Index for Volume 475continued
A Al Am As B Be Bi Bu C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dj Du E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Me Mo N Nu O 1 O P Ph Pl Pr Ps Q R Ri Rw S Sh Si Sn Sr Su T Th Tr Ty U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
Leader of the House of Commons
Official hospitality 1682w
Public participation 1429w
Learning and Skills Council for England
Learning and skills councils
Learning disability
Leave of absence
Speaker (09.05.2008) 961, (16.05.2008) 1649
Politics and government 1198
Leech, John
Traffic Commissioners, Dismissal 36w
Leeds City Council Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
2R order read (01.05.2008) 425, (08.05.2008) 827, (15.05.2008) 1527
Legal advice and assistance
Legal aid
Legal profession
Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 973w
Dept for Work and Pensions 808-9w
Legal systems
Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 559w, 871w
Dept for Communities and Local Government 304w
Ministerial statements (14.05.2008) 1385-400
Legislative competence
National Assembly for Wales 56ws
Leigh, Mr Edward
Chamber Debates
Criminal Justice and Immigration Bill, Lords amendts (06.05.2008) 638-9, 646, 649, 653, 665
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 11
Lepper, Mr David
Letwin, Rt Hon Oliver
Chamber Debates
Income tax, Tax rates and bands (13.05.2008) 1212
Westminster Hall Debates
Home energy efficiency scheme, Dorset (13.05.2008) 399-402wh
Listed buildings, Thatched roofing (07.05.2008) 266wh, 270wh
Primary care trusts, Finance (29.04.2008) 26wh, 35wh
Armed forces, Health services 52w
Nitrate vulnerable zones 280w
Public expenditure, Government departments 1739-40w
Levitt, Mr Tom
Chamber Debates
New deal for carers 553-4
Lewis, Ivan, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health
Chamber Debates
Muscular dystrophy (14.05.2008) 1515-8
Written Statements
Audio equipment, Health hazards 746w
Autism, Compulsorily detained mental patients 251w
Carbon emissions, Dept of Health 253w
Care homes, Parkinson's disease 619-20w
Chronically sick, Greater Manchester 1165w
Compulsorily detained mental patients 1165-6w
Compulsorily detained mental patients, Young people 1672w
Continuing care, Suffolk 606w
Eating disorders, North West 1007w
Health, Disadvantaged 747w
Health services, Prisons 123-4w
Hearing aids, Waiting lists 450w
Hearing impaired, Health services 1013-5w
Learning disability, Day centres 1354w
Mental health services, Young people 1173-4w
Mentally ill, Suicide 1680w
Mentally ill, Young people 151w
New deal for carers 553-7
Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre 152w
Primary care trusts, Essex 1013w
Psychiatric nurses, Manpower 1022w
Psychiatric nurses, Training 1176w
Psychiatry, Waiting lists 563-4
Publications, Dept of Health 1171-2w
St Luke's Hospital Market Harborough 1357-8w
Social services, Standards 146-7w
Tuberculosis, Medical treatments 775-6w
Lewis, Dr Julian
Chamber Debates
Burma, Points of order (15.05.2008) 1566
Business questions, Points of order (08.05.2008) 862
Oral question time intervention (28.04.2008) 15
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 5
Iran, Territorial waters 58w
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 1583w
Post offices, Closures 566w
Warships, Procurement 1528w
Liabilities Management Authority
see Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Licensed premises
Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian
Chamber Debates
Lidington, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Middle East (01.05.2008) 461-4
Iraq, Administration of justice 1776w
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 1596-7w
KBR, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1597-8w
Revenue and Customs, Correspondence 1280-1w
Sudan, International Criminal Court 1816-7w
Life imprisonment
Lilley, Rt Hon Peter
Chamber Debates
Cannabis, Misuse (07.05.2008) 715
Civil service (07.05.2008) 744-50
Income tax, Tax rates and bands (13.05.2008) 1207
Legislation (14.05.2008) 1399
Genetically modified organisms, Finance 24-8w
Work permits, Health professions 678-9w
Limitation of actions
Linton, Martin
Chamber Debates
Listed buildings
Information services 1811w
Livermore, Spencer