Index for Volume 483continued
A al Ao B Be Bo Bu By C Ce Ci Co Cr Cy D De Dh Dr E Ec En Ex F Fl Fr G Gl Gu H He Hi Hu Hy I Ir It J Ju K Kh Ko L Le Lu M Ma Me Mi Mo My N Nu O Oc Ow P Ph Po Ps Q R Ri Ru Rw S Sh Si Sk Sn Sr Sw T Th To Tu U V W Wh Wo Wr Y Z
White fish
Whitemoor Prison
Wicks, Rt Hon Malcolm
Occupational pensions 475
Wiggin, Mr Bill
Chamber Debates
Agriculture, Subsidies 88w
Diabetes, Medical equipment 2073w
Pesticides, EC action 309w
Willetts, Mr David
Higher education, Part-time education 1714-6w
Information and communications technology, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 279w
Vocational training 1717w
Written questions, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 1412w
Young people, Unemployment 1721w
Williams, Mrs Betty
Economic situation, Wales 710
Williams, Hywel
Jobcentre Plus, Manpower 975w
Williams, Mark
Westminster Hall Debates
Equitable Life Assurance Society (25.11.2008) 187wh
Local broadcasting (18.11.2008) 27wh
Strokes, Medical treatments (18.11.2008) 13-5wh
National Probation Service for England and Wales 797w
Western Sahara, Military exercises 1796w
Williams, Mr Roger
Animal experiments, Licensing 2214w
Christmas, Cabinet Office 1345w
Christmas, Dept for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform 1932w
Christmas, Dept for Children, Schools and Families 1837w
Christmas, Dept for Communities and Local Government 1488w
Christmas, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 2168w
Christmas, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1594w
Christmas, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 2138w
Christmas, Dept of Health 2054w
Christmas, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1751w
Christmas, Ministry of Defence 1533w
Economic situation, Wales 710
Williams, Stephen
Adult education, Finance 276w
Higher education, Admissions 1705-6w
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman 1124-5w
Willis, Mr Phil
Westminster Hall Debates
Equitable Life Assurance Society (25.11.2008) 211-2wh
Domestic visits, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 1042w
Voluntary organisations, Finance 721
Willott, Jenny
Access to work programme 977w
Disability living allowance 736-7w
Disability living allowance, Chronically sick 737-8w, 1968w
Disability living allowance, Sight impaired 738w, 1969w
Incapacity benefit, Medical examinations 992w
New deal for disabled people 2001-2w
Non-departmental public bodies, Dept for Work and Pensions 1964-5w
Pension credit, Overpayments 2013-4w
Pensions, Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1606-7w
Pensions, Dept for Innovation, Universities and Skills 280w
Pensions, Dept for Work and Pensions 67w
Pensions, Dept of Energy and Climate Change 109w
Pensions, Dept of Health 2065w
Pensions, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 746-7w, 1046w
Pensions, Home Office 2238w
Publications, Dept for Work and Pensions 985w
Redundancy, Dept for Work and Pensions 982-3w
Sight impaired, Elderly 2121w
Social security benefits, Arrears 2028w
Vocational training, Redundancy 2040-2w
Winter fuel payments, Chronically sick 572w
Wills, Rt Hon Michael, Minister of State, Ministry of Justice
Written Statements
Elections, Candidates 105ws
Absenteeism, Ministry of Justice 1654w
Constitutional Renewal Bill (Draft) 1673w
Consultants, Ministry of Justice 1655w
Electoral Commission, Powers of entry 1675-6w
Electoral register, Databases 1653w
Electronic conveyancing 454w
Freedom of information, Fees and charges 1296-7w
Information officers, Ministry of Justice 19w
Land Registry, Valuation Office 1317w
Manpower, Ministry of Justice 1661-2w
Pensions, Ministry of Justice 19-20w
Performance appraisal, Ministry of Justice 867-8w
Plain English, Ministry of Justice 868w
Postal services, Ministry of Justice 1292w
Press releases, Ministry of Justice 1664w
Prisoners, Voting rights 872-3w
Public opinion, Ministry of Justice 1665-70w
Racial harassment, Ministry of Justice 875-6w
Written questions, Ministry of Justice 331-2w
Wilshire, Mr David
Georgia, Armed conflict 1790w
Wilson, Mr Phil
Offences against children, Haringey 18
Wilson, Robert
Westminster Hall Debates
Higher education, Admissions 1705w
Higher education, Finance 1708w
Wilson, Sammy
Alcoholic drinks, Crime 880-1w
Democratic Republic of Congo, Overseas aid 1808w
Prisoners, Northern Ireland 479w
Proceeds of crime, Northern Ireland 2289w
Wind power
Dept for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 1627w
Winnick, David
Chamber Debates
Counter-Terrorism Bill, Lords amendts (19.11.2008) 299, 304-7, 310
Employment (25.11.2008) 627
Child Support Agency, Correspondence 1371w
Winter fuel payments
Winterton, Ann
Chamber Debates
Group of Twenty (17.11.2008) 37
Afghanistan, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 439w
Armed forces, Weapons 1533w
Financial Services Authority, Departmental responsibilities 951w
Iraq, Dept for International Development 118w
Iraq, Peacekeeping operations 1550w
Local government, Cheshire 127
Winterton, Sir Nicholas
Chamber Debates
Employment (25.11.2008) 628
Local government finance (26.11.2008) 733
Parliament Square, Points of order (18.11.2008) 132
Bypasses, Greater Manchester 609
Departmental responsibilities, Dept for Transport 609
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, Standards 1179w
Non-domestic rates, Empty property 128
Winterton, Rt Hon Rosie, Minister of State and Minister for Yorkshire and the Humber, Dept for Work and Pensions
Chamber Debates
Written Statements
Pension funds, Investment 108ws
Bereavement benefits, Civil partners 486
Home energy efficiency scheme 485
Home responsibilities protection 1381-2w
National insurance contributions 1383-4w
Occupational pensions 2008w
Pension credit, Expenditure 1385-7w
Pension credit, Hemel Hempstead 1387w
Pension credit, Mortgages 2013w
Pension credit, Overpayments 2014w
Pension credit, South Yorkshire 562w
Pension, Disability and Carers Service, Pensions 1387-8w
Pension, Disability and Carers Service, Standards 1388-9w
Pensioners, Means tested benefits 2021-2w
Pensioners, Overseas residence 445w
Post office card account, Kingston upon Thames 446w
Post office card account, Romsey 563w
Procurement, Dept for Work and Pensions 1966w
Social security benefits, Arrears 2028w
Social security benefits, EC nationals 974w
Social security benefits, York 1008w
State retirement pensions, East Midlands 2036-7w
State retirement pensions, Females 1008w
Translation services, Dept for Work and Pensions 1968w
Winter fuel payments 2046w
Winter fuel payments, Bolsover 1010w
Winter fuel payments, Chronically sick 572w
Wirral Metropolitan College
Petitions (17.11.2008) 98
Wishart, Pete
Chamber Debates
Counter-Terrorism Bill, Lords amendts (19.11.2008) 273, 305
Emergency services, Pensions 1908w
Marketing, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 649w