Index for Volume 477—continued

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Licensed premises

    Non-domestic rates 822w

Liddell-Grainger, Mr Ian

                   Chamber Debates

    Local government services, Somerset (17.06.2008) 918-23, 925

    Radioactive waste, Waste management (12.06.2008) 483


    Hospitals, Admissions 1028w

    Local government finance, Somerset 1144w

    Somerset County Council, Manpower 958w

Lidington, Mr David

                   Westminster Hall Debates

    European Commission (12.06.2008) 164-9wh


    Civil servants, Location 145w

    Jobcentre Plus, Aylesbury 616-7w

    New businesses, Buckinghamshire 327w

    Revenue and Customs, Aylesbury 145w, 311w

    Revenue and Customs, South East 111-2w

    Terrorism, Victim support schemes 669w

Life expectancy

Life imprisonment


Lilley, Rt Hon Peter

                   Chamber Debates

    Climate Change Bill (HL), 2R (09.06.2008) 38, 93-6, 125


    Climate Change Bill (HL) 2007-08 929w


    General practitioners 149w

    Higher education 818w

Linton, Martin

                   Chamber Debates


    Identity cards 6-7

    Political parties, Finance 143

    Terrorism, Detainees 16-7

Listed buildings



Liver diseases


    Secondary education 378w

    UK Border Agency 352w

Liverpool Street-Chelmsford railway line

Liverpool Street-Colchester railway line


Lloyd, Mr Tony

                   Chamber Debates

    Counter-Terrorism Bill, Rep and 3R (11.06.2008) 322, 330

    Radioactive waste, Waste management (12.06.2008) 480

    Transport, Greater Manchester (09.06.2008) 25


    Food and Agriculture Organisation, Conferences 291

    Food supply 442

    Political parties, Finance 143-4

    Prison sentences 155

Llwyd, Mr Elfyn

                   Chamber Debates

    Counter-Terrorism Bill, Rep and 3R (11.06.2008) 317, 370-4


    Food supply 443

    HM Courts Service, Wales 149-50

Local area agreements

Local Authorities (Social Equality Audits) Bill 2007-08

                   Chamber Debates

Local authority business growth incentives scheme

Local government

    Codes of practice 956w

    Political parties 822w

Local government finance

    East of England 498w

Local Government Ombudsman

    see Commission for Local Administration in England

Local government services

Local housing allowance

    see Housing benefit

Lokahi Foundation


    see Greater London

London airports

London and Continental Railways

London Local Authorities (Shopping Bags) Bill 2007-08

                   Chamber Debates

    2R order read (12.06.2008) 435, (19.06.2008) 1061

London Underground

Lone parents


Lost property

Loughton, Tim

                   Chamber Debates

    Children and Young Persons Bill (HL), 2R (16.06.2008) 728-35, 738


    Antisocial behaviour, Young people 1146w

Love, Mr Andrew

                   Chamber Debates


    Armed forces, Health services 713-4w

    Offensive weapons, Sentencing 148

Low carbon buildings programme

Low incomes

    Educational visits 981w

Lucas, Ian


    Iraq, Reconstruction 711w

Luff, Mr Peter

                   Chamber Debates


    Prisons, Worcestershire 234w

Lung diseases


Lynx helicopters

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