Index for Volume 475continued
A Al Am As B Be Bi Bu C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dj Du E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Me Mo N Nu O 1 O P Ph Pl Pr Ps Q R Ri Rw S Sh Si Sn Sr Su T Th Tr Ty U V W Wh Wo Wy Y Z
MacKay, Rt Hon Andrew
Chamber Debates
Burma, Storms (08.05.2008) 871-2
Aircraft carriers, Procurement 15
Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry 1371
China, Foreign relations 1188
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Defence 15
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 49-50w
McKechin, Ann
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 49w
Mackinlay, Andrew
Chamber Debates
Approved premises, Planning permission 1637w
Bail accommodation and support service 1829-30w
British Constitution 1344w
China, Olympic Games 1058
Devolution, Scotland 1434w
Electoral register, Freedom of information 1724w
General practitioners, Buckingham Palace 148-9w
Ministerial duties, Minister for the East of England 70-1w
Monarchy, Succession 837-8
Republic of Ireland, Embassies 370w
Select committees, Regional government 6-7w
South Africa, Chemical and biological warfare 935-6w, 1403w
McLoughlin, Mr Patrick
Chamber Debates
Members, Points of order (15.05.2008) 1565
Environment protection, Derbyshire 441
MacNeil, Angus
Chamber Debates
Finance Bill, Com (28.04.2008) 56, (29.04.2008) 249, 251-3
Disabled, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1458-9w
Disabled, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1329w
Disabled, Dept for International Development 527w
Disabled, Dept for Work and Pensions 41-2w
Disabled, Ministry of Defence 1310-1w
McNulty, Rt Hon Tony, Minister of State, Home Office
Community policing, North Yorkshire 329w
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary, Public appointments 86-7w
Immigration, Interpreters 94-6w
Missing persons, Databases 344-6w
Missing persons, Young people 346w
Motorcycles, Driving instruction 346w
Police, Labour turnover 356-8w
Police, Public appointments 493-6w
Police, Translation services 360w
Police community support officers, Greater London 75-6w
Police interrogation, Speech impaired 346w
Police stations, Greater London 99w
Public expenditure, Home Office 333-4w
South Yorkshire Police, Vehicles 106w
Terrorism, Detainees 364w
Translation services, Home Office 107w
Written questions, Home Office 83w
MacShane, Mr Denis
Chamber Debates
Burma, Storms (08.05.2008) 870
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 3-4
Credit cards, Proof of identity 1513w
International Labour Organisation, Anniversaries 1616w
Italy, Foreign relations 1193
Languages, GCE A-level 1198w
Mactaggart, Fiona
Chamber Debates
Domestic violence (08.05.2008) 954-6
Immigration rules (13.05.2008) 1349-50
Serious Fraud Office, Law officers 836
Magistrates' courts
Magnetic resonance imagers
Mahmood, Mr Khalid
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1185-6
Main, Anne
Chamber Debates
Cannabis, Misuse (07.05.2008) 717
Finance Bill, Com (29.04.2008) 261
Income tax, Tax rates and bands (13.05.2008) 1211
Bangladesh, Climate change 320w
Crime, Small businesses 148
Local government finance 70w (5-6mc)
Developing countries 946w
Malik, Shahid, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for International Development
Bangladesh, Climate change 320w
Burma, Internally displaced persons 321w
Consultants, Dept for International Development 776w
Data protection, Dept for International Development 1318-9w
Developing countries, Malaria 946w
Developing countries, Private sector 947w
India, Family planning 1596w
Information and communications technology, Dept for International Development 777-8w
JP Morgan, Dept for International Development 29w
Latin America, Children 947-8w
Mozambique, Overseas aid 1473w
Palestinians, Overseas aid 524w
Sri Lanka, International assistance 783w
Taylor Nelson Sofres, Dept for International Development 1474-5w
Zimbabwe, Overseas aid 1475w
Malins, Mr Humfrey
Chamber Debates
Cannabis, Misuse (07.05.2008) 714
Mallaber, Judy
Chamber Debates
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (HL), 2R (12.05.2008) 1096
Income tax, Tax rates and bands (13.05.2008) 1209
