Index for Volume 480—continued

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Flello, Robert

                  Chamber Debates

    Dormant Bank and Building Society Accounts Bill (HL), 2R (06.10.2008) 56

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Taxation, Aviation (08.10.2008) 112wh

    Young people, Autism (08.10.2008) 87wh, 97wh

Flint, Rt Hon Caroline, Minister of State for Europe, Foreign and Commonwealth Office

                  Chamber Debates

    Human rights (13.10.2008) 558-70


    Ballistic missile defence 216w

    Georgia, Foreign relations 602-3w

    Georgia, Overseas residence 758w

    International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 224w

    Macedonia, EC enlargement 133

    Malta, Foreign relations 1253w

    Military aircraft, Helicopters 233-4w

    Olympic Games 2012, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 606w

    Overseas aid, Youth parliaments 1590w

    Russia, Guided weapons 607w

Flood control


    Freedom of information 728w

    Hydraulic equipment 917w

    Inland waterways 921w

    Nottinghamshire 922w

    Primary education 922w

Fluoridation Society

    see British Fluoridation Society


Fly tipping

Flynn, Paul

                  Chamber Debates

    Dept of Energy and Climate Change (16.10.2008) 951


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 272-3

    Lorries, Safety 888w

Foetal alcohol syndrome

Follett, Barbara, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State and Minister for the East of England, Dept for Culture Media and Sport

                  Chamber Debates

    Broadcasting (Television License Fee Abolition) Bill, 2R motion debated and withdrawn (17.10.2008) 1077-8, 1081-92

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Digital broadcasting (14.10.2008) 204-9wh


    Architecture, Education 1187w

    Arts, Regional development agencies 1376w

    Billing, Government Equalities Office 14w

    Buildings, Government Equalities Office 14w

    Churches, Repairs and maintenance 1376w

    Consultants, Government Equalities Office 13w

    Creativity and Business International Network 1204w

    Cultural heritage 690w

    Culture Online, Expenditure 1189w

    Culture Online, Manpower 1189w

    Disabled, Candidates 15w

    Disciplinary proceedings, Government Equalities Office 13-4w

    Discrimination, Insurance 277w

    EDF Energy, Government Equalities Office 16w

    English Heritage, Educational visits 693w, 1196w

    English Heritage, Energy performance certificates 1196w

    English Heritage, Expenditure 1196-7w

    English Heritage, Fees and charges 1379-80w

    English Heritage, Surveys 1197w

    Females, Crimes of violence 17w

    Homeworking, Government Equalities Office 14w

    Human trafficking, Victim support schemes 16w

    Listed buildings, Worcestershire 693w

    Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Recruitment 1289w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 833w, 1190-1w

    Pay, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 691w

    Property, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1193w

    Public expenditure, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1510w

    Public libraries, Newcastle upon Tyne 846-7w

    Public relations, Government Equalities Office 14-5w

    Rape, Victim support schemes 16-7w

    Regional cultural consortiums 694w

    Regional cultural consortiums, Finance 1381w

    Religious buildings, Finance 1198-9w

    Religious buildings, Repairs and maintenance 1199w, 1295w

    Schools, Government Equalities Office 15w

    Sick leave, Government Equalities Office 15w

    Surveys, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1299w

    Taxis, Government Equalities Office 17w

    Tourism, Finance 704w

    UK Film Council, Recruitment 1203-4w


Food aid

Food supply

Food technology


Foreign and Commonwealth Office

    Departmental responsibilities 132-3

    Information and communications technology 1252w

    Official residences 219w

    Olympic Games 2012 606w

Foreign investment

Foreign relations

Foreign workers

    Social services 462w

Teachers 1150w


    Royal Military Academy 261w

Forest of Dean


Former ministers

    Business interests 876w

Foster, Mr Don

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Regional planning and development, South West (07.10.2008) 28wh, 41wh


    Gambling, USA 43w

    Manpower, Dept of Health 405-6w

    Millennium dome 347w

    Olympic Games 2012, Contracts 3w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 280-2w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Children Schools and Families 495-6w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Communities and Local Government 352w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 45-6w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Environment Food and Rural Affairs 1480w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Innovation Universities and Skills 532-3w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Transport 208w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept for Work and Pensions 543-4w

    Olympic Games 2012, Dept of Health 457-8w

    Olympic Games 2012, Finance 836w

    Olympic Games 2012, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 606w

    Olympic Games 2012, Home Office 660w

    Olympic Games 2012, Northern Ireland Office 88w

    Olympic Games 2012, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 7w

    Olympic Games 2012, Prime Minister 618w

    Olympic Games 2012, Scotland Office 12w

    Parliament, Internet 853w

    Sports, Equal opportunities 50w

    Sports, Per capita costs 702w

    Sports, Public participation 49w

Foster, Mr Michael (Worcester), Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for International Development

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Adam Smith Institute, Dept for International Development 1178w

    Contracts, Dept for International Development 987w

    Developing countries, Voluntary work 584w

    Haiti, Hurricanes and tornadoes 1330-1w

    Sri Lanka, EC external trade 1254w

    Sri Lanka, Politics and government 1254w

Fox, Dr Liam

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Regional planning and development, South West (07.10.2008) 37-9wh, 46wh


    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1008-10w

    Armed forces, Advisory services 244-5w

    Armed forces, Compensation 243w

    Armed forces, Education 900w

    Armed forces, Health services 249w

    Armed forces, Housing 1237w

    Armed forces, Mentally ill 900-2w

    Armed forces, Social security benefits 53-4w

    Armed forces, Vehicles 1394w

    Armoured fighting vehicles, Procurement 1238w

    Furniture, Ministry of Defence 1238w

    Future large aircraft 260w

    Kosovo, Peacekeeping operations 259-60w

    Warships, Repairs and maintenance 1241-2w

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