Index for Volume 479—continued

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Class sizes

Cleaning services

    Dept for Communities and Local Government 2081w

Clegg, Rt Hon Nick

                  Chamber Debates


Clelland, Mr David

                  Chamber Debates

    House of Lords, Reform (14.07.2008) 33

    Members, Allowances (16.07.2008) 291

Clifton-Brown, Mr Geoffrey

                  Chamber Debates

    Employment Bill (HL), 2R (14.07.2008) 44, 71, 90-7, 99


    Big Lottery Fund, Community development 548-9w

    Cromwell Green Entrance 981-2w

    Equitable Life Assurance Society, Compensation 2153w

    Rural areas, Floods 2043w

    UK Trade and Investment, Manpower 2147w

    Zimbabwe, Overseas aid 2171w

Climate change

    World Heritage sites 296w

Clinical trials

Closed circuit television

Closed Circuit Television (Monitoring and Promotion) Bill 2007-08

                  Chamber Debates


Clwyd, Rt Hon Ann


    Medical treatments, Lasers 285w

Coaker, Vernon, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Home Office

                  Written Statements

    "Security Industry Authority Report and Accounts 2007-08" 71ws


    Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, Finance 2313w

    Alcoholic drinks, Antisocial behaviour 589-94w

    Alcoholic drinks, Misuse 1515w

    Alcoholic drinks, Prices 17-8

    Antisocial behaviour, Blackpool 2316-7w

    Antisocial behaviour, Greater London 1519w

    Antisocial behaviour, Tamworth 1520w

    Antisocial behaviour, Young people 1518-9w

    Antisocial behaviour orders 2316w

    Antisocial behaviour orders, Wales 250-2w

    Antisocial behaviour orders, Young offenders 1514-6w

    Benzodiazapines, Misuse 600w

    British Crime Survey, Expenditure 1533w

    Cannabis, Drug seizures 253w

    Cannabis, Young people 1328w

    Closed circuit television, Bolton 2068-9w

    Community safety accreditation schemes 2351w

    Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence 596-7w

    Crime, Per capita costs 1537w

    Crime prevention, Rural areas 101-2w

    Crimes of violence, Cambridgeshire 254-5w

    Crimes of violence, East of England 256-8w

    Crimes of violence, Halifax 1540w

    Crimes of violence, Young people 597-8w

    Domestic violence, Curriculum 598-9w

    Domestic violence, Reoffenders 599w

    Domestic violence, Victim support schemes 599-600w

    Driving offences, Disqualification 1554-5w

    Female genital mutilation 259w

    Fraud, Crime prevention 259w

    Human trafficking, Children 261w

    Human trafficking, Proceeds of crime 260w

    Human trafficking, Prosecutions 261w

    Human trafficking, Prostitution 603w

    Human trafficking, Repatriation 261w, 603w

    Money laundering 604w

    Offences against children, Internet 1575w

    Offensive weapons, Convictions 1580w

    Offensive weapons, Detection rates 1356-8w

    Offensive weapons, North Yorkshire 1581-2w

    Offensive weapons, Sales 1582w

    Offensive weapons, Schools 1582w

    Offensive weapons, Sentencing 1582-4w

    Offensive weapons, Young people 1583-4w

    Police, Public participation 2355w

    Police deaths on duty 604w

    Prostitution, Decriminalisation 101w

    Racially aggravated offences 2355-6w

    Religiously aggravated offences 1591w

    Road traffic offences, Fixed penalties 606w

    Security Industry Authority 1591-2w

    Sex establishments, Licensing 1594w

    Sexual assault referral centres 1592-3w

    Sexual offences, Overseas residence 606w

    Summary offences, Waste disposal 2321-2w

    Violent and sex offender register, Wales 606-7w

    Young offenders, Wales 1599w


Coal fired power stations

Coastal areas

Coastal erosion

    Petitions (22.07.2008) 757-8

Codes of practice

    Audit Commission 63ws

    Ministerial policy advisors 625w

Coffey, Ms Ann

                  Chamber Debates


    Unsolicited goods and services, Mobile phones 698-9w


Cohen, Harry


    Armed Forces Criminal Legal Aid Authority 1448-9w

    Building schools for the future programme, Finance 1395w

    Civil servants, Pensions 1256w

    Compulsorily detained mental patients, Wales 1804w

    Cryptography, Zimbabwe 406w

    Health centres, Greater London 196w

    Information and communications technology, Dept for Work and Pensions 637-8w

    Insurance, Unfair practices 725w

    Prisoners' release, Domestic violence 1964w

    Secure training centres, Restraint techniques 2032w

    Tibet, Politics and government 2199w

    Yarl's Wood Detention Centre, Pregnant women 1378w

    Young offender institutions, Social services 1211w

    Young offenders, Antisocial behaviour orders 1514-6w

    Young offenders, Housing 1253w

    Young offenders, Legal aid 1253w


    Secondary education 1636w

Cole Layer Trumble

Collective worship

Colorectal cancer

    East of England 656

Combined heat and power

Commercial and Estates Directorate

Commission for Local Administration in England

    Freedom of information 275w

Commission for Racial Equality

Commission for Social Care Inspection

Common agricultural policy


Commonwealth scholarships

Communication skills

Communities England

    see Homes and Communities Agency

Community development

Community infrastructure levy

Community justice centres

Community nurses

Community orders

Community policing

    Halifax 9

Community relations

    Departmental coordination 1162w

Community safety accreditation schemes


Companies House

Companies (Reduction of Share Capital) Order 2008

                  Chamber Debates

    (15.07.2008) 212

Company accounts

Company liquidations


    Bovine tuberculosis 392-3

    Dept for Communities and Local Government 765w

