Index for Volume 474—continued

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Bedfordshire (Structural Changes) Order 2008

                  Chamber Debates

    (26.03.2008) 293



Begg, Miss Anne

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Devolution, Scotland (02.04.2008) 278-82wh


    Carers' benefits 414

    Employment and support allowance 424

    Heathrow Airport 433

Beith, Rt Hon A J

                  Chamber Debates

    British constitution (25.03.2008) 29-30

    Bus services, Concessions (25.03.2008) 139, 157


    Wind power, Northumberland 401w


    Olympic Games 2012 485w


Bell, Sir Stuart, Second Church Estates Commissioner

                  Chamber Debates

    Finance Bill, 2R (21.04.2008) 1101-4

    Financial markets (21.04.2008) 1056

Bellingham, Mr Henry

                  Chamber Debates

    Council tax (27.03.2008) 346-7

    Counter-Terrorism Bill, 2R (01.04.2008) 663

    Local Transport Bill (HL), 2R (26.03.2008) 194

    Oral question time intervention (03.04.2008) 920

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Compensation, Personal injury 2026w

    Construction, Ministerial duties 904

    Feltham Young Offender Institution and Remand Centre 1865-6w

    Legal Services Commission, Fees and charges 229w

    Local government, East of England 821w

    Local government, Reorganisation 623

    National Offender Management Service, Standards 229-30w

    Northern Ireland government 142w

    Prison Service, Public appointments 230w

    Surgery, Private sector 1815w

Bellwin scheme

Benn, Rt Hon Hilary, Secretary of State for Environment Food and Rural Affairs

                  Written Statements

    Carbon reduction commitment 15-6ws

    Marine Bill (Draft) 72ws

Benyon, Richard

                  Chamber Debates

    Zimbabwe, Elections (02.04.2008) 782-3

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Immigration controls, Publicity 424w

    Waste disposal, Berkshire 626


Bercow, Mr John

                  Chamber Debates

    Finance Bill, 2R (21.04.2008) 1068

    Ministerial statement intervention (25.03.2008) 23

    Zimbabwe, Points of order (21.04.2008) 1063

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Burma, Overseas aid 1420w

    Children, Poverty 412

    Developing countries, Transport 2217w

    Overseas aid, Departmental coordination 1228-9w

    Public expenditure, Dept for International Development 1229w

    Research, Dept for International Development 2215-6w

    Standards, Dept for International Development 1229-30w

Beresford, Sir Paul


    Fire prevention, Construction methods 309w

    Fire prevention, Hospitals 20-1w

    Fire prevention, Schools 816w

    Fluoride, Drinking water 184


    Waste disposal 626


Berry, Mr Roger

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Export credit guarantees, Saudi Arabia 1072w

Better Dispute Resolution Review


Betting shops

Betts, Mr Clive

                  Chamber Debates


    Business questions 1470

    Fire prevention, Public buildings 395w

    Leisure, Private finance initiative 666w

    National Lottery 903w


    Adult learning grant 1589w

    Extracurricular activities 1583w




Binley, Brian

                  Chamber Debates

    British constitution (25.03.2008) 36


    Small businesses, Regulation 909





Blackman-Woods, Roberta

                  Chamber Debates

    Housing and Regeneration Bill, Ways and means res, Rep and 3R (31.03.2008) 520, 568


    Particle accelerators, Research 595w

    United Nations, Equality 35w

Blears, Rt Hon Hazel, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government

                  Written Statements

    Regeneration, Greater Manchester 1-2ws


    Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Communities and Local Government 621

    Greater London Authority 824w

    Local area agreements 623

    Local government, Elections 621

    Local government finance, Basildon 621-2

    Post offices, Closures 626

    Quarrying, Peak District National Park 624-5

    Regional ministers, Official engagements 398-401w

    Waste disposal, Berkshire 626


    see Sight impaired


Blood transfusion services

Blood transfusions

Bluetongue disease

Blunkett, Rt Hon David

                  Chamber Debates

    Counter-Terrorism Bill, 2R (01.04.2008) 654

Blunt, Mr Crispin

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq, Peacekeeping operations (01.04.2008) 642


    Afghanistan, Politics and government 2319-20w

    Business questions 924

    Iraq, Reconstruction 2-3

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