Select Committee on Business and Enterprise Minutes of Evidence

Examination of Witnesses (Question Numbers 100-101)


21 OCTOBER 2008

  Q100  Miss Kirkbride: Any timescale?

  Lord Mandelson: Obviously, with due regard to the fairness of procedures and thoroughness of the task. It says here.

  Q101  Chairman: Secretary of State, we must let you go, but you have confirmed that you are reviewing the possibility of flexible working and maternity leave being altered, and you have confirmed, I think—I am not sure what you have confirmed about the Post Office, frankly; you have left me almost more confused than when I began the Royal Mail Group. You have completely disavowed the report in the Financial Times of yesterday, which you said was based on an out-of-date interview—

  Lord Mandelson: I was not aware that I had completely endorsed, embraced, disavowed anything that I have seen in the newspapers in the last two or three weeks. If I were to spend my time chasing round newspaper stories I would not have any time left for my day job.

  Chairman: We will have you back shortly to pursue some of these issues at greater length, I hope.

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