Index for Volume 483continued
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Hughes, Rt Hon Beverley, Minister of State and Minister for the North West, Dept for Children, Schools and Families
Children, Social services 1835w
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 14
Children in care, Coastal areas 1824-5w
Children in care, Mentally ill 1823-4w
Children's centres, Enfield 1422-3w
Children's centres, Stoke on Trent 1873w
Children's Commissioner for England, Public relations 1836w
National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders, Expenditure 1823w
Pre-school education 1420w
Pre-school education, Crosby 1421-2w
Pre-school education, Teachers 1853w
Secondary education, Northamptonshire 61w
Sure start programme 1451w
Sure start programme, Milton Keynes 9-10
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 789w
Young offenders, Essex 1878w
Young people, Antisocial behaviour 790w
Young people, Secure accommodation 1261-2w
Youth services, Tyne and Wear 62w
Hughes, Simon
Chamber Debates
Counter-Terrorism Bill, Lords amendts (19.11.2008) 249, 252-4, 257, 262
Pre-Budget Report 2008 (26.11.2008) 749, 776
Pre-Budget Report 2008, Points of order (26.11.2008) 739, 796-7
Council housing, Security of tenure 121
Disabled, Civil servants 1176w
House of Commons, Disabled 1161w
Prisons, Health services 921w
Prisons, Overcrowding 874w
South London railway line 606-7
Huhne, Chris
Chamber Debates
Counter-Terrorism Bill, Lords amendts (19.11.2008) 248-50, 252, 257, 277, 280-2, 300, 305-7, 309-10, 321-3, 325, 331-3
Criminal Records Bureau, Complaints 578-9w
Detention centres, Security 721w
Electronic surveillance, Databases 602w
Entry clearances, Overseas students 2254w
Extradition, EC countries 583-4w
Hospitals, Crimes of violence 2082w
Identity cards, Finance 590-1w
Identity cards, Foreigners 2264w
Identity cards, Information and communications technology 1255w
Illegal immigrants, Educational institutions 2271w
Magistrates' courts 1297w
Offensive weapons, Young people 1258-9w
Passports, Fees and charges 2281w
Security, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1110w
Security, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 747w
Written questions, Government responses 603w, 1798w
Human papilloma virus
Human rights
Democratic Republic of Congo 1038w
Departmental coordination 322w
Human trafficking
Humble, Mrs Joan
Chamber Debates
Counter-Terrorism Bill, Lords amendts (19.11.2008) 270-1
Armed forces, Mental health services 494-5w
Armed forces, Self-harm 137-8w
Armed forces, Training 417w
Armed forces, Young people 665w
Internet, Ministry of Defence 413-4w
Military bases, Catterick 666w
Hunt, Jeremy
Architecture, Education 2166w
Arts Council of England, Employment agencies 253-4w
Arts Council of England, Mass media 2183w
Arts Council of England, Research 2166w
Big Lottery Fund, Public participation 1068w
Big Lottery Fund, Public relations 1333-4w
Central Office of Information, Advertising 1729w
Church of England, Finance 1481w
Churches Conservation Trust 2168-9w
Conference centres, Greater London 1334w
Convergence Think Tank 2170w
Cost effectiveness, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1323-4w, 2173w
Culture, Community development 2171w
Culture, Sustainable development 2171w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1936w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2185w
Disabled, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2186w
English Heritage, Research 2186w
Equality, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2173-4w
Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government 1341w
Information officers, Churches Conservation Trust 1334w
Information officers, Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment 2168w
Information officers, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 421-2w
Information officers, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1491w
Information officers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1336w, 2174-8w
Information officers, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 279w
Information officers, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 366w
Information officers, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1042-3w, 1201w
Information officers, Gambling Commission 2189-90w
Information officers, Ministry of Defence 1542w
Information officers, Museums and galleries 2191-2w
Information officers, Northern Ireland Office 1638w
Information officers, Royal Parks Agency 2196w
Information officers, UK Film Council 1343-4w
Information officers, VisitBritain 2205-6w
Manpower, Cabinet Office 1733w
Manpower, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 605w
Mass media, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1491w
Mass media, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2181w
Mass media, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1597w
Mass media, Dept for Work and Pensions 734-5w
Mass media, Treasury 1891w
Museums and galleries, Finance 2191w
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Employment agencies 1070-1w
Museums, Libraries and Archives Council, Research 2192-3w
National Lottery Commission, Recruitment 2193w
Press, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2182-3w
Public relations, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1338w
Recruitment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1339w
Redundant churches, Property transfer 1164w
Religious buildings, Finance 2195-6w
Research, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1069w, 2185w
Sport England, Recruitment 2205w
Sport England, Research 2197w
Television, Dept for Work and Pensions 2037w
Training, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1069w, 2185w
Hunter, Mark
Chamber Debates
Local government finance (26.11.2008) 737
Hurd, Nick
British Waterways Board, Public relations 837w
Consultants, Construction skills 709w
Consultants, Cycling England 1079w
Consultants, Financial Services Authority 1326-7w
Consultants, Financial Services Compensation Scheme 1326-7w
Public bodies, Public relations 1363-5w
Public relations, Dept for International Development 968w
V, Burson-Marsteller 1741w
Hurricanes and tornadoes
Hutton, Rt Hon John, Secretary of State for Defence
Written Statements
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 57-8ws
Supply estimates, Ministry of Defence 59-60ws
Afghanistan, Military aid 887w
Armed forces, Deployment 891-2w
Ballistic missile defence 140w
Nuclear submarines, Procurement 1559w