PSA target
for public performance reporting over CSR07 period
1. Improve children's communication and social
and emotional development so that by 2008 53% of children reach a good level
of development at the end of the Foundation Stage and reduce inequalities
between the level of development achieved by children in the 30% most
disadvantaged Super Output Areas and the rest of England by four percentage
points from 16% to 12%.
(Early Years, Extended Schools and Special
Needs Group target,
joint with the Department for Work and Pensions)
SR04 target ends
in 2008 - performance information will be available in October 2008 and a
final assessment will be made in the 2008 Autumn Performance Report.
New indicators
on "Achievement at Early Years
Foundation Stage" and "Gap in Achievement at Early Years
Foundation Stage" underpin the CSR07 PSA to "Raise the educational achievement
of all children and young people" and PSA to "Narrow the gap in
educational achievement between children from low income and disadvantaged
backgrounds and their peers" respectively.
Both new targets use the Early Years Foundation Stage
Profile (EYFSP), which supersedes the Foundation Stage Profile (FSP),
but essentially retains the same approach to assessment, so
maintaining continuity with the SR04 PSA target 1. EYFSP data will
be available in October each year and the new early years targets will
be reported on within the new arrangements for reporting on PSA 10 and
PSA 11. The baseline will be confirmed
in October 2008 (and reported in the 2008 Autumn Performance Report) -
subsequent reporting will be framed in terms of improvement on the 2008 results.
As a contribution to reducing the proportion of children living in
households where no one is working, by 2008:
· Increase the stock of Ofsted-registered
childcare by 10%;
· increase the number of children in
lower-income working families using formal childcare by 120,000; and
· introduce by April 2005, a successful
light-touch childcare approval scheme.
(Early Years, Extended Schools and Special Needs Group target, joint with the Department for
Work and Pensions)
SR04 target ends in 2008 -
elements 1 and 3 is due to be reported as being "met early" in the 2007
APR. Performance information on element 2 will be available in January
2008 and January 2009. A final assessment will be made in the 2009
Departmental Report, bearing in mind that all 3 elements of the target
need to be met individually for the whole target to be met (if one of more
elements are not met, the target will be deemed to be partially met).
An indicator on take-up of formal childcare by low
income families underpins the CSR07 DCSF DSO to "Close the gap in educational
achievement for children from disadvantaged backgrounds", and will be
reported in the 2009 Departmental Report (in the context of DSO
reporting). It also feeds into the Government's CSR07 PSA to "Halve the
number of children in poverty by 2010-11, on the way to eradicating child
poverty by 2020", although it is not a formal indicator.
3. Reduce the
under-18 conception rate by 50%, by 2010, as part of a broader strategy to
improve sexual health.(Joint target
with the Department of Health)
2010 target rolled forward
into CSR07 period - now an indicator underpinning the PSA to "Increase the number of children and young people
on the path to success". Reporting will continue through the Autumn
Performance Report and Departmental Report (with data available in February
each year).
4. Halt the
year-on-year rise in obesity among children under 11 by 2010 in the context
of a broader strategy to tackle obesity in the population as a whole. (Joint target with the Department of Health
and Department for Culture, Media and Sport)
Govt is moving
to a new ambition on obesity - "levels
of childhood obesity" is now an indicator underpinning the CSR07 PSA to "Improve the health and
well-being of children and young people". There is a CSR07 commitment to
making "a significant impact on this problem over the CSR period, reducing the rate of
increase in obesity among children
under 11 as a first step towards a long-term national ambition by 2020
to reduce the
proportion of overweight and obese children to 2000 levels in the context of tackling obesity across the
against the SR04 target will be published in the 2007 Autumn Performance
Report, which will also make clear the CSR07 commitment (and DCSF/DH
dual-key commitments). Subsequent
performance against the 2020 ambition will be reported in the 2008 Autumn
Performance Report and 2008 Departmental Report onwards (with data available
in December each year and DCMS relieved of their formal reporting
5. Narrow the
gap in educational achievement between looked after children and that of
their peers, and improve their educational support and the stability of their
lives so that by 2008, 80% of children under 16 who have been looked after
for 2.5 or more years will have been living in the same placement for at
least 2 years, or are placed for adoption.
SR04 target on
stability (and underpinning indicator on achievement) ends in 2008 -
performance information will be available in April
2009 and a final assessment will be made in the 2009 Departmental Report
(assuming publication in May).
New indicators on "Proportion of children in care at Key Stage 2
achieving Level 4 in English and Level 4 in Mathematics at Key Stage 2" and "Proportion
of children in care achieving five A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4" underpin the CSR07 PSA to "Narrow the gap in educational achievement
between children from low income and disadvantaged backgrounds and their
peers". Both will be
reported from the 2008 Autumn Performance Report onwards (with data available
in April each year, and autumn each year from 2008/09).
There are also
two indicators on stability of looked after underpinning the CSR07 DCSF DSO
to "Safeguard the young and vulnerable", which will be reported in the 2009
Departmental Report (in the context of DSO reporting). They are also included in the local
government National Indicator Set.
