Index for Volume 483continued
A al Ao B Be Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dr E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir It J Ju K Kh Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mi Mo My N Nu O Oc Ow P Ph Po Ps Q R Ri Ru Rw S Sh Si Sk Sn Sr Sw T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo Wr Y Z
Petitions (19.11.2008) 333
Pickles, Mr Eric
Chamber Debates
Offences against children, Haringey (20.11.2008) 383
Action for Sustainable Living 398w
Automatic number plate recognition 710w
Bus services, Concessions 262w
Catering, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1030w
Climate change, Floods 667w
Community relations 1239w
Community safety accreditation schemes 710-1w
Council tax benefits 1377w
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Databases 263w
Electoral register, Databases 1653w
Electronic surveillance, Databases 593w, 725w
Environment protection 303w
Eunomia Research and Consulting, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1611-3w
European Union Solidarity Fund 1896w
Fixed penalties, Litter 848w
Fixed penalties, Royal Parks Agency 1691w
Fixed penalties, Shoplifting 57-8w
Fraud, Social security benefits 1257w
Freedom of information, Fees and charges 1296-7w
Health services, Greater Manchester 201w
Heathrow Airport, Air pollution 680w
Home information packs 242w
Identity cards, Local government 2264-5w
Institute of Revenues Rating and Valuation, Conferences 1979w
Interception of Communications Commissioner 725-6w
Land Registry, Valuation Office 1317w
Local government services 128w
Marriage, Religious buildings 727w
National Association of Estate Agents 291w
National identity register 2277w
Non-domestic rates, Licensed premises 965w
Non-domestic rates, Small businesses 123-4
Office of Surveillance Commissioners 728w
Office of Surveillance Commissioners, Freedom of information 2278w
Official secrets, Photography 1682w
Powers of entry, Debt collection 1302w
Powers of entry, Terrorism 603w
Public participation, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 840w
Smoking, Departmental coordination 312w
Speed limits, Cameras 58w
Surveillance, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 840-1w
Surveillance, Gambling Commission 607w
Surveillance, Local government 726-7w
Surveillance, Police 729w
Surveillance, Royal Mail 730-1w
Surveillance, Rural Payments Agency 295-6w
Swimming, Concessions 1073w
Tenants' rights, Duchy of Cornwall 1285w
Valuation Office, Information and communications technology 177w, 471w, 1332w
Voting behaviour, Religion 943w
Waste disposal, Embassies 672-3w
Waste disposal, Public places 2299w
Pilling Review
Pilot schemes
Somalia 34w, 146w, 655w, 671w, 889-90w, 1046-7w, 1050-1w, 1174w, 1212w, 1786w, 1791w
Institute for Animal Health 1592w
Pitt Review
Plain English
Dept for Children, Schools and Families 781w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2194w
Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1408-9w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 658w, 751w
Northern Ireland Office 260-1w
Planning Bill 2007-08
Chamber Debates
Programme motion and Lords amendts (24.11.2008) 523-72
Royal Assent (26.11.2008) 855
Planning obligations
Planning permission
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 300-2w
Plaskitt, James
Bereavement benefits, Civil partners 486
Plastic bags
Playing fields
Planning permission 2194w
Pleural plaques