Index for Volume 483—continued

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Sick leave

    Northern Ireland Office 260w

    UK Border Agency 325w

Sierra Leone

Sight impaired

    New deal for disabled people 1385w

    Public transport 266w

Simmonds, Mr Mark

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Aortic aneurysm, Medical treatments 2051w

    Aortic aneurysm, Screening 2052w

    Gene Therapy Advisory Committee 211w

    Genetics and Insurance Committee 357w

    NHS Pharmacy Education and Development Committee, Finance 216w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Dept of Health 206-7w

Simon, Mr Sion, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills


    Absenteeism, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1698w

    Adult education, North West 1403-4w

    Adult education, Wales 1407w

    Airwave service, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 275w

    Apprentices, Enfield 1696w

    Apprentices, Suffolk 1696w

    Apprentices, Voluntary organisations 360

    Apprentices, York 618w

    Buildings, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 278-9w

    Catering, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1698w

    Christmas, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1696-7w

    ConstructionSkills, Consultants 709w

    Consultants, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1699w

    Early retirement, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1699w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1699-700w

    Energy Technologies Institute 2146w

    Energy Technologies Institute, Finance 629w

    English language, General certificate of secondary education 1406-7w

    European Union, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1696w

    Further education, Community development 706-7w

    Higher education, Finance 1708w

    Higher education, North West 285w

    Horse riding, National vocational qualifications 1407-8w

    Information and communications technology, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 279w

    Information officers, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 279w

    Land, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1405w

    Manpower, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1698-701w

    Marketing, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1015w, 1701w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1701w

    Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 618-20w

    Older workers, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 280w, 1405w

    Pay, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1702w

    Pensions, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 280w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1408w

    Plain English, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1408-9w

    Postal services, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1405w

    Press releases, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1702w

    Procurement, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1702w

    Public opinion, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1702w

    Public participation, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1702w

    Public relations, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 280-1w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1029w

    Redundancy, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1715w

    Research councils, Finance 623-4w

    Skilled workers, Construction 347-9

    Students, Bexley 286w

    Television, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1405-6w

    Train to gain programme 1410w

    Training, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1406w

    Unemployment, Young people 1721w

    Union Learning Fund, Crosby 286-7w

    Vocational training 1717w

    Written questions, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1406w, 1412w

Simpson, Mr Alan

                  Chamber Debates

    Employment (25.11.2008) 626


    Committee on Climate Change, Public appointments 108w

Simpson, David


    Billing, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 189-90w

    Bloody Sunday Tribunal of Inquiry 219

    Domestic visits, Home Office 2228-9w

    Domestic visits, Northern Ireland Office 1643w

    Marketing, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2179-80w

    Marketing, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1605w

    Marketing, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 108w

    Marketing, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 746w

    Marketing, Ministry of Justice 1662-3w

    Marketing, Treasury 163w

    Official visits, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1109w

    Official visits, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 300w

    Official visits, Dept for Work and Pensions 549-50w

    Official visits, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1463w

    Official visits, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1045w

    Older workers, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 280w

    Older workers, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 109w

    Older workers, Home Office 2236w

    Pay, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2182w

    Pay, Police Service of Northern Ireland 885w

    Performance appraisal, Cabinet Office 1356w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1111-2w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for Children, Schools and Families 1013w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 308w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1408w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for International Development 119-20w

    Performance appraisal, Dept for Transport 37w

    Performance appraisal, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 1143w

    Performance appraisal, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1057w

    Performance appraisal, Home Office 2284w

    Performance appraisal, House of Commons 4-5w

    Performance appraisal, Leader of the House of Commons 40w

    Performance appraisal, Minister for the Olympics 259w

    Performance appraisal, Ministry of Defence 498w

    Performance appraisal, Ministry of Justice 867-8w

    Performance appraisal, Prime Minister 1191w

    Performance appraisal, Scotland Office 4w

    Performance appraisal, Solicitor-General 1577-8w

    Performance appraisal, Treasury 469w

    Police, Driving under influence 581w

    Public expenditure, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 190w

    Racial harassment, Cabinet Office 1739w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Children, Schools and Families 1435w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Communities and Local Government 512w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 256w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1621w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1029w

    Racial harassment, Dept for International Development 971w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Transport 1096-7w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Work and Pensions 1005w

    Racial harassment, Dept of Health 2120w

    Racial harassment, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1787w

    Racial harassment, Government Equalities Office 16w

    Racial harassment, Home Office 2291-2w

    Racial harassment, Leader of the House of Commons 612w

    Racial harassment, Minister for the Olympics 259w

    Racial harassment, Ministry of Defence 670w

    Racial harassment, Ministry of Justice 875-6w

    Racial harassment, Northern Ireland Office 885w

    Racial harassment, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 1068w

    Racial harassment, Scotland Office 809w

    Racial harassment, Solicitor-General 1578w

    Racial harassment, Treasury 1331w

    Rape, Criminal proceedings 2292w

    Sexual offences, Reoffenders 798-9w

Simpson, Mr Keith


    Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 742-3w

    Afghanistan, Peacekeeping operations 1742-3w

    Burma, Politics and government 1034w

    China, Human rights 1035w

    Democratic Republic of Congo, Armed conflict 1036-7w

    Democratic Republic of Congo, Peacekeeping operations 1038w

    Democratic Republic of Congo, Sexual offences 1199-200w

    India, Christianity 1202w

    Somalia, International assistance 972w

    Somalia, Peace negotiations 198w

    Sri Lanka, Human rights 1792w

    Sudan, Peace negotiations 1060w

    Sudan, Peacekeeping operations 1793w

    Tibet, Politics and government 430w

    Uganda, Peace negotiations 1063w

    Visits abroad, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 650-3w

    Zimbabwe, Economic situation 646-7w

    Zimbabwe, Politics and government 200w

Single parents

    see Lone parents

Sixth form education

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