Index for Volume 477continued
A Al An Ay B Be Br Bu C Ci Cr Cy D Dh Dr E Em Ex F Fl Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J K Ki L Li M Mc Me Mo Mu N Nu O Ow P Ph Pr Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si Sp Su T Ti Tu U V W Wh Wo Y Z
Leave of absence (13.06.2008) 575, (20.06.2008) 1191
Speaker and deputies
Chamber Debates
Amendments and new clauses (10.06.2008) 179, 199, 224, 238, (11.06.2008) 313, (13.06.2008) 576, (17.06.2008) 867
Points of order (09.06.2008) 35-6, (10.06.2008) 161, 184, (11.06.2008) 422-3, 427, (12.06.2008) 495, 519, 530-1, (13.06.2008) 635, (17.06.2008) 805, (20.06.2008) 1233, 1244
Royal Assent (19.06.2008) 1094
Rulings and statements, Eight minutes rule (19.06.2008) 1106
Rulings and statements, Members (11.06.2008) 410
Rulings and statements, Ministerial statements (09.06.2008) 21
Rulings and statements, Nine minutes rule (17.06.2008) 841
Rulings and statements, Scope of debate (12.06.2008) 519
Rulings and statements, Seven minutes rule (09.06.2008) 88
Rulings and statements, Ten minutes rule (09.06.2008) 57
Rulings and statements, Twelve minutes rule (17.06.2008) 835
Rulings and statements, Unparliamentary expressions (11.06.2008) 321
Westminster Hall Debates
Conduct of proceedings (10.06.2008) 25wh, 27wh, 30wh, 57wh, (11.06.2008) 85wh, (12.06.2008) 158wh, 170wh, (17.06.2008) 183wh, 187wh, 195wh, 200wh, 219wh, (18.06.2008) 300-1wh, (19.06.2008) 318wh, 330wh, 335wh
Special educational needs
Specialised diplomas
Speed limits
Spellar, Rt Hon John
Chamber Debates
Davis, David, Points of order (12.06.2008) 530
Joint Intelligence Committee, Data protection (12.06.2008) 490
Automatic number plate recognition, Dover 336w
Biofuels, Air pollution 397w
Developing countries, Food 441w
House of Commons, Drinking water 1075
Olympic Games 2012, West Midlands 630w
Prisoners, Repatriation 486-7w
Registration of births deaths marriages and civil partnerships 603-4w
Waste disposal, Fees and charges 17-8w
Spicer, Sir Michael
Motor vehicles, Excise duties 34w
Spink, Bob
Chamber Debates
Children and Young Persons Bill (HL), 2R (16.06.2008) 722, 727
Counter-Terrorism Bill, Rep and 3R (11.06.2008) 325
European Union (18.06.2008) 951, 955
Post office card account, Petitions (16.06.2008) 778
Treaty of Lisbon (16.06.2008) 716
Westminster Hall Debates
Armed forces, Aviation 847w
Councillors, Allowances 1139w
Deportation, Offenders 674w
Developing countries, HIV infection 216-7w
Floods, Canvey Island 281w
Fuels, Ambulance services 1226w
Homeworking, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1213w
Homeworking, Leader of the House of Commons 1078w
Housing, Low incomes 1139w
Illegal immigrants, France 477w
Local government, Essex 1133w
Local government, Official hospitality 1139-40w
Local government services, Essex 1135w
Non-domestic rates, Small businesses 1140w
Parking offences, Closed circuit television 263w
Public libraries, Essex 1214w
Recreation spaces, Thames Gateway 710w
Rented housing, Essex 1142w
Road traffic, Canvey Island 406w
Trade unions, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1247w
Trade unions, Dept for Children Schools and Families 1250w
Trade unions, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1213w
Trade unions, Dept for International Development 1268w
Vocational guidance, Essex 984-5w
Sport England
Spring, Mr Richard
Housing, Construction 141w
Local government finance 143-4w
Offensive weapons, Suffolk 78w
Police, Per capita costs 85-6w
Public transport, Per capita costs 942-3w
Pupils, Per capita costs 375w
Repossession orders, Mortgages 232-3w
Teachers, Resignations 379w
Unemployment, Suffolk 571w
Young offenders, Females 845w
Sri Lanka
Stamp duty land tax
Standard of living
Central Science Laboratory 38-9ws
Dept for Children Schools and Families 548-50w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 857-8w
Dept for International Development 1036-7w
Dept for Work and Pensions 294w
Government departments 1104w
Information Commissioner 98-9w
Local government services 949w
Ministry of Defence 1093w
Nursing and Midwifery Council 803
Pension Disability and Carers Service 28-9ws
Security Industry Authority 684w
Veterinary Laboratories Agency 17ws
Veterinary Medicines Directorate 17ws
Standing Order No 163
(13.06.2008) 575, (20.06.2008) 1191
Standish Hospital
Stanley, Rt Hon Sir John
Stansted Airport
Immigration controls 338w
Starkey, Dr Phyllis
Domestic violence, Victim support schemes 69w
State retirement pensions
State visits
Steen, Mr Anthony
Borders, Personal records 475w
Cannabis, Young people 831w
Foreign workers, Domestic service 676w
Human trafficking, Children 347w
Human trafficking, Females 1073-4
Immigration controls 476w
Lorries, Excise duties 614w
Offenders, Deportation 351w
Travelling people, Caravan sites 959w
Stewart, Ian
Chamber Debates
Transport, Greater Manchester (09.06.2008) 29
Stoate, Dr Howard
Chamber Debates
Stop and search
Strang, Rt Hon Dr Gavin
Chamber Debates
Climate Change Bill (HL), 2R (09.06.2008) 64-7
Strategy Unit
Dept for Children Schools and Families 984w
Straw, Rt Hon Jack, Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor
Chamber Debates
Written Statements
"Freedom of Information Act 2000 Annual Report 2007" 54ws
Antisocial behaviour, Fixed penalties 96w
Departmental responsibilities, Ministry of Justice 154
Freedom of information, Ministry of Justice 98w
Judges, Conditions of employment 230w
Judges, Freedom of information 646w
Judges, Public appointments 230-1w
Magistrates, Public appointments 157-8
Offensive weapons, Courts 643-4w
Offensive weapons, Sentencing 146-9
Offensive weapons, Yorkshire and the Humber 646-7w
Open prisons, Prisoner escapes 100w
Prison accommodation 647w
Prisoners' release, Reoffenders 647w
Prisons, Electronic surveillance 104w
Reparation by offenders 157
Sick pay, Ministry of Justice 1120w
Treaty of Lisbon, Referendums 159
Young offenders, Reoffenders 152-3
Young offenders, Sentencing 155
Streeter, Mr Gary
Chamber Debates
Climate Change Bill (HL), 2R (09.06.2008) 117-8
Disadvantaged 932 (478 1-2mc)
Food and Agriculture Organisation, Conferences 290
Pension Protection Fund 621-2w
Stringer, Mr Graham
Chamber Debates
Transport, Greater Manchester (09.06.2008) 29
Members, Correspondence 19w
Pension Protection Fund 738w
Stuart, Ms Gisela
Chamber Debates
Post offices, Birmingham (16.06.2008) 779-82, 784
Treaty of Lisbon (16.06.2008) 710
Stuart, Graham
Chamber Debates
Eco-towns (19.06.2008) 1096
Community development 934
Housing benefit, East Riding 173w
Student wastage
Jobseeker's allowance 907w
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Vioxx, Side effects 798-9