Memorandum submitted by What Makes the Difference? & National
Leaving Care Advisory Service
at Rainer
About us
National Leaving Care Advisory Service (NLCAS) has the single focus of policy
and practice in relation to young people as they prepare to move on from care
and have left care. It provides a range of information, advice and project
services to policy makers and service providers.
What Makes
The Difference? (WMTD) is a project that is working to identify ways to improve
poor outcomes for older children in care and leaving care in England. WMTD is a
large partnership involving 60 organisations from national and local
government, voluntary and independent sectors and is partly funded by the
European Social Fund EQUAL initiative. To facilitate success, young people from
care are at the heart of every part of the project. The National Leaving Care
Advisory Service is part of Rainer, the young people's charity. Rainer is the
lead partner in What Makes The Difference?
In late 2006, we undertook a peer research project, in which 265 young
people aged between 15 and 23 from 25 local authorities were asked what made
the difference and what could have made a difference while they were in and
leaving care. The research was carried out by young people from care, trained
and supported by us.
From November 2006 to January 2007, we ran four
regional consultation events with young people on the Care Matters Green Paper.
339 young people from care and 426 professionals from over 90 local authorities
and 15 private and voluntary agencies submitted their views at these events.
What Makes
The Difference? (WMTD) and the National Leaving Care Advisory Service
(NLCAS) are
strongly supportive of the majority of the provisions in the Children and Young
Person's Bill. However we believe the provisions in the Bill could be
strengthened in a number of ways to improve outcomes for young people in and
leaving care.
evidence contained in this submission is based on the key messages from the two
year What Makes the Difference Project? and research carried out by Rainer.
1. Corporate parenting
I. We welcome the Committee's specific request
for evidence on the impact Care Matters - Time for Change on corporate
parenting. We have done significant work in this area, including research with
care experienced young people.
II. In the peer research project, young people were
asked, 'what made the difference for you?' 45 per cent of respondents
identified the quality of the relationships they had with key individuals.
III. Personalised
care: To make the difference in terms of emotional wellbeing and improving
outcomes corporate parents have to develop services that fill the individual
child's 'parenting gap'. Lead professionals and carers, alongside local
authorities, must work hard to personalise the care they provide - as good
parents would.
IV. Go the
extra mile: Behind most young people who succeed is an individual who 'goes
the extra mile' and has 'made the difference' - eg the 'pushy carer/worker' who
provides care the young person needs, often 'in spite of' the system. Good
relationships will provide the attachment that these young people need to
V. Involving
everyone: Corporate parenting can't be solely about lead members and
Children's Services Directors. As important - more important to young people -
are the lead professionals/carers involved in their day to day lives. They are
the people who are the front line in providing care and can truly make a
difference. At present systems all too often do not empower these people to do
their jobs as they should.
VI. Take
more risks: Good parents have to take risks. Social care has become risk
averse. Corporate parents have to manage risk far better than at present and
governments have to support them to do so. Excessive bureaucracy/administration
- especially for lead professionals and carers - does not personalise services
and can undermine success. In social care recording is important,
professionalism is essential but as normal a process of parenting as possible
is crucial if we are to make the difference.
VII. Listen
to children and young people and empower them: At local and national levels
services would be improved by really listening to what young people are saying
and working with them to provide it. No good parent would provide care without
full discussion and involvement of their children. This provides the secure
basis of their emotional wellbeing.
VIII. Take
the lead: Too many corporate parents give poor consideration to the
employability of young people in and from care. This is despite them often
being the most able to provide enormous opportunity for learning within their
own and other local organisations. If local authorities are to do the best for
care experienced children and young people they must exploit their own opportunities
2. Education
I. We strongly welcome the provisions in Time
for Change to make payments to care leavers who are pursuing higher education.
Young people who took part in our Care Matters consultation events said they
would like to see these provisions extended to include those care leavers who
wish to pursue further education, apprenticeships and vocational training.
While it is of course admirable to promote higher education, it needs to be
realised that, when 66 per cent of care leavers do not gain a single GCSE,
higher education is beyond the reach of many of these young people. In
contrast, further education, apprenticeships and vocational training could make
a real difference to improving their life chances.
II. The poor statistics relating to the educational
achievements of children and young people in care are well known. According to
Government statistics:
§ 66 per cent of children in care did
not gain a single GCSE or GNVQ
§ Only 7 per cent obtained at least 5
GCSEs at grade A* to C.
§ At age 19, 26 per cent of care
leavers are in further education and only 6 per cent are in higher education
§ 29 per cent of care leavers are not
in education, training or employment at age 19
III. Our peer research indicated that:
§ 46 per cent said they had needed additional education support while at
school. Over a third (36 per cent) said they had not received this.
§ Black and minority ethnic young people were more likely to be in
education, training and employment than their white counterparts.
§ 39 per cent felt that their time in care had affected what they had been
able to do after care, especially in relation to education.
IV. Personalised education support: Evidence
from What Makes the Difference? reveals that additional, more personalised
support in education and training for children in care and care leavers does make a positive difference to outcomes.
V. In one local authority where individual
tuition was provided for a year to year 11 pupils: Out of 17 young
people who sat formal examinations, 11 of them (65 per cent) exceeded
predicted grades, some of them far exceeding them. Other positive outcomes
included increased school attendance, reduced school exclusions
and greater confidence/self esteem.
3. Transition to adulthood
I. In our peer research project;
§ 66 per cent left care before they
were age 18
§ 49 per cent had received no written
information from their local authority before leaving care
§ 88 per cent felt care leavers should have the option
to return to supported accommodation if a move to independent living did not
work out
II. For all young people learning about adult life must be
experimental. It must be well planned, as safe as possible and at a pace that
young people can cope with - and most importantly it must have a 'safety net'
III. We strongly support proposals made by
Barnardo's which recommend a transitional stage for young people leaving care.
