Fr G Gh Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J Jo K Kh Ko L Le Li Lu M Ma Ma Me Mi Mo Mu N Ni Nu O Ob 1 O P Pe Ph Pn Pr Ps Q R Re Ri Ru S Se Si Sn Sr Su Sw T Te Th To Tu Ty U V Vo W We Wo Wy Y Z
Buck, Ms Karen
Westminster Hall Debates
Council housing, Evictions 36-7w
Energy, Conservation 628w
Housing, Health hazards 637w
Housing, Overcrowding 37-8w
Housing benefit, Greater London 1015-8w
Rented housing, Private sector 35w
Second homes, Tax allowances 370w
Sports, Greater London 336w
Temporary accommodation 54w
Transport, Sustainable development 1582-3
Bucklow of Carlisle Committee
see Business Appointments Advisory Committee
Building alterations
Planning permission 2501w
Building schools for the future programme
Dept for Communities and Local Government 2774w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1857w
Dept for Work and Pensions 2413w
Disability and Carers Service 2422w
Revenue and Customs 1240w
Bull bars
Bullingdon Prison
Burden, Richard
Chamber Debates
Treaty of Lisbon (25.02.2008) 786
Westminster Hall Debates
Middle East, Peace negotiations (26.02.2008) 243wh
Afghanistan, Politics and government 135
Burglar alarms
Burgon, Colin
Chamber Debates
Treaty of Lisbon (25.02.2008) 809-12
Westminster Hall Debates
Working Neighbourhoods Fund, Leeds (20.02.2008) 73wh, 83-4wh
Bolivia, Overseas aid 1914w
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 2349w
EC external relations 1362w
Sequestration of assets 1364w
Burnham, Rt Hon Andy, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport
Chamber Debates
Written Statements
Supply estimates, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 15-6ws
Annual reports, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 714-5w
Digital broadcasting 322w
Digital broadcasting, Hearing impaired 324w
Digital switchover help scheme, Copeland 322-3w
Digital UK, Advertising 324w
Digital UK, Cost effectiveness 321-2w
Members, Correspondence 328w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 620w
Olympic Games 2012, Ethics 2126w
Sports, Young people 336w
Television, Disability aids 337w
Burns, Mr Simon
Chamber Debates
European Union (Amendment) Bill, Com (04.03.2008) 1691, (05.03.2008) 1834
International Women's Day (06.03.2008) 1987
Treaty of Lisbon (20.02.2008) 397-9
Christmas, Dept for Work and Pensions 229w
Christmas, Ministry of Defence 90w
Christmas, Prime Minister 126w
Schools, Chelmsford 2161w
Burrowes, David
Chamber Debates
British Board of Film Classification (Accountability to Parliament and Appeals) Bill, 2R adjourned (29.02.2008) 1389, 1393, 1396
Immigration (20.02.2008) 363
Prisoners, Telephone tapping 2200w
Prisons, Health services 291-2w
Burstow, Mr Paul
Accident and emergency departments 1060w
Incontinence, Medical equipment 810-1w
Burt, Alistair
Chamber Debates
European Union (Amendment) Bill, Com (03.03.2008) 1521
International Women's Day (06.03.2008) 1993-7
Westminster Hall Debates
Police, Cambridgeshire (20.02.2008) 111-3wh
Regional planning and development, Thames Gateway 900-1
Yarl's Wood Detention Centre, Fires 1273w
Burt, Lorely
Chamber Debates
Private Equity (Transfer of Undertakings and Protection of Employment) Bill, 2R withdrawn (07.03.2008) 2034, 2036, 2049, 2058-61
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill, 2R (22.02.2008) 683-5
Westminster Hall Debates
Burton Independent Sector Treatment Centre
Bus services
Community development 693w
Business Appointments Advisory Committee
Business interests
Ministerial policy advisors 119w
Business motions
Treaty of Lisbon (20.02.2008) 368, (25.02.2008) 766, (26.02.2008) 922, (27.02.2008) 1096, (03.03.2008) 1454-71
Business resource efficiency and waste programme
Business Services Authority
see NHS Business Services Authority
Business statements
Butterfill, Sir John
Chamber Debates
Social security benefits uprating and guaranteed minimum pensions orders (21.02.2008) 589, 619