B By C Ch Co Cr D Dh Du E Em F Fl Fr G Gr H He Hi Hu I Is J K Kh Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mo N Nu O Ot P Ph Pl Pu Q R Ri Ru S Sh Sk Sp Su T Ti Tu U V W Wi Wo Wy Y Z
Woodward, Rt Hon Shaun, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Christmas, Northern Ireland Office 87w
Dorneywood, Northern Ireland Office 1168w
Information and communications technology, Northern Ireland Office 1167w
Information officers, Northern Ireland Office 1167w
Marketing, Northern Ireland Office 470w
Pay, Northern Ireland Office 1167-8w (485 7-8mc)
Recruitment, Northern Ireland Office 87-8w
Taxis, Northern Ireland Office 152w
Woolas, Phil, Minister of State, Treasury and Home Office
Chamber Debates
Immigration controls (21.10.2008) 215-9
Asylum, Work permits 816w
Border and Immigration Agency, Correspondence 816w
Border and Immigration Agency, Travel 508w
Borders, Personal records 816w
British nationality, Gurkhas 816-7w
British nationality, Right of abode 674w
Christmas, Home Office 674w
Civil service agencies, Home Office 508-9w
Cleaning services, Home Office 440w
Customs officers, Lancashire 440w
Data protection, Home Office 817-8w
Disciplinary proceedings, Home Office 257w
Dungavel House Immigration Removal Centre 260w
EDF Energy, Home Office 261w
European Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings 265-6w
Foreign workers, Airports 813-4w
Foreign workers, Care homes 273w
Foreign workers, Domestic service 264-5w
Government Communications, Home Office 443-4w
Highly skilled migrant programme 1086-8w
Homeworking, Home Office 258w
Identity cards, Foreigners 820-1w
Illegal immigrants, Employment 267w
Immigrants, Criminal records 514w
Immigrants, Fees and charges 11w
Immigrants, Police custody 12w
Immigration, Climate change 821-2w
Immigration controls, Aviation 268w
Information, Home Office 258w
Marketing, Home Office 818w
Non-departmental public bodies, Home Office 441w
Oakington Immigration Removal Centre 679-80w
Offenders, Deportation 514w
Official residences, Home Office 258w, 515w
Official visits, Home Office 509w
Plain English, Home Office 822w
Procurement, Home Office 259w
Public expenditure, Home Office 441w
Public participation, Home Office 509-10w
Seasonal agricultural workers' scheme 24w, 153w
Temporary employment, Home Office 820w
Travel requirements, Fees and charges 825-6w
UK Border Agency, Billing 826-7w
UK Border Agency, Dismissal 272w
UK Border Agency, Finance 272-3w
UK Border Agency, Marketing 826w
UK Border Agency, Property 14-5w
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 671w
Workers' registration scheme, Greater London 149-50w
Written questions, Government responses 273-4w
Work permits
Workers' registration scheme
Working hours
Working tax credit
World economy
World Heritage sites
World Religion Day
World War II
Wright, David
Mobile phones, Health hazards 312w
Wright, Iain, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Communities and Local Government
Westminster Hall Debates
Travelling people, Epping Forest (22.10.2008) 127-30wh
Approved premises, Planning permission 965w
Building regulations, Databases 1130w
Caravans, Departmental responsibilities 1131w
Carbon monoxide, Alarms 497w
Community infrastructure levy 1131-2w
Council housing, Construction 1275w
Council housing, Insulation 227w
Council housing, Repairs and maintenance 946w, 959w
Council housing, South West 487w
Council housing, South Yorkshire 1274w
Council housing, Standards 946w
Electromagnetic fields, Health hazards 1259-60w
Empty property, Eastbourne 1260w
Environmental impact assessment 950-1w
Geographical information systems 951-2w
Home information packs, Prosecutions 953w
Homelessness, Young people 954-5w
Homes and Communities Agency, Manpower 491-2w
Homes and Communities Agency, Pay 491w
Homes and Communities Agency, Public appointments 955-6w
Housing, Building alterations 1142w
Housing, Disadvantaged 353w
Housing, Per capita costs 958w
Housing, Rural areas 191w
Housing, Young people 1274w
Housing and planning delivery grant 958-9w
Housing associations, Finance 1264-5w
Housing revenue accounts 352-3w
Lighting, Pollution 1274w
Listed buildings, Demolition 1274w
Local government, Mortgages 354w
Local government, Standards 1145w
Members, Correspondence 354w
Mortgages, Government assistance 355w
Ordnance Survey, Databases 1148w
Ordnance Survey, Manpower 495w
Ordnance Survey, Pay 964w
Ordnance Survey, Visits abroad 1148-9w (487 3-6mc)
Out of town shopping centres, Planning permission 237w
Parking, Fees and charges 978w
Planning, Sustainable development 1284w
Planning, Urban areas 966w
Planning Inspectorate 1285w
Planning permission, Data protection 1287w
Planning permission, Hammersmith and Fulham 966w
Property, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1259w
Property development, Recreation spaces 235w
Regeneration, Canvey Island 966-7w
Regional planning and development 967-8w
Renewable energy, Planning permission 236-7w
Retail trade, Planning permission 1151w
Shared ownership schemes 971w
Social rented housing, Repairs and maintenance 1144w
Urban development corporations 237-8w
Wright, Jeremy
Chamber Debates
Olympic Games 2012 (29.10.2008) 906
Political Parties and Elections Bill, 2R (20.10.2008) 57
Legal profession, Competition 718
Wright, Tony
Chamber Debates
Energy and Climate Change Select Committee (28.10.2008) 853-5
Political Parties and Elections Bill, 2R (20.10.2008) 56, 71, 106-11
Westminster Hall Debates
Bus services, Concessions 828w
Government departments, Annual reports 781w
Parliament, Duration 714-5
Written questions
Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1114w
Dept for Culture, Media and Sport 241w
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 501w
Dept for International Development 200w
Government Equalities Office 291w
Minister for the Olympics 392-3w
Northern Ireland Office 88w