Select Committee on Children, Schools and Families Third Report


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TA02Heading for Inclusion, Alliance for Inclusive Education
TA05Portway Infant School, Hampshire
TA06Purbrook Junior School, Waterlooville
TA07Epilepsy Action
TA08Doug French, University of Hull
TA14Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME)
TA15Mathematics in Engineering and Industry (MEI)
TA19Institute of Physics
TA20Association for Achievement and Improvement through Assessment (AAIA)
TA21Campaign for Science and Education (CaSE)
TA22Dr A Gardiner, University of Birmingham
TA25Barbara J Cook, Headteacher, Guillemont Junior School, Farnborough, Hampshire
TA26Alliance for Inclusive Education
TA27The Royal Society
TA28AWellcome Trust, Annex B
TA30Ms Janet Graham, Director, Supporting Professionalism in Admissions Programme (SPA)
TA31Qualification and Curriculum Authority, Annexes 3-5
TA33Lorraine Smith, Headteacher, Western Church of England Primary School, Winchester, Hampshire
TA34Association of Science Education (ASE)
TA35The Mathematical Association
TA37Richard Cooper
TA38S Forrest, Teacher of Mathematics, Wokingham Authority
TA39H Nickels, Headteacher, Silverton CE Primary School, Devon
TA42SCORE—Science Community Partnership Supporting Education
TA45University of Cambridge International Examinations
TA48  Warwick Mansell

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