Index for Volume 483continued
A al Ao B Be Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dr E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir It J Ju K Kh Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mi Mo My N Nu O Oc Ow P Ph Po Ps Q R Ri Ru Rw S Sh Si Sk Sn Sr Sw T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo Wr Y Z
EC external relations 1777w
Dept for International Development 118w
Iris London
Irish language
Northern Ireland Office 2w
Irranca-Davies, Huw, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Chamber Debates
River Lymington, Ferries (19.11.2008) 337-42
Written Statements
Supply estimates, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 15-6ws
Absenteeism, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1595w
Badgers, Animal welfare 297w
Billing, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 301-2w
Bovine tuberculosis, Compensation 1592w
British Waterways Board, Public relations 837w
Buildings, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 475w
Catering, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1595w
Christmas, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1594w
Civil proceedings, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1594w, 1603w, 1616-7w
Conditions of employment, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 94w
Contracts, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 838w
Cooperative Wholesale Society, Harborough 303w
Correspondence, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 851w
Dorneywood, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 842-3w
Electronic equipment, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1166w, 1596w
Energy, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 298w
Environment protection 303w
European Union, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1593w
Fisheries, Protection 303w
Flowers, Conservation 844w
Forestry Commission, Property 311w, 846w
Forestry Commission, Public relations 476w, 1619w
Genetically modified organisms, Crops 1167w
Horses, Conservation 847w
Information officers, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 300w
Inspections, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 305-6w
Land, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1601-4w
Liability, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 299-300w
Lost property, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 839w
Manpower, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1595w, 1603-4w
Marine animals, Conservation 1617w
Marketing, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1166w, 1605w
Mass media, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1597w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1166w
Motor vehicles, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1608w
Natural England, Finance 1617w
Nature conservation, Madagascar 307w
New Forest, Carbon emissions 297-8w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1605-6w, 1618w
Official hospitality, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 298w
Official visits, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 300w
Older workers, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 839w
Parliament Square, Demonstrations 308w
Pay, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1606w
Pensions, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1606-7w
Performance appraisal, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 308w
Pesticides, Licensing 309w
Plain English, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 309-10w, 1168w
Planning permission, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 300-2w
Postal services, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1607w
Press releases, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1607-8w
Procurement, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1608w
Property, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1608w
Public expenditure, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 838w, 1166w, 1596-7w
Public opinion, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1608w
Public participation, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 839-40w
Public relations, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 840w, 1608-10w
Racial harassment, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1621w
Recruitment, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 302w
Redundancy, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1622-3w
Removal services, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 839w
Rural Payments Agency, Surveillance 295-6w
Shellfish, Inspections 306w
Smoking, Departmental coordination 312w
Special areas of conservation 307w
Surveillance, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 840-1w
Sustainable Development Commission 1624-5w
Television, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 841w
Temporary employment, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 841w
Trade unions, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 312w
White fish, Conservation 857-8w
Wines, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1627w
Written questions, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1167w
Religious buildings 2276w
Isle of Man
Isle of Wight
Israeli-Palestinian conflict