Index for Volume 479—continued

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Mobile phones

    Unsolicited goods and services 698-9w

Moffat, Anne


Moffatt, Laura

                  Chamber Debates

    Iraq (22.07.2008) 676


    Armed forces, Job satisfaction 520-1

    Community justice centres 365w


    BBC External Services 685w

Mole, Mr Chris


    Prisons, Drugs 122-3 (6mc)

Mole Valley

    Health centres (22.07.2008) 759-64

Money laundering

Moon, Madeleine

                  Chamber Debates

    Police (17.07.2008) 445


    Corporate Alliance Against Domestic Violence 596-7w

    Departmental responsibilities, Home Office 15

    Domestic violence, Curriculum 598-9w

    Domestic violence, Reoffenders 599w

    Health services, Parc Prison 903-5w

    Health services, Young people 820w

    Huntercombe Young Offender Institution, St Andrew's Hospital Northampton 819w

    Mental health services, Young offender institutions 1099w

    Mental health services, Young people 1099w

    Offensive weapons 15-6

    Prisons, Discipline 1982w

    Seas and oceans, Climate change 428-9w

    Seas and oceans, Environment protection 390, 543w

    Trees, Genetically modified organisms 1023-4w

    Young offenders, Custodial treatment 1252-3w

Moore, Mr Michael

                  Chamber Debates

    Digital broadcasting, Petitions (15.07.2008) 212-3

    Recess motions (22.07.2008) 735-6


    Afghanistan, European Union Police Mission 2175-6w

    Afghanistan, Police 2176w

    Catering, Dept for Children Schools and Families 1276-7w

    Catering, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1489w

    Catering, Northern Ireland Office 710w

    Digital broadcasting, Borders region 2019-20w

    Digital switchover help scheme, Borders region 2020w

    Fairtrade initiative, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 2121w

    Fairtrade initiative, Dept for Children Schools and Families 381w

    Fairtrade initiative, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1488-9w

    Health services, Overseas aid 347-8w

    Human trafficking, Northern Ireland 11-2w

Moran, Margaret

                  Chamber Debates

    Housing and Regeneration Bill, Lords amendts (21.07.2008) 593


    Business questions 413

    Community relations, Departmental coordination 1162w

    Domestic violence, Convictions 564w

    Futurebuilders England 153w

    Local authority business growth incentives scheme 774-5w

    Non-profit making associations, Ethnic groups 485w, 784-5w

    Non-profit making associations, Trade unions 785w

    Offences against children, Internet 1575w

    Out-patients, Bedfordshire 357w

    Regional development agencies, Females 1127w

Morden, Jessica


    Flood control 246

Morgan, Julie

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Nursing and Midwifery Council (16.07.2008) 121wh


    Domestic violence, Refuges 2300w

    Young offender institutions, Manpower 1985-6w

Morley, Mr Elliot


Morning Star

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2045w

    Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 83w

    Media Monitoring Unit 454w

    Solicitor-General 122w

Mortgage relief


Moss, Mr Malcolm


    Crimes of violence, Cambridgeshire 254-5w


Motor sports

Motor vehicles

    Exhaust emissions 614w

Motorway service areas


Mountford, Kali

                  Chamber Debates

    Welfare state, Reform (21.07.2008) 537


    Health education, Donors 21w


    see Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus

Mudie, Mr George


    UK Border Agency, Standards 962w

Mulholland, Greg

                  Chamber Debates

    Members, Allowances (16.07.2008) 278

                  Westminster Hall Debates

Mullin, Chris

                  Chamber Debates

    Intelligence and Security Committee (17.07.2008) 469, 490


Multiple occupation

Munn, Meg, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

                  Written Statements

    Turks and Caicos Islands Inquiry 13-4ws


    Accountancy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 682w

    Alcoholic drinks, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2178w

    Buildings, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 122-3w

    Burma, Ethnic groups 122w

    China, Deportation 866w

    China, Population 681w

    Computers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2178-9w

    Consultants, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 224w

    Democratic Republic of Congo, Diplomatic service 2177-8w

    Democratic Republic of Congo, War crimes 223w

    Developing countries, Charities 2181-2w

    Diplomatic service, Education 2183w

    Diplomatic service, Security guards 867-8w

    Early retirement, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 224w

    Economic and monetary union, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 683w

    Eritrea, Ethiopia 868w

    Fish, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 423w

    Furniture, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2179w

    Horn of Africa, Arms trade 683w

    Human rights, International cooperation 423-4w

    Information and communications technology, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 420w, 1118-9w

    Information officers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 867w

    Inquiries, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 682w

    Languages, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 424w

    Members, Correspondence 225w

    Nigeria, Armed conflict 2194w

    North Korea, Foreign relations 424w

    North Korea, Labour camps 424-5w

    Personal injury, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 225w

    Planning permission, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1119w

    Postal services, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2179w

    Research, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2180-1w

    Retirement, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1119w

    Secondment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 125w

    Sick leave, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2181w

    Somalia, al Qaeda 687w

    Somalia, Human rights 687w

    South Africa, Chemical and biological warfare 2198w

    Sri Lanka, Politics and government 426w

    Sudan, War crimes 874w

    Swaziland, Trade unions 995w

    Turks and Caicos Islands, Corruption 689w

    Turks and Caicos Islands, Politics and government 1124w, 2200w

    Waste, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 682-3w

    Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 226w

    Written questions, Government responses 690w

    Zimbabwe, Asylum 129w

    Zimbabwe, Overseas residence 690w

Murphy, Mr Denis


    Hazardous substances, Fly tipping 30w

    Mental health services, Manpower 534-5w

    Telephone services, Dept for Work and Pensions 640w

    Welfare tax credits, Telephone services 150w

Murphy, Jim, Minister for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

                  Written Statements

    "British Council Report and Accounts 2007-08" 87ws

    EU General Affairs and External Relations Council 68-70ws

    Treaty of Lisbon 48ws

    "Wilton Park Report and Accounts 2007-08" 82ws


    Commonwealth scholarships 2177w

    EC countries, Diplomatic service 423w

    EC defence policy 125w

    Georgia, Politics and government 127-8w

    Israel, EC external relations 2187-8w

    Moldova, BBC External Services 685w

    Moldova, British Council 685-6w

    North Africa, EC external relations 872w

    Pakistan, BBC External Services 126-7w

    Russia, Antisemitism 127w

    Treaty of Lisbon 225w

    Turkey, Armenia 680w

Murphy, Rt Hon Paul, Secretary of State for Wales


    Alcoholic drinks, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1026w

    Billing, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1803w

    Buildings, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1803-4w

    Compulsorily detained mental patients, Wales 1804w

    Computers, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1w

    Council tax, Wales 456w

    Departmental responsibilities, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1804w

    Disabled, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1026-7w

    Fish, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 2w

    Industrial disputes, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 2w

    Information and communications technology, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1802w

    Official cars, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 544w

    Official hospitality, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 220w, 1803w

    Paper, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1026w

    Pay, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1803w

    Public expenditure, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1w

    Public participation, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1804w

    Roads, Accidents 402w

    Sick leave, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1w, 544w

    Trade promotion, Wales 2w

Murrison, Dr Andrew

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 522

    Armed forces, Compensation 837w

    Armed forces, Immigration 2349w

    Armed forces, Postal services 298-9w

    Armed forces, Uniforms 1808w

    Diplomatic service, Security guards 867-8w

    Legal costs, Ministry of Defence 1054w

Muscular dystrophy


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