The average young person does not leave home until 24, and will usually go safe
in the knowledge that they can call on their parents for advice and support. Care
leavers do not have this safety net and their outcomes in employment,
education, housing and health indicate significant failings in their
preparation and readiness for adult life. Indeed, our peer research showed that
38 per cent of young people with care experience believe they are simply left
to 'get on with it' without any input or preparation when the time came to live
IV. A new transitional status for care leavers
would go some way to providing a much needed safety net for these young people
and could do wonders in boosting their chances of developing a successful
independent life.
V. It is proposed that this new approach has
three main elements:
§ A new transitional status for young
people leaving care between the age of 16-21 years that becomes relevant
whenever they leave care and that provides the same degree of care and
protection to them without labelling them as a young person 'in care'
§ An Accommodation and Support
Strategy for Care Leavers 16-25 Years, including care and transitional accommodation
up to age 21 and supported accommodation up to age 25
§ A guarantee of employment,
education or training placement for all young people in transition of leaving
care, up to age 21 years
4. The role of the
practitioner (including training and workforce development).
I. In order to become better corporate parents,
we believe that care professionals need to have a better understanding of older
children plus skills and knowledge in child development and parenting,
particularly of teenagers. The training of care professionals therefore needs
to have a clearer focus on these issues. There are no proposals in Time for
Change to cover this although we welcome the interest shown in pedagogic
5. Additional
messages: Accommodation
I. The issue of accommodation for care leavers
is notable in its absence from Time for Change and subsequent legislation.
Cross-government co-operation is essential if this vital area is to be
II. Young people who have been in care are still
overrepresented in those young people who are homeless. In Life After Care
(Joseph Rowntree 2005) 36 per cent of young people reported being homeless at
some time in the year after leaving care. Through our work with local
authorities across the country, we know that the availability of both supported
and permanent accommodation varies greatly. While local housing shortages may
contribute to this, it is also caused by inconsistent planning and provision of
accommodation with support and the quality of cooperation between children's services
and local housing authorities. Often it is simply a failure to plan for
something that it is known that almost all young people will need.
III. Rainer's Home Alone report found that almost one in six (16 per cent) of care
leavers were in unsuitable accommodation with a number of interviewees in
unsafe or completely inappropriate accommodation.
IV. Thirty per cent of care leavers interviewed by
A National Voice for their publication,
No Place like Home, did not fell safe where they were living.
V. There are a number of practical, systemic
changes that would have an enormous impact on the quality of accommodation for
care leavers:
§ Post 18
foster placements. In many local authorities there is already the
opportunity for young people to remain with foster carers beyond 18 and Care
Matters proposes that eventually this will be available to many more young
people. The arrangement however, is informal and unregulated and relies heavily
on the goodwill of foster carers.
§ Supported
accommodation. Similarly, the vast majority of supported
accommodation for young people is not covered by OFSTED regulation and
inspection. We would like to see regulations covering all accommodation and
placements used by young people as they move from care to independence.
§ A specific
section on housing for care leavers within Local Authority homelessness
strategies, signed off jointly by the Director of Housing and Director of
Children's Services.
§ A
presumption against declaring any care leaver intentionally homeless. Such a declaration should only be made in
cases of serious anti social behaviour or other extreme circumstances.
6. Additional
messages: The 'Pledge' to improve corporate parenting
I. The Pledge
will be a promise from a local authority to all of its children in care,
including care leavers, detailing what it will provide for them in terms of its
services and support. The proposal was overwhelmingly supported by young people
during the consultation period for the Green Paper, although they had some
strong caveats about how it should be developed.
II. We strongly
believe that the process behind developing the pledge is as critical as the
content. There should be no "one size fits all" answer, and the success of the
pledge will depend on whether local authorities take into account the particular
issues in their area, listen to the needs of their children and young people
and take into account the things that matter to them. In addition to ensuring
that the pledge meets their needs, involving young people in its development
could have significant additional benefits. Children in and leaving care have
better outcomes when they are empowered to act positively and effect change in
their own lives. It will also offer the children and young people the
opportunity to develop new skills and establish strong self-esteem.
7. Additional
messages: Young People from a care background in custody
I. The original Care Matters Green Paper
committed to increased support from all young people in custody from a care
background (whether through a care order or voluntarily accommodated). The subsequent White Paper and Bill have
watered down these commitments somewhat, though we are hopeful that regulations
will ensure that all looked after
young people who enter custody have access to a proper resettlement package
supported by the children's services team.
II. Research from the Rainer-lead RESET programme
found that there are potential net cost savings of £80 million per year to be
made by properly supporting young people's resettlement back into the community
from custody. This means providing
effective support around education, employment, accommodation and links to
family and carers.
III. In 2004-5, 54 per cent of those leaving
young offender institutions had no recorded
IV. education, training or
employment place. 13 per cent left with no recorded accommodation (Hansard
quoted by Prison Reform Trust). In 2005/6 around a
quarter of boys in custody were held over 50 miles away from their home. Almost half of girls were (YJB).
V. For young people from a care background this absolutely
requires the involvement of the children's services or leaving care team. The pilot programme placing social workers
within the secure estate has proven how important maintaining these links can
be, particularly when just over one quarter (27 per cent) of the population in
custody have been taken into care (Social Exclusion Unit). Leaving Care Teams/Children's Services must maintain the relationship
with all young people taken into custody and play an active part in their