Index for Volume 474continued
A Al Am As B Be Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Cr Cy D De Dh Dj Du E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J Ju K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Ma Me Mo My N Nu O Oi P Ph Po Pr Ps Q R Re Ri Ru Ry S Se Si Sn Sq Su Sy T Th To Tu U V Vo W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Buck, Ms Karen
Chamber Debates
Post offices, Petitions (01.04.2008) 737-8
Westminster Hall Debates
Jobseeker's allowance 2007w
Jobseeker's allowance, Lone parents 548-9w
Adult learning grant 1589w
Bucklow of Carlisle Committee
see Business Appointments Advisory Committee
Building regulations
Public participation 2103w
Building schools for the future programme
Regional development agencies 1771w
Burden, Richard
High court, Birmingham 2367w
Middle East, Armed conflict 5-6
Burgon, Colin
Cuba, Foreign relations 16-7
Burke, Michael
Burnham, Rt Hon Andy, Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport
Written Statements
Heritage Protection Bill (Draft) 57-9ws
Broadcasting, Standards 2047w
Broadcasting programmes, Children 2314w
Conference centres, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 799w
Digital broadcasting, North East 799-800w
Digital broadcasting, Radio 1746w
Digital switchover help scheme, Sight impaired 338-9w
Digital switchover help scheme, Swansea 338w
European Broadcasting Union, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 339w
Journalism, Standards 2050w
Office of Communications, Finance 1749-50w
Olympic Games, China 540w
Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1738w, 1959-60w
Television, Licensing 1753w
Burns, Mr Simon
Chamber Debates
Bus services, Concessions (25.03.2008) 137, 155-6
Counter-Terrorism Bill, 2R (01.04.2008) 647
Food Products (Marketing to Children) Bill, 2R adjourned (25.04.2008) 1585, 1608, 1618
Iraq conflict (25.03.2008) 46, 52
Westminster Hall Debates
Chemists' shops, Chelmsford (02.04.2008) 297-301wh
Chelmsford-Liverpool Street railway line 1890w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Work and Pensions 420
Official engagements, Minister for the East of England 715w, 1408w
World War II, Medals 1375w
Burrowes, David
Chamber Debates
Counter-Terrorism Bill, 2R (01.04.2008) 648, 670
Crime, Greater London (23.04.2008) 1377
Police, Greater London (27.03.2008) 361, 367
Pre-school education, Petitions (21.04.2008) 1159
Cyprus, Politics and government 20
Young offenders, Custodial treatment 2379-80w
Young offenders, Greater London 2380-2w
Burstow, Mr Paul
Westminster Hall Debates
Antisocial behaviour orders 2147w
Burt, Alistair
Chamber Debates
Economic situation (02.04.2008) 792, 808
Housing and Regeneration Bill, Ways and means res, Rep and 3R (31.03.2008) 491, 493, 508-9
Burt, Lorely
Westminster Hall Debates
Regional planning and development, West Midlands (23.04.2008) 449wh
Small businesses, Regulation 909
Burton Independent Sector Treatment Centre
Bus lanes
Bus services
Business Appointments Advisory Committee
Business motions
(26.03.2008) 294, (01.04.2008) 737
Business questions
Business Services Authority
see NHS Business Services Authority
Business statements
Butler, Dawn
Chamber Debates
Crime, Greater London (23.04.2008) 1380, 1390
Bus services, Concessions 1305-6
St George's Day, Dept for Communities and Local Government 395w
Butterfill, Sir John
Chamber Debates
Members' staff, Families (27.03.2008) 385
Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund (27.03.2008) 379