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Session 2007 - 08
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Private Business in the House of Commons

Here you can browse the House of Commons Private Business Order Paper for Monday 28 January 2008.

Private Business Paper for [order2html $Revision: 1.32 $ ($Date: 2007/06/20 12:17:36 $)]
House of Commons


Ministerial Reports
Under SO169A (Reports concerning human rights)
1. Canterbury City Council Bill
2. Leeds City Council Bill
3. Nottingham City Council Bill
4. Reading Borough Council Bill

        Mr Gareth Thomas, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform, has made the following report:
        ‘Standing Order 169A of the House of Commons requires me to report on these Bills, in respect of the statement of opinion required by Standing Order 38(3) relating to the compatibility of the proposals with the European Convention on Human Rights.
        I believe the promoters have undertaken a full assessment of the compatibility of their proposals with the European Convention on Human Rights and I see no need to dispute their conclusions. I have not seen the evidence the promoter’s rely on to justify restrictions as being in the ‘general interest.’’
5. Northern Bank Bill

        Angela Eagle, Exchequer Secretary to the Treasury, HM Treasury, has made the following report:
        ‘I believe that the promoters of the Northern Bank Bill have undertaken a full assessment of the compatibility of their
        proposals with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and I see no need to dispute their conclusions.
        In considering their assessment, the Parliamentary Agents have provided the following points of clarification:
        · the reference in their assessment to “Articles 6 to 18” of the ECHR should have been a reference to “Articles 16 to 18”;
        · the reference to Articles 1 and 2 of the Sixth Protocol should have been a reference to Article 1 of the 13th Protocol; and
        · in relation to the assessment of compatibility with Article 1 of Protocol 1, consideration has been given to Danish insolvency
        law and the banks concerned (Northern Bank and its parent, Danske Bank) are satisfied that Danish insolvency law provides
        at east the same level of protection as Northern Ireland insolvency law.’

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(c) Parliamentary copyright 2008
Prepared 28 January 2008