Index for Volume 483continued
A al Ao B Be Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dr E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir It J Ju K Kh Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mi Mo My N Nu O Oc Ow P Ph Po Ps Q R Ri Ru Rw S Sh Si Sk Sn Sr Sw T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo Wr Y Z
Oakington Immigration Removal Centre
Oaten, Mr Mark
Algeria, Politics and government 1031w
Burundi, Politics and government 1192w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Arms trade 110w
Prisoners, Taxation 171w, 1289-90w
Prosthetics, Foreign workers 1219w
O'Brien, Mike, Minister of State, Dept of Energy and Climate Change
Chamber Debates
Westminster Hall Debates
Nuclear power, Finance (19.11.2008) 123-6wh
Absenteeism, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2140w
Airwave service, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2133w
British Energy, Nuclear Liabilities Fund 1141w, 2133w
British-French Nuclear Forum 803w
Cabinet committees, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1152w
Carbon emissions, Power stations 1470w
Carbon sequestration, Coal fired power stations 111-2w
Carbon sequestration, EC action 631-2w
Carbon sequestration, Public participation 2163w
Catering, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2140w
Christmas, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2138w
Coal, Pollution control 366w
Coal Authority, Land 2139w
Conditions of employment, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 366w
Consultants, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1463w, 2141w
Departmental reorganisation, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 627-9w, 1464w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 629w, 2144w
Early retirement, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2141w
Electronic equipment, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2141-2w
Energy, Conservation 1145w
Energy, Consumption 1146w
Energy, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 800w, 804w
Fuel poverty, Chelmsford 1468w
Fuel poverty, Coatbridge 1393w
Geological Disposal Implementation Board 1469-70w
Industrial diseases, Compensation 2157w
Information and communications technology, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1463w
Information officers, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 366w
Internet, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2142w
Land, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 800w
Lost property, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 366w
Low carbon buildings programme, Finance 625-7w
Microgeneration, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1144w
National Nuclear Laboratory 1472-3w
Natural gas, Prices 1469w
Natural gas, Shetland 806w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 627-8w
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Departmental responsibilities 2161w
Nuclear power, International cooperation 1147w
Nuclear power stations 1473w
Nuclear power stations, Floods 2162w
Nuclear power stations, Insurance 2162w
Nuclear power stations, Public participation 804w
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets, Gyms 1398w
Official visits, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1463w
Older workers, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 109w, 628w
Pensions, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 109w
Performance appraisal, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1143w
Postal services, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2143w
Procurement, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2143w
Public expenditure, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 627w, 800w, 1464w
Recruitment, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1464w, 2144w
Renewable energy, International cooperation 1155w
Renewable energy, National Grid 1155-6w
Renewable energy, North East 1475-6w
Renewable energy, Per capita costs 2148w
Renewables Advisory Board 805-6w
Renewables Advisory Board, Manpower 2163w
Renewables obligation 1476w
Renewables obligation, Scotland 1465w
Sellafield, Freedom of information 2163w
Wind power, Gwynt y Mor 1402w
Written questions, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2144w
O'Brien, Mr Stephen
Westminster Hall Debates
Business, Advisory services 420w
Health services, Exservicemen 2080w
Medical records, Lost property 1222w
Mental health services, Elderly 518w
NHS, Information and communications technology 928-30w, 979w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept of Health 205w, 533-4w
Research and development tax credit 953-4w
Revenue and Customs, Personal records 468-9w
Social services, Foreign workers 321-2w
European Defence Agency 1549w