Index for Volume 483—continued

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Sri Lanka


    Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 1223w



    Appeals Service 859w

    Benefit Fraud Inspectorate 977w

    Criminal Records Bureau 1241w

    Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2183w

    Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency 1179w

    First Great Western 1091w

    Higher education 284w

    Local government 761w

    Mental health services 528w

    Pension, Disability and Carers Service 1388-9w

    Revenue and Customs 959w

    Youth offending teams 1317w

Standing Order No 24 applications

    Charities (19.11.2008) 236

    Pre-Budget Report 2008 (25.11.2008) 633

Standing orders

    Select committees (25.11.2008) 691-2

Stanley, Rt Hon Sir John


    Carbon emissions, International cooperation 107-8w

    Local government, Pensions 505-6w

    Police, Complaints 55w

Stansted Airport

Starkey, Dr Phyllis

                  Chamber Debates

    Local government finance (26.11.2008) 729


    Cold weather payments 469

    Sure start programme, Milton Keynes 9

State retirement pensions

Statistics Board

    see United Kingdom Statistics Authority

Steam rollers

Steen, Mr Anthony

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Serious Organised Crime Agency, Disclosure of information (25.11.2008) 216-7wh


    Horse riding, National vocational qualifications 1407-8w

    Horses, Conservation 847w

    Shellfish, Inspections 306w

Stem cells

Stern Review

Stoate, Dr Howard


    Channel tunnel railway line 1182w

    South East, Home Office 2295w

Stoke on Trent

    Drug interventions programme 2250w

Straw, Rt Hon Jack, Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor

                  Chamber Debates

    Information Commissioner, Pay (24.11.2008) 573-5, 586-8

                  Written Statements

    National Offender Management Service, Data protection 33-5ws

    Supply estimates, Ministry of Justice 73-6ws


    Antisocial behaviour, Fixed penalties 22w, 1677w

    Buildings, Ministry of Justice 17-8w

    Conditions of employment, Ministry of Justice 18-9w

    Data protection, Ministry of Justice 1658w

    HM Courts Service, Finance 865w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Ministry of Justice 863w

    National Offender Management Service, Finance 866-7w

    Political parties, Finance 22w

    Prisoners, Repatriation 1205w

    Public expenditure, Ministry of Justice 20w, 331w

    Shoplifting, Compensation 23-4w

    Shoplifting, Sentencing 23w

    Television, Ministry of Justice 1292w

Street trading

Streeter, Mr Gary


    Illegal immigrants, Plymouth 322w

    Rented housing, Private sector 117

    Social security benefits, Mortgages 477

Stringer, Mr Graham


    Health services, Greater Manchester 919w


    Medical treatments (18.11.2008) 1-24wh

Stuart, Ms Gisela

                  Westminster Hall Debates


    Children's trusts, Autism 8-9

    Mortgages, Low incomes 230

    Railways, Overcrowding 604

Stuart, Graham

                  Chamber Debates

    Education and Skills Bill, Ways and means res and Lords amendts (17.11.2008) 50, 56-7, 62-3

    Energy Bill, Ways and means res and Lords amendts (18.11.2008) 141

    Flood control, Points of order (26.11.2008) 854

    Group of Twenty (17.11.2008) 38

    Group of Twenty, Points of order (17.11.2008) 40


    Academies, Admissions 1414w

    Academies, Higher education 1414w

    Academies, Pupil exclusions 1415w

    Council housing, Security of tenure 121-2

    Housing benefit 478

    Pensioners, Social security benefits 486

    Personal social and health education, Disadvantaged 11

    Supply teachers, Yorkshire and the Humber 1450w

    Teachers, Sick leave 1454w


    Community relations 375w

Stun guns

Stunell, Mr Andrew

                  Westminster Hall Debates

    Equitable Life Assurance Society (25.11.2008) 197wh


    Energy, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 800w

    Pension credit, Mortgages 2013w


Sub-Saharan Africa



    Specialised diplomas 1870w




Supply estimates

    Charity Commission 79ws

    Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 41-3ws

    Dept for Children, Schools and Families 49-51ws

    Dept for Communities and Local Government 52-7ws

    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 15-6ws

    Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 69-72ws

    Dept for International Development 72-3ws

    Foreign and Commonwealth Office 64-5ws

    National Savings and Investments 45-6ws

    Northern Ireland Office 80ws

    Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 84ws

    Scotland Office 81ws

    United Kingdom Statistics Authority 78ws

Supply teachers

    Yorkshire and the Humber 1450w

Supporting people programme


Sure start programme



    Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 840-1w

    Gambling Commission 607w


    Revenue and Customs 1917w

Sustainable development

Sustainable Development Commission

Sutcliffe, Mr Gerry, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept for Culture Media and Sport


    Absenteeism, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1337w

    Buildings, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2172-3w

    Casinos, Licensing 6-7w

    Catering, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 752w

    Christmas, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2168w

    Community development, Crosby 605w

    Data protection, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 605-6w, 1335w

    Disabled, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2186w

    Early retirement, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1335w

    Electronic equipment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1335-6w

    Gambling Commission, Manpower 1339w

    Gambling Commission, Surveillance 607w

    Horserace Betting Levy Board 1340w

    Improvement and Development Agency for Local Government 1341w

    Information officers, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2175-6w

    Internet, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 8-10w, 254w

    Land, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 606w

    Lotteries, Housing 610w

    Manpower, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2179w, 2181w

    Marketing, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2179-80w

    Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1337-8w, 2181w

    Motor sports, Brazil 15w

    National Lottery Commission, Recruitment 2193w

    Olympic Games 2012, Football 1341-2w

    Pay, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2182w

    Plain English, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2194w

    Postal services, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1338w

    Procurement, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2183w

    Public relations, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 1338w

    Racial harassment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 256w

    Recruitment, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 9w

    Redundancy, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 754w, 1339w

    Sports, Per capita costs 2199w


    Health services (17.11.2008) 99-110

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