Index for Volume 473—continued

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Sick leave

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 319w

    Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 418w

    Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 849w

    Dept for International Development 821w

Sick pay

    Dept for Children Schools and Families 405-6w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 641w

Side effects

Sight impaired

Simmonds, Mr Mark


    Cardiovascular system, Screening 258-9w

    General practitioners, Working hours 741

    Genetics, Insurance 84w

    Health services, Voluntary organisations 669w

Simon, Mr Sion


Simpson, Mr Alan

                  Chamber Debates

    Post offices, Closures (19.03.2008) 1012

Simpson, David

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Revenue and Customs, Northern Ireland (12.03.2008) 76wh, 85wh


    Corporate hospitality, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 1017w

    Health professions, Manpower 84-92w

    Homeworking, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 485w

    Homeworking, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 219-20w

    Homeworking, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 842w

    Homeworking, Dept for Work and Pensions 1059w

    Homeworking, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 326w

    Homeworking, Solicitor-General 201-2w

    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus, Death 94-5w

    Official visits, Cabinet Office 589w

    Official visits, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1223w

    Official visits, Dept for Communities and Local Government 695w

    Official visits, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 543-4w

    Official visits, Dept for International Development 819w

    Official visits, Dept for Transport 1378-9w

    Official visits, Ministry of Defence 711w

    Official visits, Ministry of Justice 672w

    Official visits, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 816w

    Older workers, Cabinet Office 589w

    Older workers, Dept for Children Schools and Families 405w

    Older workers, Dept for Communities and Local Government 55w

    Older workers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 138w

    Older workers, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 110w

    Older workers, Dept for Work and Pensions 825w

    Older workers, Dept of Health 737-8w

    Older workers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 101w

    Older workers, Government Equalities Office 523w

    Older workers, Ministry of Justice 153w

    Older workers, Northern Ireland Office 199w

    Older workers, Scotland Office 957w

    Older workers, Solicitor-General 202w

    Older workers, Training 981w

    Pensions, Cabinet Office 589w

    Pensions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1367w

    Pensions, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 544w

    Pensions, Dept for Transport 1112-3w

    Pensions, Dept for Work and Pensions 1060w

    Pensions, Leader of the House of Commons 523w

    Pensions, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 816w

    Pensions, Prime Minister 539w

    Pensions, Scotland Office 1110w

    Pensions, Treasury 718w

    Pupil exclusions, Alcoholic drinks 1155-6w

    Pupil exclusions, Offensive weapons 1155-6w

    Sexual offences, Northern Ireland 389-90w

Simpson, Mr Keith

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Roads, Norfolk (12.03.2008) 110wh


    Afghanistan, Detainees 858w

    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1034w

    Afghanistan, Politics and government 1034w

    Afghanistan, United Nations 858w

    Burma, Sanctions 637w

    National security, Dept for Communities and Local Government 63w

    Somalia, Peacekeeping operations 333w

    Sudan, Arms trade 334w

    Sudan, Peace negotiations 107w

    Zimbabwe, EC external relations 335w

    Zimbabwe, Politics and government 336w

    Zimbabwe, Sanctions 336w

Singh, Mr Marsha


    Business questions 1093

Single parents

    see Lone parents

Sites of special scientific interest

Skin piercing

Skinner, Mr Dennis


Sleep apnoea

Small businesses

Smith, Rt Hon Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2008 (12.03.2008) 321

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Developing countries, Water (19.03.2008) 259-61wh

    Disabled, Poverty (11.03.2008) 2wh


    Great Western Trains, Standards 8w

    Jobseeker's allowance 1398w

    Planning Inspectorate 1213w

Smith, Angela C (Sheffield Hillsborough)

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Transport, Yorkshire and the Humber (11.03.2008) 26-7wh, 30wh

    Woodhead railway line (11.03.2008) 62-6wh

Smith, Geraldine

                  Chamber Debates

    European Union (Amendment) Bill, 3R (11.03.2008) 154, 172

    Post offices, Closures (19.03.2008) 976, 1012-3


    Council tax, Tax collection 1195-6w

    Council tax, Tax yields 1196w

    Dental services, Morecambe 737-8w

    Disadvantaged, Rural areas 906

    Extended schools, Morecambe 1067w

    Foreign workers, Lancashire 119-20w

    General practitioners, Lancashire 756-7w

    HIV infection, Morecambe 1314w

    Home information packs 1199w

    Lancashire Constabulary 804-5w

    Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Manpower 528w

    Mental health services, Morecambe 1316w

    Mozambique, Overseas aid 822-3w

    Noise, Pollution control 225-6w

    North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust, Standards 1003w

    Overseas aid, Cost effectiveness 1181w

    Post offices, Closures 29w

    Post offices, Lancashire 1228w

    Public transport, Morecambe 446w

    Road traffic, Lancashire 839w

    Roads, Accidents 692w

    Smoking, Public houses 279w

    Temporary employment, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1224w

    VAT, Tax yields 721w

    Welfare tax credits, Morecambe 132w

    Welfare tax credits, Overpayments 132w

    West coast railway line 1389w

    Winter fuel payments, Morecambe 834w

    Working tax credit, Morecambe 538-9w

Smith, Rt Hon Jacqui, Secretary of State for the Home Dept

                  Chamber Debates

    Ministerial statement intervention (19.03.2008) 930

                  Written Statements


    Accountancy, Home Office 926w

    Alcohol disorder zones 1270w

    Alcoholic drinks, Public places 1273-5w

    Alcoholic drinks, Young people 71w

    Cannabis, Misuse 927w

    Crime, Rural areas 928w

    Disciplinary proceedings, Home Office 929w

    Firearms, Licensing 1276w

    Human trafficking, Children 930w

    National security 410w

    Offences against children, Reoffenders 77w

    Police, Recruitment 77w

    Proceeds of crime 357w

    Public relations, Home Office 929-30w

    Serious Organised Crime Agency 357w

    Terrorism, Finance 934w

    Terrorism, Stop and search 78w

Smith, Mr John

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Nursing and Midwifery Council (11.03.2008) 47wh


    Armed forces, Post traumatic stress disorder 1038w

Smith, Sir Robert

                  Chamber Debates

    Budget March 2008 (12.03.2008) 309

    Post offices, Closures (19.03.2008) 947


    Macular degeneration 550w


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