C Cr Cy D Dh Dj Du E Ec Ep Ey F Fl Fr G Gl Gr H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J Ju K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Me Mo N Ni O Oi P Pe Ph Pl Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru Rw S Sh Si Sk Sp Sq Su T Th To Tu U V Vo W We Wo X Y Z
Lloyd, Mr Tony
Chamber Debates
Primary care trusts, Finance 1067w
Llwyd, Mr Elfyn
Local area agreements
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 88w
Local authorities
Local authority business growth incentives scheme
Local government
Public participation 1168w
Local government finance
Local Government Ombudsman
see Commission for Local Administration in England
Local housing allowance
Local Transport Bill (HL) 2007-08
Written Statements
Lockyer Review
London airports
London Assembly
London Local Authorities and Transport for London Bill 2004-05
Chamber Debates
Royal Assent (21.07.2008) 553
London Local Authorities (Shopping Bags) Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
2R order read (17.07.2008) 383
London-Leicester railway line
London-Tamworth railway line
London 2012
Lone parents
Long service awards
Lorry drivers
Lost property
Dept for Communities and Local Government 267-8w
Loughton, Tim
Chamber Debates
Back pain, Medical treatments 520w
Cannabis, Drug seizures 253w
Cannabis, Young people 1328w
Children, Disadvantaged 492w
Children, Hyperactivity 1097w
Clinical trials, Children 1848w
Clinical trials, Children in care 557w, 927w
Social security benefits, Polygamy 136w, 2401w
Social security benefits, Teenage pregnancy 865w
Truancy, Children in care 1273w
Truancy, Foster care 561w
Young people, Alcoholism 520w
Young people, Crimes of violence 597-8w
Love, Mr Andrew
Chamber Debates
Housing and Regeneration Bill, Lords amendts (21.07.2008) 605, 611-2
Electoral Commission, Manpower 9-10w
Pollution, Greater London 388
Low carbon buildings programme
Low flying
Low incomes
Lucas, Ian
Luff, Mr Peter
Eco-towns, Public participation 42w
Overseas students, Employment 14-5
Lung cancer