Index for Volume 476—continued

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Paice, Mr James


    Bovine tuberculosis 1070w

    Legislation, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1072-4w


    Entry clearances 383w

Palestinian-Israeli conflict

    see Middle East


    Overseas aid 83w

Palliative care

Palmer, Dr Nick

                  Chamber Debates

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (HL), Com (20.05.2008) 234, 255, 264-6


Parasitic diseases



    Advisory services 952w

    Flexible working 45ws


Parking offences


Parliamentary Constituencies (Northern Ireland) Order 2008

                  Chamber Debates

    (02.06.2008) 611

Parliamentary questions


Part-time education

    Student numbers 85w

Passenger transport executives




Pathways to work

Patient choice schemes


Patients' rights


    Defence Medical Services 33ws

    Dept for Communities and Local Government 537-8w, 1065w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 609w (478 10mc)

    Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 1131-2w

    Dept for International Development 1023-4w

    Dept for Transport 850w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1097w

    Foster care 17

    Government Equalities Office 1230w

    Maritime and Coastguard Agency 30-1w

    Ministry of Defence 680w

    Northern Ireland Office 625-7w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 922-3w

Peace negotiations

Peacekeeping operations

Pearson, Ian, Minister of State, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills

                  Written Statements

    UK Intellectual Property Office, Standards 34-5ws


    Cord blood, Research 247w

    Daresbury Laboratory 523w

    Physics, Research 525w

    Research, EC action 526w

    Science, Higher education 973w

    Science, Voluntary organisations 394w

    Science and Technology Facilities Council, Finance 526w

    Strategic Advisory Board for Intellectual Property 974w, 1135w

Penning, Mike

                  Chamber Debates

    A5, Petitions (04.06.2008) 891-2

    Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill (HL), Com (20.05.2008) 240-4

    Nairac, Robert, Points of order (21.05.2008) 321

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Accident and emergency departments 1198w

    Data protection, Treasury 1225w

    Debts, Developing countries 929w

    Income tax, Tax rates and bands 910-1

    London airports, Dept for Children Schools and Families 827w

    London airports, Dept for Communities and Local Government 267w

    London airports, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 54w

    London airports, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 766w

    London airports, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 247w

    London airports, Dept for International Development 83w

    London airports, Dept for Work and Pensions 336w

    London airports, Ministry of Defence 810-1w

    London airports, Ministry of Justice 353-4w

Penrose, John

                  Chamber Debates

    Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill, Lords amendts (03.06.2008) 654


    Bail accommodation and support service, Weston-super-Mare 838w, 1216w

    River Severn, Tidal power 800w

Pension credit

Pension Protection Fund

Pension Service

    Data protection 803w


    Opposition days (04.06.2008) 832-89


    Dept for Children Schools and Families 548-9w

    Private sector 51w

Perinatal mortality

Personal accounts

Personal Accounts Delivery Authority

Personal income

Personal savings



Pesticides Safety Directorate


    Abortion 36p, (20.05.2008) 292

    Benfleet Station 27p

    Bus services (03.06.2008) 21

    Driving tests (03.06.2008) 738-9

    Family courts (19.05.2008) 132

    Human-animal hybrid embryos 18-9p

    Royal Hospital Haslar 18p

    Window blinds (04.06.2008) 890

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