Index for Volume 475—continued

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Kidney, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Administration of justice, Information and communications technology 165-6

    Building schools for the future programme 399w

    Construction, Dept for Children Schools and Families 528-9w

    Construction, Dept of Health 1257-8w

    Further education, Finance 1766w

    Government departments, Carbon emissions 380w

    Government departments, Public expenditure 382w

    Government departments, Sustainable development 476w, 1124-5w

    Legal aid, Contracts 515w

    Leisure, Staffordshire 1337w

    Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 1477-8w

    Schools, Carbon emissions 536w

    Small businesses, Construction 570-1w

    South Staffordshire Primary Care Trust, Finance 1177-8w

    Sustainable development, Construction 1035w

    Sustainable development, Higher education 1543

    Sustainable development, Trade fairs 1468w

Kirkbride, Miss Julie


    Climate change, Community work 437

Knife crimes

    see Offensive weapons

Knight, Rt Hon Greg

                  Chamber Debates

    Excise duties, Motor vehicles (14.05.2008) 1458-9, 1462


    British Heart Foundation, Finance 1665w

    Burma, Politics and government 1593-4w

    Crime prevention, Lancashire 990w

    Highways Agency, Radio 34w

    Organic farming 456w

    Roads, Floods 35w

Knight, Jim, Minister of State, Dept for Children Schools and Families

                  Chamber Debates


    Academies, Headteachers 168w

    Academies, Pupil exclusions 168-70w

    Academies, Teachers 169w

    Building schools for the future programme 399w

    Building schools for the future programme, Essex 1405-7w

    Cadets, Armed forces 399w

    Children in care, Education 179w

    Children in care, General certificate of secondary education 1134-6w

    Class sizes, Wirral 1787w

    Construction, Dept for Children Schools and Families 528-9w

    Education, Assessments 184w

    Education, Expenditure 185w

    Educational psychology, Manpower 185-9w

    Educational Testing Service, Complaints 1495-6w

    Financial services, Education 1197w

    Free school meals 193w

    General certificate of secondary education, Disadvantaged 202w

    General certificate of secondary education, Suffolk 408-9w

    Gifted children, Finance 201-2w

    History, General certificate of secondary education 211w

    Languages, Teachers 213w

    Mathematics, Primary education 1141w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Children Schools and Families 816w

    Olympic Games 2012, Education 817w

    Pensions, Dept for Children Schools and Families 1196-7w

    Pre-school education, Finance 213w

    Pre-school education, Standards 1200w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Children Schools and Families 402-3w, 1410-1w

    Pupil referral units, Arrests 215w

    Pupils, Absenteeism 1204w

    Reading, Teaching methods 1199w

    School leaving, Finance 225w

    Schools, Capital investment 1422-3w

    Schools, Carbon emissions 536w

    Schools, Offensive weapons 1421w

    Schools, Property transfer 236w

    Schools, Sanitation 235w

    Science, General certificate of secondary education 238w

    Secondary education, Assessments 238w, 414w

    Specialised diplomas 239w

    Specialised diplomas, Finance 414-5w

    Specialised diplomas, Young offender institutions 1504w

    Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, Finance 239-40w

    Standards, Dept for Children Schools and Families 183w

    Supplementary schools, Finance 240w

    Teachers, Career structure 241-2w

    Teachers, Foreigners 242w

    Teachers, Labour turnover 243w

    Teachers, Resignations 242w

    Written questions, Government responses 960w

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