Index for Volume 475—continued

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Pharmaceutical price regulation scheme


    Young offender institutions 1151-2w


Pickles, Mr Eric


    Adoption, Standards 1031w

    Alcoholic drinks, Young people 855w

    Asthma, Biofuels 887w

    Audit Commission 632w

    Automatic number plate recognition, Finance 1729-30w

    Building Research Establishment, Finance 1076w

    Buildings, Cabinet Office 138w

    Capital allowances, Enterprise zones 1621-2w

    Caravan sites, Valuation 1631w

    Carbon monoxide, Poisoning 1002w

    Catering, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1103w

    China, Official visits 1814w

    Citizen information project 1215w

    Commission for Local Administration in England, Manpower 1044w

    Computer software, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1443w

    Construction, Price fixing 1441w

    Contracts, Ministry of Justice 979-80w

    Council housing, Waiting lists 1092w

    Council tax, Fire services 1076w

    Council tax, Parish councils 1088w

    Councillors, Complaints 1077w

    Councillors, Pensions 434w

    Departmental records, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 138-9w

    Domestic waste, Carbon emissions 305w

    Electoral systems 983w

    Electronic government 1038w

    Electronic voting 983w

    Energy performance certificates, Northern Ireland 1606w

    Enviros Consulting, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 466-7w

    Fire services, Insurance 739w

    Floods, Repairs and maintenance 829w

    General practitioners 1168w

    Greenbelt, South East 440w

    Home information packs, VAT 829w

    Homes and Communities Agency, Finance 1040w

    Homes and Communities Agency, Planning permission 665w

    Households, Surveys 1586w

    Housing, Carbon emissions 580w

    Housing, Conservation areas 1041w

    Housing, Demolition 1634w

    Housing, Environment protection 904w

    Housing, Sustainable development 1083w

    INTERREG programme, Finance 1086-7w

    Ipsos MORI, Cabinet Office 1719w

    Ipsos MORI, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 811w

    Ipsos MORI, Dept of Health 764w

    Ipsos MORI, Minister for the Olympics and for London 451w

    Ipsos MORI, Ministry of Justice 1724-6w

    Land, Contamination 725w

    Land use, Databases 741w

    Local authorities, Closed circuit television 741w

    Local government, Assets 741w

    Local government, Carbon emissions 314w

    Local government, Petitions 1042-3w

    Local government, Property 668-9w

    Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 438w

    Local government finance 314w

    Local Government Finance Funding Changes Independent Inquiry 1088w

    Mortgages, Repossession orders 788w

    National interest mapping services agreement 1636w

    Non-domestic rates, Appeals 439w

    Non-domestic rates, Licensed premises 437w, 1625w

    Non-domestic rates, Public houses 1625w

    Non-domestic rates, Rural areas 315-6w

    Non-domestic rates, Small businesses 1045w

    Non-domestic rates, Valuation 435w, 440w

    Official hospitality, Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 1089-90w

    Official residences, Home Office 98w

    Part-time employment, Students 1625w

    Peers, Allowances 796w

    Pensions, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1045w

    Planning permission 1637w

    Planning permission, Appeals 1045w

    Planning permission, Mayor of London 315w

    Procurement, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1685w

    Property, Valuation 1628w

    Publications, Dept for Communities and Local Government 738w

    Publicity, Dept for Communities and Local Government 737w

    Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, Databases 440w

    Rates and rating, Northern Ireland 629-30w

    Regional government, Finance 1638w

    Regional planning and development, Thames Gateway 318-9w

    Roads, Repairs and maintenance 734w

    Sex establishments, Licensing 1375w

    Sex establishments, Planning permission 1091w

    Stamp duty land tax, Shared ownership schemes 1626w

    Standards Board for England, Complaints 441w

    Travelling people, Legal advice and assistance 1508w

    Travelling people, Planning permission 1046-7w

    Valuation Office, Cole Layer Trumble 1629w

    Valuation Office, Digital mapping 1092w

    Valuation Office, Geographical information systems 1629w

    Valuation Office, Measuring instruments 1629-30w

    Valuation Office, Northern Ireland Land and Property Services 829w

    Valuation Office, Procurement 829w

    Valuation Office, Rightmove 913w

    Valuation Office, Video recordings 1630w

    Valuation Tribunal Service, Handbooks 320w

    Waste disposal, Closed circuit television 910w

    Waste disposal, Industrial health and safety 541-2w

    Waste disposal, Prisons 1244w

    Waste management, Audit 1093w

    Waste management, Council tax 1036w

    Waste management, Private finance initiative 1244-5w

    Zennor Consulting, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1052w

    Zennor Consulting, Environment Agency 1451-2w

Pigeon racing


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