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Dhanda, Parmjit, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Communities and Local Government
Westminster Hall Debates
Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service (04.03.2008) 417-20wh
Adult education, Elderly 1408w
Buildings, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2774w
Carbon emissions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 12w
Central Manchester Development Corporation, Archives 900w
Community development, Expenditure 1409w
Community relations, Religion 2773w
Databases, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1594w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2775w
Domestic wastes, Waste disposal 1595w
Drinking water, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2780w
Employment agencies, Dept for Communities and Local Government 16w
Equality, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2774-5w
Eurostar, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2137w
Fair trade initiative, Dept for Communities and Local Government 17w, 1596w
Fire prevention, Cheshire 901-2w
Fire services, Cost effectiveness 19-20w
Fire services, Information and communications technology 22w
Fire services, Recruitment 2473w
Freedom of information, Dept for Communities and Local Government 12-3w
Geographical information systems 1411w
Government Office for London, Finance 390-1w
Government offices for the regions, Manpower 1223w
Government offices for the regions, Operating costs 1413-4w
Greater London, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2777-8w
Homeworking, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2134-5w
Honours, Dept for Communities and Local Government 905w
Housing associations, Pay 893-4
Information and communications technology, Dept for Communities and Local Government 13-4w
Information officers, Dept for Communities and Local Government 14w
Institute of Community Cohesion, Finance 2138w
Internet, Dept for Communities and Local Government 49w, 2773w
Intimidation, Dept for Communities and Local Government 40w
Licensed premises, Dept for Communities and Local Government 42w
Local authorities, Catering 2777w
Local authorities, Vehicles 1226w
Local government, Complaints 2779w
Local government, Contracts 2773w
Local government, Equal opportunities 899-900w
Local government, Property 1603w
Manpower, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2135w
Manpower, Minister for the West Midlands 1423w
Marketing, Dept for Communities and Local Government 14w, 2773-4w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Communities and Local Government 14w
Motor vehicles, Dept for Communities and Local Government 15w, 2135-6w
National Community Forum, Finance 2780-1w
National identity, Festivals and special occasions 899
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2140w
Non-profit making associations, Dept for Communities and Local Government 48w
Official engagements, Minister for the Olympics and for London 2780w
Official engagements, Minister for the South West 1423-4w, 1605w
Official engagements, Minister for the West Midlands 46-7w, 50w, 1424w
Official hospitality, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1594-5w
Official residences, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1410w
Olympic Games 2012, Essex 1227w
Political impartiality, Dept for Communities and Local Government 48w
Preventing Violent Extremism Pathfinder Fund 48-9w
Private finance initiative, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2470w
Property, Data transmission 49w
Property, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1410-2w
Property development, Peterborough 1600w
Public participation, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1227-8w, 2136w
Public relations, Dept for Communities and Local Government 14-5w
Publications, Dept for Communities and Local Government 626w
Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Government departments 2479-80w
Recruitment, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2774w
Regional ministers, Finance 1425w
Regional ministers, Manpower 2140-2w
Regional planning and development, East Midlands 51-2w
Regional planning and development, South East 1426-7w
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 911w
Sexual harassment, Dept for Communities and Local Government 52w
Sick pay, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2774w
Standards, Deputy Prime Minister 1603-4w
Sunbeds, Greater London 1606w
Television, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2782w
Temporary employment, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2135w
Travel, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2135w
Tree preservation orders 1408w
Waste disposal, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2774w
Written questions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1596w
Diego Garcia
Dietary supplements
Digital broadcasting
Digital switchover help scheme
Digital UK
Digital versatile disks
Diplomatic service
Director of Public Prosecutions
see Crown Prosecution Service
Disability aids
Disability and Carers Service
Disability living allowance
Dept for Children Schools and Families 1687w
Social security benefits 253-4w
Disabled facilities grants
Newcastle upon Tyne 1220w
Building schools for the future programme 2861w
Local government finance 1999w
National curriculum tests 499w
Disciplinary proceedings
Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 2654w
Dept for Children Schools and Families 2446w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1176w
Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 1295w, 1645w
Dept for International Development 1914-5w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2021w
Disclosure of information
Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 717w
Insurance companies 2185w
Regional arts councils 1001w
Disease control
Child Support Agency 745w
Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 1646w
Dismore, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Health and Social Care Bill, Rep and 3R (18.02.2008) 44-51, 61-3
Leasehold Reform Bill, 2R adjourned (22.02.2008) 725-6, 732
Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in force of sections 1 to 9) Order (21.02.2008) 575-9
Rendition (21.02.2008) 553
Temporary and Agency Workers (Equal Treatment) Bill, 2R (22.02.2008) 721
Fire services, Expenditure 18-9w
Metropolitan Police, Railways 2680w
Middle East, Armed conflict 2787-9w
Winter fuel payments, Hendon 1796w