Developing countries, Females 290
Sight impaired, Research 152-4w
Management of Dementia in Care Homes Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
Manchester City Council Bill (HL) 2006-07
Chamber Debates
2R order read (01.05.2008) 425, (08.05.2008) 827, (15.05.2008) 1527
Mann, John
Chamber Debates
Antisemitism (15.05.2008) 1574-7
Members, Points of order (15.05.2008) 1590
Overseas visitors, Race relations 337w
UN World Conference against Racism 1179
Mann, Simon
Border and Immigration Agency 328w
Commission for Local Administration in England 1044w
Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 871-2w
Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 898-904w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 17w
General practitioners 1169w
Ministry of Defence 1713w
NHS Blood and Transport 151-2w
Northern Ireland Office 1277w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 269-70w
Olympic Delivery Authority 964w
Manufactured goods
Manufacturing industries
Maples, Mr John
Government departments, Land 821w
Marchwood Military Port
Marine Draft Bill Joint Select Committee
Marine Navigation Bill (Draft)
Written Statements
Married people
Marris, Rob
Chamber Debates
Finance Bill, Com (28.04.2008) 77, 80-4, (29.04.2008) 175, 177, 179, 183-4, 191-4, 246-7, 250-1, 259-60, 265
Income tax, Tax rates and bands (13.05.2008) 1212
Cycling, Cabinet Office 454w
Cycling, Dept for Children Schools and Families 529w
Cycling, Dept for Communities and Local Government 434w
Cycling, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 551w
Cycling, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 460w
Cycling, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 454-5w
Cycling, Dept for International Development 526w
Cycling, Dept for Transport 428w
Cycling, Dept for Work and Pensions 537-8w
Cycling, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 544-5w
Cycling, Home Office 489w
Cycling, Ministry of Defence 483w
Cycling, Ministry of Justice 510w
Cycling, Northern Ireland Office 624w
Cycling, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 424-5w
Cycling, Scotland Office 423w
Taxation, Pensioners 477w
Marsden, Mr Gordon
Caravan sites, Planning permission 1387w
Mobile homes, Multiple occupation 1089w
Witnesses, Protection 162-3
Marshall, Mr David
Mass media
Massereene Barracks
Maternity benefits
Maternity pay
Maternity services
Mates, Rt Hon Michael
Mature students
Maude, Rt Hon Francis
Chamber Debates
Civil service (07.05.2008) 722-8
Admiralty House, Conservation 137w
Aviation, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1600w
Carbon emissions, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 460w
Civil servants, Internet 1718w
Consultants, Cabinet Office 1212w
Industrial health and safety, Cabinet Office 1221-2w
Security, Greater London 1589w
May, Mrs Theresa
Chamber Debates
Flexible working, Points of order (15.05.2008) 1566
Contracts, Dept of Health 443w
Equality, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1370w
Equality, Dept for International Development 1471w
Equality, Dept for Transport 1690w
Equality, Ministry of Justice 1571w
Equality, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1434w
Equality, Scotland Office 1434w
Flexible working, Carers 842-3
London 2012, Manpower 1067w
Official hospitality, Leader of the House of Commons 1682w
Olympic Delivery Authority, Manpower 964w
Public participation, Dept for Children Schools and Families 405w
Public participation, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 847w
Public participation, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1327-8w
Public participation, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 809w
Public participation, Dept for International Development 322-3w
Public participation, Dept for Transport 1062-6w
Public participation, Dept of Health 1541w
Public participation, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 546w
Public participation, Leader of the House of Commons 1429w
Public participation, Ministry of Justice 982-4w, 1724w
Public participation, Northern Ireland Office 929w
UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women 375w
Mayor of London