C Cr Cy D Dh Dj Du E Ec Ep Ey F Fl Fr G Gl Gr H He Hi Hu Hy I Ip J Ju K Ki Ko L Le Ll M Ma Me Mo N Ni O Oi P Pe Ph Pl Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru Rw S Sh Si Sk Sp Sq Su T Th To Tu U V Vo W We Wo X Y Z
Vaizey, Edward
Arts Council, Information and communications technology 2429w
Valuation Office
Geographical information systems 2307w
Information and communications technology 1957w
Vara, Shailesh
Chamber Debates
Freedom of Information (Parliament and National Assembly for Wales) Order (17.07.2008) 449
Members, Allowances (16.07.2008) 305-8
Recess motions (22.07.2008) 745-8
Vaz, Rt Hon Keith
Chamber Debates
Terrorism Act 2000 (Proscribed Organisations) (Amendment) (No 2) Order (15.07.2008) 196, 198-9, 203-10
Leicester City Primary Care Trust, Finance 203w
London-Leicester railway line 613-4w
Magistrates, Ethnic groups 1223w
Magistrates, Females 1223w
Medical records, Data protection 352-3w
Medical records, Leicestershire 1747w
Prison Service, Females 1979w
Prisoners, Saudi Arabia 2197w
Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 67-8w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1035w
Driving instruction 1413w
Victim personal statement scheme
Victim support schemes
Video conferencing
Video games
Video recordings
Viggers, Sir Peter
Westminster Hall Debates
Crime prevention, Young people 1593w
Elections, Local government 401w
Electoral Commission, Manpower 9-10w
Electoral Commission, Publications 401w
Electoral register, Marketing 551-2w
Labour Party, Finance 984w
Political parties, Finance 984-6w
Villiers, Theresa
Aviation, EU emissions trading scheme 1039w
Aviation, Exhaust emissions 1403-4w
Bellwin scheme, Kingston upon Hull 768-9w
Data protection, Home Office 2323w
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Databases 2003w
Heathrow Airport, Immigration controls 113w, 953-4w
Heathrow Airport, Public participation 2004w
Highways Agency, Complaints 613w
Internet, Dept for Transport 609w
London airports, Security 1403w
Motor vehicles, Testing 615-6w
Parking, Fees and charges 219w
Parking offences, Fixed penalties 219w
Railways, Construction 884w
Roads, Gloucestershire 619w
Tolls, Greater Manchester 890-2w
Transport, Exhaust emissions 608w
Transport, Olympic Games 2012 2005w
Travel, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 67w
Travel, Dept for Transport 610w
West coast railway line, Rolling stock 891-2w
Violent and sex offender register
Vis, Dr Rudi
Visits abroad
Dept for Communities and Local Government 2081w
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 244w
Dept for International Development 2309w
Revenue and Customs 1398w