Index for Volume 472—continued

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Meacher, Rt Hon Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Treaty of Lisbon (27.02.2008) 1135-8


    Borders, Personal records 2088w

    Coal fired power stations, Kingsnorth 1033w

Means tested benefits



Meat Hygiene Service

Meat products


    Northern Ireland Prison Service 1576w

Medical certificates

Medical equipment

Medical examinations

Medical records

Medical treatments

Medical treatments abroad



    Criminal investigation 1376w

    Electronic surveillance (21.02.2008) 536-46

    Rulings and statements (26.02.2008) 923-5

    Telephone tapping 762

Members' interests

    Parliamentary questions 740w

Members' suspension

    Davey, Edward (26.02.2008) 923-5

Mental health services

    Restraint techniques 961w

Mentally ill

    Disability living allowance 1787w

Mentally incapacitated

Mercer, Patrick

                  Chamber Debates

    Prevention of Terrorism Act 2005 (Continuance in force of sections 1 to 9) Order (21.02.2008) 573, 579-81, 583

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 2546-7w

    Armed forces, Health services 1440

    Armed forces, Housing 890w

    Armed forces, Manpower 78w

    Freedom of information, Ministry of Defence 94w

Merron, Gillian, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for International Development

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Developing countries, Oil (20.02.2008) 94-8wh


    Africa, HIV infection 1005w

    Chad, Internally displaced persons 2077w

    Developing countries, Clinical trials 1427-9w

    Developing countries, Disease control 2077-8w

    Developing countries, Family planning 1429-30w

    Developing countries, Infant mortality 2078w

    Disciplinary proceedings, Dept for International Development 1914-5w

    Equality, Dept for International Development 2249-50w

    Ethiopia, Overseas aid 7w

    Eurostar, Dept for International Development 2029-30w

    Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria 1430w

    Homeworking, Dept for International Development 2576-7w

    Honours, Dept for International Development 1144w

    Manpower, Dept for International Development 1427w

    Mozambique, Foreign exchange 2875-6w

    Official hospitality, Dept for International Development 1427-8w

    Older workers, Dept for International Development 2577w

    Pay, Dept for International Development 2685-6w

    Press, Dept for International Development 2078w

    Property, Dept for International Development 2029w

    Retirement, Dept for International Development 1428w

    Senegal, Mauritania 1144w

    Sick pay, Dept for International Development 1428w

    Sierra Leone, Economic situation 2079w

    Sudan, Politics and government 2252w

    Temporary employment, Dept for International Development 1428w

    Travel, Dept for International Development 2029-30w

    Uganda, Foreign exchange 2876w

    UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 2079w

Merseyside Police




Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus


Metropolitan Police

Metropolitan Police Art and Antiques Unit

Metropolitan Police Authority

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