C Cr Cy D Dh Dj Du E Ec Ep Ey F Fl Fr G Gl Gr H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J Ju K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Me Mo N Ni O Oi P Pe Ph Pl Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru Rw S Sh Si Sk Sp Sq Su T Th To Tu U V Vo W We Wo X Y Z
Pickles, Mr Eric
Approved premises, Planning permission 1208w
Buildings, Government departments 139w
Buildings, Home Office 948w
Climate change, Finance 427w
Commission for Local Administration in England, Freedom of information 275w
Community infrastructure levy 452-3w
Contracts, Dept for Communities and Local Government 777w
Council housing, Offenders 1418w
Council tax, Travelling people 491w
Ecovert FM, Cabinet Office 153w
Email, Dept for Communities and Local Government 36w
English Regions Network 2082w
European Union Solidarity Fund 270w
Film, Dept for Communities and Local Government 264w
Geographical information systems 1013w
Geographical information systems, Conferences 246w
Housing, Carbon emissions 1152w
Housing, Construction 768w
Housing, Low incomes 1164w
Investigatory Powers Tribunal 971w
Landfill tax, Rebates 487w
Local government, Marketing 1168w
Local government, Public participation 1168w
Local government, Standards 489w
Northern Rock, Repossession orders 2154-5w
Planning permission, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1119w
Public participation, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1420w
Regional government, Finance 1428w
Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 1591w
Retail trade, Planning permission 1169w
Social security benefits, Fraud 2396w
Stamp duty land tax 1479w
"Thames Gateway Annual Report 2007-08" 1171w
Valuation Office, Capgemini 1956-7w
Valuation Office, Cole Layer Trumble 233w, 1400w
Valuation Office, Consultants 1957w
Valuation Office, Eurostar 149w
Valuation Office, Geographical information systems 2307w
Valuation Office, Greater London 233-4w
Valuation Office, Information and communications technology 1957w
Valuation Office, Land Registry 1985w
Valuation Office, Maps 489w
Valuation Office, Standards 234w
Valuation Office, Travel 234w
Valuation Office, Video recordings 149w, 1401w
Visits abroad, Dept for Communities and Local Government 2081w
Waste disposal, Planning permission 490w
Waste disposal, Prisons 33w
Waste Strategy Board 1026w
Pilling Review
Pilot schemes
Pitt Review
"Planning Inspectorate Report and Accounts 2007-08"
Planning permission
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1484w
Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 77w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1119w
Plaskitt, James, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Work and Pensions
Westminster Hall Debates
Housing benefit, Highlands of Scotland (16.07.2008) 116-9wh
Written Statements
Children, Maintenance 138ws
EU Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council 56-8ws
Official hospitality, Dept for Work and Pensions 130ws
"Social Fund Commissioner Report 2007-08" 58ws
Social security benefits, Fraud 16ws
Child Support Agency, Correspondence 464-5w
Child Support Agency, Managers 1174-5w
Child Support Agency, Manpower 2362w
Child Support Agency, Telephone services 1175w
Council tax benefits, Greater London 1191-4w
Crisis loans, Telephone services 129-30w
Economic and monetary union, Dept for Work and Pensions 130w
Housing benefit, Greater London 130-1w
Income support, Disabled 644-5w
Pension credit, Overpayments 862w
Post office card account 2395w
Post office card account, Bexley 646w
Post office card account, Newcastle upon Tyne 1196w
Post office card account, Tamworth 1197-8w
Rented housing, Essex 469w
Social Fund, Personation 1206w
Social security benefits, Appeals 2397w
Social security benefits, Deductions 1177-8w
Social security benefits, North East 650-4w
Social security benefits, Overpayments 326w
Social security benefits, Polygamy 136w, 2401w
Social security benefits, Teenage pregnancy 865w
State retirement pensions 657-8w