Index for Volume 474continued
A Al Am As B Be Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Cr Cy D De Dh Dj Du E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J Ju K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Ma Me Mo My N Nu O Oi P Ph Po Pr Ps Q R Re Ri Ru Ry S Se Si Sn Sq Su Sy T Th To Tu U V Vo W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Dalai lama
Dance Review
Dangerous Dogs Act 1991
Daresbury Laboratory
Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Chancellor of the Exchequer
Chamber Debates
Written Statements
EU Economic and Financial Affairs Council 65-6ws, 117ws
Northern Rock, Nationalisation 27-8ws
Debts, Developing countries 1460
Departmental responsibilities, Treasury 1456-7
Excise duties, Alcoholic drinks 1457-8
Northern Rock, Nationalisation 1449-51
Dartford-Thurrock Crossing
Data protection
Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 75w
Dept for Children Schools and Families 105w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 1251w, 1391w
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 120-1w
Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1601w
Criminal Records Bureau 70w
Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 448-50w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1044w
Minister for the Olympics and for London 1378w
Davey, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
Post offices, Petitions (03.04.2008) 1020
Zimbabwe, Elections (02.04.2008) 773-4
Afghanistan, Drugs 1215-6w (479 9-10mc)
Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in Business 1709-10w
Diego Garcia, Armed forces 1211w
Housing revenue accounts 765-6
Sudan, Peace negotiations 1723w
Sudan, Peacekeeping operations 1723-5w
Zimbabwe, Elections 1727w
Davidson, Mr Ian
Electricity generation, Scotland 1299
Davies, Dai
Chamber Debates
Recess motions (03.04.2008) 997-9
Building schools for the future programme 1528w
Capita, Cabinet Office 1957w
Centre for Alternative Technology 1975-6w
Climate change, Research 1357w
Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, Finance 1075w
International Atomic Energy Agency 1078w
International Criminal Court Act 2001 988w
Local government, Freedom of information 2305-6w
National Assembly for Wales, Legislative competence 385w
Northern Rock, Freedom of information 1341w
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority 287w
Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 2197w
Nuclear power stations 1766w
Nuclear power stations, Consultants 330w
Nuclear power stations, Job creation 1766-7w
Nuclear power stations, Safety 1767w
Nuclear power stations, Security 330w
Remploy, Company cars 2092w
Renewable transport fuel obligation 1371w
UN Peacebuilding Commission 1057-8w
Davies, David TC
Chamber Debates
Counter-Terrorism Bill, 2R (01.04.2008) 699
Alliance Boots, Dept of Health 1774w
Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry, Dept of Health 1774-5w
Byotrol, Dept of Health 1775w
Children in care, Missing persons 2027-8w
Community policing, Wales 758
Discrimination, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1980w
Discrimination, Dept for Children Schools and Families 107-8w
Discrimination, Dept for Communities and Local Government 394w
Discrimination, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1909w
Discrimination, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1605-6w
Discrimination, Dept for Transport 374-5w
Discrimination, Dept for Work and Pensions 1835w
Discrimination, Ministry of Defence 67w
Discrimination, Northern Ireland Office 362-3w
JP Morgan, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1981w
JP Morgan, Dept for Children Schools and Families 1550w
JP Morgan, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1406w
JP Morgan, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1749w
JP Morgan, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2060w
JP Morgan, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1622w
JP Morgan, Dept for Transport 1444w
JP Morgan, Dept of Health 1989w
JP Morgan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2323w
JP Morgan, Ministry of Defence 2071-2w
JP Morgan, Ministry of Justice 2025-6w
JP Morgan, Northern Ireland Office 1386w
JP Morgan, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1348w
JP Morgan, Scotland Office 1932w
Lloyds Pharmacy, Dept of Health 1800w
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1982w
National Assembly for Wales, Members 907w
Written questions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2253w
Zurich Financial Services, Cabinet Office 1706w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for Children Schools and Families 1581w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1415w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1754w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2061w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1636w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for International Development 1427w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for Transport 1452w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept for Work and Pensions 1859w
Zurich Financial Services, Dept of Health 2001w
Zurich Financial Services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2326w
Zurich Financial Services, Home Office 2162-4w
Zurich Financial Services, Ministry of Defence 2072w
Zurich Financial Services, Ministry of Justice 2025-6w
Zurich Financial Services, Northern Ireland Office 1388w
Zurich Financial Services, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1348w
Zurich Financial Services, Scotland Office 1933w
Davies, Philip
Chamber Debates
Drugs, Misuse (03.04.2008) 939, 945
Economic situation (02.04.2008) 788-9, 791
Food Products (Marketing to Children) Bill, 2R adjourned (25.04.2008) 1584, 1593, 1596, 1599, 1603, 1605-9, 1614, 1621, 1625-9, 1631, 1633, 1635, 1640-52
Westminster Hall Debates
Children, Mental health 335-6w
European Year of Intercultural Dialogue 537-8w
Publications, Dept for Work and Pensions 1153w
Road traffic, West Yorkshire 1891w
Written questions, Government responses 441w
Davies, Mr Quentin
Chamber Debates
British constitution (25.03.2008) 31
Council tax (27.03.2008) 349
Counter-Terrorism Bill, 2R (01.04.2008) 664-5
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations (01.04.2008) 637
Davis, Rt Hon David
Chamber Debates
Phillips, Deborah (31.03.2008) 601-3, 606
Ahmad, Babar, Electronic surveillance 1460w
Alcoholic drinks, Crime 1310w
Alcoholic drinks, Firearms 1943w
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 1311w
Antisocial behaviour, Fixed penalties 1311w
Asylum, Repatriation 601w
Cannabis, Drug seizures 1317w
Financial reporting orders 891w
Firearms Act 1968, Convictions 1175-7w
Homicide, Greater London 1319w
Human trafficking, Arrests 758-9w
Identity cards, Foreigners 610w
Illegal immigrants, Compensation 609w
National Crime Squad, Prosecutions 1323w
National security, Information and communications technology 1324w
Offences against children, Disclosure of information 1324w
Offenders, Deportation 1317w
Prisoners, Compensation 232-6w
Racial hatred, Internet 616w
Robbery, Greater London 896-7w
Serious crime prevention orders 616-7w
Serious Organised Crime Agency 1324w
Terrorism, Internet 1326w
Terrorism, Prosecutions 1326w
Day care