B By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Du E Em F Fl Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J K Kh Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Ph Pl Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sk Sp Su T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo Wy Y Z
Heald, Mr Oliver
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations (29.10.2008) 263-6wh
Departmental reorganisation, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1114w
Departmental reorganisation, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1019-20w
Identity cards, Foreigners 820-1w
Official cars, Ministerial policy advisors 1203w
Official hospitality, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1259w
Railways, Overcrowding 839w
Healey, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Dept for Communities and Local Government
Written Statements
Local government, Reorganisation 25ws
Audit Commission, Codes of practice 1258w
Audit Commission, Operating costs 1130w
Business links, Finance 1254w
Climate change, Departmental coordination 1288w
Council tax, Discounts 1133w
Council tax, Non-payment 487-8w
Council tax, Students 1134w
Council tax, Travelling people 977w
Deprivation indicators 489w
Disadvantaged, Coastal areas 720-2w
Domestic waste, Waste disposal 1153-4w
English Regions Network 1141w
Infrastructure Planning Commission 961w
Joint waste authorities 1276w
Local authority business growth incentives scheme 1276w
Local government, Contracts 1253-4w
Local government, Equal pay 1278w
Local government, Fixed penalties 1278w
Local government, Insurance 1275w
Local government, Loans 776w
Local government, Pay 1279w
Local government, Public participation 1283w
Local government, Referendums 1208w
Local government, Reorganisation 1279-80w
Local government finance, Stroud 493-4w
Non-domestic rates, Credit unions 355w
Non-domestic rates, Embassies 1147w
Non-domestic rates, Public houses 724w
Non-domestic rates, Small businesses 964w, 1290w
Non-domestic rates, Waste disposal 1291w
Parish councils, Public participation 1149w
Property development, Nuisance 496w
Regional development agencies, Finance 967w
Regional government, Finance 969w
Regional planning and development 1150w
Small businesses, Tax allowances 1290w
Standards Board for England, Finance 1290-1w
Valuation Office, Digital mapping 1257w
Valuation Office, Information and communications technology 1153w
Valuation Office, Rightmove 1135w
Valuation Office, Standards 1133w
Waste disposal, Fees and charges 1291w
Health and Safety (Education and Training) Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
Health centres
Health education
Health hazards
Health professions
Health services
EC action (22.10.2008) 414-5
Health visitors
Hearing impaired
Heart diseases
Heath, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Climate Change Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (28.10.2008) 788
Political Parties and Elections Bill, 2R (20.10.2008) 42, 66, 69
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Chamber Debates
Climate Change Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (28.10.2008) 791
Heathrow Airport
Hemel Hempstead
Hemming, John
Chamber Debates
Brussels Summit (EC) (20.10.2008) 33-4
Political Parties and Elections Bill, 2R (20.10.2008) 63, 68, 74
Hendry, Mr Charles
Bus services, Concessions 414w
Citizens' advice bureaux, Closures 203-4w
Conference centres, South East 6w
Natural gas, Storage 1102w
Hepatitis Advisory Group
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Antisocial behaviour, Crime prevention 505-6w
Antisocial behaviour orders 435w
Care homes, Inspections 901-2w (483 5-6mc)
Electricity generation 732w
Injuries, Offensive weapons 67-70w
World War II, Medals 764w
Herbert, Nick
Chamber Debates
Political Parties and Elections Bill, 2R (20.10.2008) 52
Prisoners' release, Reoffenders 749-50w
Hercules aircraft
Heritage Lottery Fund
Hermon, Lady
Disability living allowance, Sight impaired 399w
Homophobia, Northern Ireland 88w, 345w
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 375-6w
Hesford, Stephen
Chamber Debates
Excise duties, Motor vehicles 1025
Health services, Elderly 643-4w
Hewitt, Rt Hon Patricia
Chamber Debates
Brussels Summit (EC) (20.10.2008) 30
Heyes, Mr David
Chamber Debates
Road works, Utilities (27.10.2008) 702
Westminster Hall Debates
Inland waterways, Repairs and maintenance (28.10.2008) 196-7wh