Index for Volume 474continued
A Al Am As B Be Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Cr Cy D De Dh Dj Du E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gr Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J Ju K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Ma Me Mo My N Nu O Oi P Ph Po Pr Ps Q R Re Ri Ru Ry S Se Si Sn Sq Su Sy T Th To Tu U V Vo W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Sick leave
Cabinet Office 1695-6w (479 10mc)
Dept for Children Schools and Families 2032-3w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 1394-6w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1745w
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1908w
Dept for International Development 1964-8w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2193-5w
Immigration officers 275w
Ministry of Defence 1652w
Northern Ireland Office 1383w
Sick pay
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 122w
Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1603w
Sight impaired
Digital switchover help scheme 338-9w
Sign language
Simmonds, Mr Mark
Chamber Debates
Roads, Boston (27.03.2008) 404
Westminster Hall Debates
Health services, Voluntary organisations 413w
Occupational health, Cardiovascular system 212w, 878w
Patient choice schemes 411w
Pharmacy, Opening hours 28-30w
Simon, Mr Sion
Chamber Debates
Economic situation (02.04.2008) 826
Simpson, Mr Alan
Chamber Debates
Financial markets (21.04.2008) 1058
Sustainable Energy (Local Plans) Bill, 1R (25.03.2008) 38
Simpson, David
Westminster Hall Debates
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (02.04.2008) 243wh
Bus services, Concessions 1178
Devolution, Northern Ireland 176
Homeworking, Home Office 427w
Hospitals, Crimes of violence 871w
Official visits, Dept for Children Schools and Families 105w
Official visits, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1160-1w
Official visits, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 993-4w
Official visits, Dept for Work and Pensions 1831-2w
Official visits, Dept of Health 13-4w
Official visits, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 404w
Official visits, Northern Ireland Office 142w
Official visits, Treasury 629w
Older workers, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 121-2w
Older workers, Training 853w
Pensions, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1979-80w
Pensions, Dept for Children Schools and Families 1545w
Pensions, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 492w
Pensions, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1602w
Pensions, Dept for International Development 534-5w
Pensions, Dept of Health 411w
Pensions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 136w
Pensions, Government Equalities Office 1375-6w
Pensions, Ministry of Defence 1925w
Pensions, Ministry of Justice 356w
Pensions, Northern Ireland Office 735w
Police Service of Northern Ireland, Finance 142w
Sexual offences, Convictions 485-6w
Sick leave, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 297w
Simpson, Mr Keith
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Sudan, Armed conflict (01.04.2008) 186-8wh
Burma, Politics and government 9
History, Publications 2041w
Wind power, Ministry of Defence 1215w
Single parents
Sites of special scientific interest
Six minutes rule
Rulings and statements (01.04.2008) 710, (02.04.2008) 864-5
Skill force scheme
Skilled workers
Skinner, Mr Dennis
Chamber Debates
Business questions intervention (24.04.2008) 1470
Income tax, Tax rates and bands 1458
Slaughter, Andy
Chamber Debates
Police, Greater London (27.03.2008) 370-3
Westminster Hall Debates
Sleeping rough
Small businesses
Smith, Rt Hon Andrew
Westminster Hall Debates
Housing, Northamptonshire (22.04.2008) 377-8wh
Smith, Angela C (Sheffield Hillsborough)
Chamber Debates
Smith, Angela E (Basildon)
Chamber Debates
Environment protection, Basildon (24.04.2008) 1573-8
Smith, Geraldine
Cardiovascular system, Diseases 570w
Crime prevention, Motor vehicles 70w
Higher education, Morecambe 1616-7w
Hospitals, Morecambe 1811w
Recycling, Lancashire 192w
Regional development agencies, Morecambe 1983w
Royal Lancaster Infirmary, Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 586w
Sewage, Morecambe Bay 1168w
Temporary employment, Home Office 259w
Smith, Rt Hon Jacqui, Secretary of State for the Home Dept
Chamber Debates
Written Statements
Independent Police Complaints Commission, Public appointments 16-7ws
Accountancy, Home Office 602-3w
Ahmad, Babar, Electronic surveillance 1460w
Alcoholic drinks, Crime 1310w
Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 1311w
Antisocial behaviour, Fixed penalties 1311w
Asylum, Repatriation 601w
Cannabis, Drug seizures 1317w
Departmental responsibilities, Home Office 1036-7, 1043
Domestic violence, Crime prevention 1455-6w
Firearms, Alcoholic drinks 1943w
Homicide, Greater London 1319w
Human trafficking, Arrests 758-9w
Identity cards, Foreigners 610w
Illegal immigrants, Compensation 609w
National Crime Squad, Prosecutions 1323w
National security, Information and communications technology 1324w
Offences against children, Disclosure of information 1324w
Offenders, Deportation 1317w
Police, Public opinion 1946w
Racial hatred, Internet 616w
Serious crime prevention orders 616-7w
Serious Organised Crime Agency 1324w
Terrorism, Internet 1326w
Terrorism, Prosecutions 1326w
Smith, Sir Robert
Chamber Debates
Economic situation (02.04.2008) 792
Industrial disputes, Grangemouth (24.04.2008) 1488
Written questions, Points of order (03.04.2008) 938
Natural gas, Shetland 2042w
Smith Institute