Index for Volume 479—continued

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Safer Stronger Communities Fund

Safety belts

St Albans

    Revenue and Customs 1395w

St Andrew's Hospital Northampton

    Ashfield Young Offender Institution 819w

    Huntercombe Young Offender Institution 819w

St David's Day

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 437w

St Leonards Dorset

    Travelling people 896w

St Mary's Hospital NHS Trust

Sale of Student Loans Bill 2007-08

                  Chamber Debates

    Royal Assent (21.07.2008) 553


Sales promotions

    Alcoholic drinks 656


    Revenue and Customs 728w

Salmond, Rt Hon Alex


    Members, Correspondence 1953w

    Revenue and Customs, Scotland 147-8w

Salter, Mr Martin


    Seas and oceans, Environment protection 389-90


Sanders, Mr Adrian


    Dental services, Manpower 2052w

    Hypothermia, Elderly 2051w

    Income support, Disabled 644-5w

    Parking offences, Fixed penalties 2264w

    Rented housing, Waiting lists 2086w

    Social security benefits, Appeals 2397w

    Written questions, Government responses 972w


Sanitary protection


Sarwar, Mr Mohammad


    Human trafficking, Asylum 955w

Saudi Arabia

Save as you earn

Schengen Agreement

    Information and communications technology 418w, 1374w

School meals


    Industrial disputes 1632w

    International cooperation 392w



    Olympic Games 2012 703w

    Seasonal agricultural workers' scheme 970-1w

Scotland Office

    Alcoholic drinks 978w

    Departmental responsibilities 978w

    Government Communications 703w

    Industrial disputes 703w

    Information and communications technology 402w, 1801w

Scott, Lee

                  Chamber Debates


    Domestic visits, Treasury 2227w

Scottish Islands


    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 1749w


Seas and oceans

    Special areas of conservation 1020-1w

Seasonal agricultural workers' scheme

Second homes

    Council tax 34w

Secondary education


    Dept for Children Schools and Families 1850w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1034-5w

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 125w

    Information Commissioner 1222w

    Northern Ireland Office 706-7w

Secure accommodation

Secure training centres


    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1486w

    Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 77-8w

    Dept for Work and Pensions 467w

    Heathrow Airport 414w

Security guards

Security Industry Authority

"Security Industry Authority Report and Accounts 2007-08"



Selly Oak Hospital

Selous, Andrew

                  Chamber Debates

    Post offices, Petitions (21.07.2008) 620-1


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 512-3

    Child Support Agency, Manpower 2362w

    Health and Safety Executive, Manpower 2379-80w

    Incapacity benefit, Bedfordshire 858w

    Motor vehicles, Registration 369-70w

    Pleural plaques, Compensation 905-6w

    Post offices, Bedfordshire 922w

    Post offices, Closures 922w

Semiconductor devices


    Young offenders 575w

Serious Fraud Office

Serious Organised Crime Agency

    Information officers 1592w

Service industries

Services for Children and Young People with Speech Language and Communication Needs Review

Severn barrage

    Environment protection 698w

Severn tunnel



    Health education 358w

Sex establishments

Sexual assault referral centres

Sexual health services and clinics

    see Genito-urinary medicine

Sexual offences

    Overseas residence 606w

Sexually transmitted diseases

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