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2035w

    Dept for Transport 411w

    Equitable Life Assurance Society 2153w

    Industrial diseases 408w

    Ministry of Defence 1057w

    Prisoners of war 2ws



    Highways Agency 613w

    Independent Police Complaints Commission 1574w

Compton, Martyn

Comptroller and Auditor General

    see National Audit Office

Compulsorily detained mental patients


    Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 919w

    Dept for Children Schools and Families 1607w

    Dept for Communities and Local Government 36w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 88w

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1484w

    Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1499-500w

    Dept for International Development 2160-1w

    Dept for Transport 879w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 637w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2178-9w

    House of Commons 12w

    Ministry of Justice 899w

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1w

    Scotland Office 402w

Conditions of employment


    Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 66w

    Dept for Children Schools and Families 1608w, 2065w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1031-2w

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 241w, 2413w

    Geographical information systems 246w

    Government Equalities Office 318w

    Political parties 969w

Conflict prevention

Congo (Kinshasa)

    see Democratic Republic of Congo

Connarty, Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Terrorism, Northern Ireland (14.07.2008) 112-5


    Offenders, Rehabilitation 364w


Conservation areas

Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) (No 2) Bill 2007-08

                  Chamber Debates

    Royal Assent (21.07.2008) 553

"Consolidated Statement on the Use of EU Funds in the UK 2006-07"


    Industrial health and safety 2383w


    Building schools for the future programme 927w

    Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 2108-9w

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 241-2w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 224w

    Government Equalities Office 2301w

    Personal Accounts Delivery Authority 2225w

    Specialised diplomas 1636w

Consumer Council for Water



    Dept for Communities and Local Government 777w

    Ministry of Defence 1440w

    Pathways to work 133w

Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage


    Domestic violence 564w

    Property development 47w

Cooper, Rosie


    Agriculture, Subsidies 1493w

    Learning disability, Employment 2376-7w

    Learning disability, Voluntary organisations 1436-7w

    Local government, Public participation 1168w

    New deal for disabled people 2387w

    Primary education, School meals 1629-30w

Cooper, Rt Hon Yvette, Chief Secretary to the Treasury

                  Chamber Debates

    Excise duties, Fuels (16.07.2008) 325-32


    Accountancy, Treasury 1390w

    Building schools for the future programme, Finance 1395w

    Civil servants, Pay 1389w

    Devolution, Finance 718w

    Public transport, Rural areas 727-8w


Corbyn, Jeremy

                  Chamber Debates

    Crossrail Bill, Lords amendts (22.07.2008) 755

    Employment Bill (HL), 2R (14.07.2008) 81

    House of Lords, Reform (14.07.2008) 29

    Iraq (22.07.2008) 675

    Recess motions (22.07.2008) 720

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Employment services, Hearing impaired 1182w

    Latin America, Deportation 962w

    Latin America, Immigration 114-6w

    Mental health services, Greater London 656-7

    Nuclear disarmament 2253w

    UK Trade and Investment, Manpower 2146-7w

    UK Trade and Investment, Public appointments 2147w

    Western Sahara, Human rights 231

Cord blood

Cormack, Sir Patrick

                  Chamber Debates

    House of Lords, Reform (14.07.2008) 28-9

    Oral question time intervention (17.07.2008) 384, 389-90

    Topical questions, Points of order (15.07.2008) 141


    Business questions 410

    General practitioners 641-2

    Nature conservation 386

    Offenders, Employment 131-2



Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence

Corporate hospitality

Corporate manslaughter

Corporation tax


    Border and Immigration Agency 1327-8w

    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 2002-3w

    Revenue and Customs 2306w


    Turks and Caicos Islands 689w

Cost effectiveness

    Ministry of Defence 1058w

Cost of living

    Social security benefits 2398w

Council housing

Council of Europe

Council tax

    Second homes 34w

    Travelling people 491w

Council tax benefits


County courts


Courts Service

    see HM Courts Service

Cousins, Mr Jim


    Double taxation 629w

    Financial services, Disclosure of information 142w

    Health services, North East 198w

    Incapacity benefit, North East 643-4w

    Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 1123w

    Post office card account, Newcastle upon Tyne 1196w

    Revenue and Customs, Labour turnover 1954w

    Secondary education, Standards 1633-5w

    Social security benefits 136w

    Social security benefits, Newcastle upon Tyne 475-6w

    Social security benefits, North East 650-4w

    Taxation, Investment income 629w

    Taxation, Trusts 634w

    Working tax credit 731w

Cox, Geoffrey


    Post offices, Closures 922w

    Secondment, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1485-6w

    Secure training centres, Restraint techniques 1251w

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