Index for Volume 474—continued

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Gleadthorpe Farm

Global Fund to Fight AIDS Tuberculosis and Malaria

Global Nuclear Energy Partnership

Global school partnerships

Gloucester Prison


    Supporting people programme 1277w

Goggins, Paul, Minister of State, Northern Ireland Office

                  Written Statements

    Constituencies, Northern Ireland 33-4ws

    Northern Ireland Prison Service, Standards 106ws


    Abortion, Northern Ireland 142w

    District policing partnerships, Northern Ireland 1383-5w

    Driving offences, Northern Ireland 143-6w

    Driving under influence, Young people 478-82w

    Drug seizures, Northern Ireland 363-4w

    Firearms, Licensing 2180w

    Foreign workers, Northern Ireland 365-6w

    Homophobia, Northern Ireland 1385w

    Inquiries, Northern Ireland 1385-6w

    Insolvency, Northern Ireland 1386w

    Legislation, Northern Ireland Office 1382-4w

    Missing persons, Northern Ireland 485w

    Motor vehicles, Theft 367w

    Parades, Northern Ireland 1380w

    Police Service of Northern Ireland, Finance 142w

    Police Service of Northern Ireland, Training 1387w

    Police Service of Northern Ireland, Vehicles 1387w

    Prisoners, Northern Ireland 171-2

    Sexual offences, Convictions 485-6w

    Written questions, Government responses 1387-8w

Gold and foreign exchange reserves

Goldsworthy, Julia

                  Chamber Debates

    Bus services, Concessions (25.03.2008) 150, 154

    Council tax (27.03.2008) 343-4


    Care homes, Fees and charges 410w

    Council tax, Valuation 2305w

    Data protection, Dept for Work and Pensions 1829-30w

    Eco-towns, Transport 1398w

    Fire services, Buildings 1256w

    Government offices for the regions, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 76w

    Government offices for the regions, Dept for Children Schools and Families 1549-50w

    Government offices for the regions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 309w

    Government offices for the regions, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 498-9w

    Government offices for the regions, Dept for Transport 468w

    Government offices for the regions, Dept for Work and Pensions 1836w

    Government offices for the regions, Home Office 435w

    Government offices for the regions, Manpower 830w

    Landfill tax, Tax yields 1339w

    Recycling, Finance 918w

    Social services, Inspections 314w

    Telephone services, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1396w

    Telephone services, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1746w

    Telephone services, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1909w

    Telephone services, Dept for Transport 1437-8w

    Telephone services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2321w

    Telephone services, Ministry of Defence 1654w

    Telephone services, Ministry of Justice 2244-7w

    Waste disposal, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1359-60w

    Waste disposal, House of Commons 457w

    Written questions, Government responses 1984w

Goodman, Helen, Deputy Leader of the House of Commons

                  Chamber Debates

    Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund (27.03.2008) 379

    Recess motions (03.04.2008) 1016-9


    Conference centres, Leader of the House of Commons 451-2w

    European Union (Amendment) Bill 2007-08 1350w

    Internet, Leader of the House of Commons 1348w

    Members, Allowances 452w

    Members, Car allowances 1349w

    Members, Second homes 141w

    Ministers, Official residences 2174w

Goodman, Mr Paul

                  Chamber Debates

    Counter-Terrorism Bill, 2R (01.04.2008) 653, 671, 696-8

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Caravan sites (26.03.2008) 86-8wh


    Members, Correspondence 1763w

    Preventing Violent Extremism Pathfinder Fund 2258w

    Publications, Dept for Work and Pensions 547w

    Translation services, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 994w

    Translation services, Dept for Transport 1011w

    Translation services, Dept for Work and Pensions 1834w

    Translation services, Dept of Health 1815-6w

    Translation services, Ministry of Defence 795w

Goodwill, Robert

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq conflict (25.03.2008) 65-6


    Aviation, Exhaust emissions 168w

    Dartford-Thurrock Crossing, Tolls 739w

    Developing countries, Food 1308

    Minimum wage 905

    Motability, Foreign workers 424

    Motor vehicles, Excise duties 632w

    Police, Photography 1513w

    Public expenditure, Scotland 1300-1

Gove, Michael


    Building schools for the future programme, Finance 806-10w

    Education, Research 2095w

    General certificate of secondary education, Disadvantaged 1548w

    Higher education, Admissions 1618w

    International general certificate of secondary education 320w

    National curriculum tests 2102w

    Primary education 963w

    Primary education, Class sizes 1555w

    Private education, General certificate of secondary education 319w

    Pupil exclusions, Deviance and behaviour disorders 2224w

    Pupil referral units 693w

    Pupil referral units, General certificate of secondary education 320w

    Reading, Teaching methods 2099w

    Schools, Crimes of violence 1567w

    Schools, Data protection 1567w

    Schools, Property transfer 1568w

    Schools, Young offenders 1861w

    Truancy, Disadvantaged 1588w

Governing bodies

Government Car and Despatch Agency

"Government Chemist Review 2007"

Government departments

    Disclosure of information 1697w

    Drinking water 763

    Industrial health and safety 2085w

Government Equalities Office

    Ministerial policy advisors 2046w

Government laboratories

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 9-10ws

Government Office for London

Government offices for the regions

    Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 76w

    Dept for Children Schools and Families 1549-50w

    Dept for Communities and Local Government 309w

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 498-9w

    Dept for Transport 468w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 1836w

Government responses

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