6. Raise
standards in English and mathematics so that:
· by
2006, 85% of 11-year-olds achieve level 4 or above with this level of
performance sustained until 2006: and
· by 2008, the
proportion of schools in which fewer than 65% of pupils achieve level 4 or
above is reduced by 40%.
SR04 target ends
in 2008. Element 1 (2006 target) has
already been reported as Not Met.
Element 2 (2008 target) performance information will be available in
November 2008 and a final assessment of the SR04 target will be made in the 2008 Autumn Performance Report (assuming publication in December).
A new indicator on the "Proportion achieving Level 4 in both English and
Mathematics at Key Stage 2" underpins the
CSR07 PSA to "Raise the educational achievement of all children and young people". Performance will be reported from the 2008
Autumn Performance Report onwards (with data available in August
[provisional] and December [revised] each year).
7. Raise
standards in English, mathematics, ICT and science in secondary education so
· by 2007, 85% of
14-year-olds achieve level 5 or above in English, mathematics and ICT (80% in
science) nationally, with this level of performance sustained to 2008; and
· by 2008, in all
schools at least 50% of pupils achieve level 5 or above in English,
mathematics and science.
SR04 target ends
in 2008. Element 1 (2007 target) may
be reported as Not Met in 2007 Autumn Performance Report (subject to
confirmation with policy team and HMT).
Element 2 (2008 target) performance information will be available in
December 2008, so a final assessment of the SR04 target may be made in the 2008 Autumn Performance Report (assuming no delays and publication in December -
otherwise a final assessment would be made in the 2009 Departmental Report).
A new indicator on the
"Proportion achieving Level 5 in both English and Mathematics at Key
Stage" underpins the CSR07 PSA to "Raise the educational
achievement of all children and young people". Performance will be reported from the 2008
Autumn Performance Report onwards (with data available in August
[provisional] and February [revised] and July [final] each year).
Improve levels of school attendance so that by 2008, school absence is
reduced by 8% compare to 2003.
SR04 target ends
in 2008 - performance information will be available in February or March each
year, and a final assessment of the SR04
target will be made in the 2009 Departmental Report.
Number of
persistent absentee pupils in secondary schools underpins the CSR07 DCSF DSO
to "Close the gap in educational
achievement for children from disadvantaged backgrounds" and will be
reported in the 2009 Departmental Report onwards.
9. Enhance the take-up of sporting
opportunities by 5 to 16-year-olds so that the percentage of school children
in England who spend a minimum of two hours each week on high quality PE and
school sport within and beyond the curriculum increases from 25% in 2002 to
75% by 2006 and to 85% by 2008, and to at least 75% in each School Sport
Partnership by 2008. (Joint target with
Department for Culture, Media and Sport)
SR04 target ends
in 2008. 2008 target has been Met
Early and will be reported as such in the 2007 Autumn Performance Report.
A new
indicator on the "Children and
young people's participation in sport" underpins the CSR07 PSA to "Deliver a successful Olympic Games and
Paralympic Games with a sustainable legacy and get more children and young
people taking part in high quality PE and sport". Performance will be reported from the 2008
Autumn Performance Report onwards, although the indicator will also report
into the Child Health and Wellbeing Board for performance management purposes.
10. By 2008, 60%
of those aged 16 to achieve the equivalent of 5 GCSEs at grades A*-C; and in
all schools, at least 20% of pupils to achieve this standard by 2004, rising
to 25% by 2006 and 30% by 2008.
SR04 target ends in 2008 - performance information will be
available in October 2008 [provisional] and January 2009 [revised] and a
final assessment of the SR04 target will be made in the 2009 Departmental
A new
indicator on the "Proportion
achieving five A*-C GCSEs (or equivalent) at Key Stage 4 including English
and Mathematics" underpins the
CSR07 PSA to "Raise the educational achievement of all children and young people". Performance will be reported from the 2008
Autumn Performance Report onwards (with data available in October [provisional]
and January [revised] each year).
11. Increase the
proportion of 19-year-olds who achieve at least level 2 by 3 percentage
points between 2004 and 2006, and a further 2 percentage points between 2006
and 2008, and increase the proportion of young people who achieve level 3.
SR04 target ends
in 2008 - performance information will be available in February 2009 and a final assessment of the SR04 target
will be made in the 2009 Departmental Report.
indicators on the "Proportion of young people achieving Level 2 at
age 19"
and "Proportion of young people achieving Level 3 at age 19" underpin the CSR07 PSA to "Raise the educational
achievement of all children and young people". Performance
will be reported from the 2008 Autumn Performance Report onwards (with data
available in February each year).
12. Reduce the
proportion of young people not in education, employment or training by 2
percentage points by 2010.
2010 target rolled forward
into CSR07 period - now an indicator (with national target) underpinning the
CSR07 PSA to
"Increase the number of
children and young people on the path to success". Reporting will
continue through the Autumn Performance Report and Departmental Report (with
data available in June each year).
PSA target 6: Reduce the use of Class
A drugs and the frequent use of any illicit drug among all young people under
the age of 25, especially by the most vulnerable young people.
The baseline year for the measures is 2003/4 and
the final year for measurement is 2007/8 - leading to Home Office reporting
back on final position in Autumn 2008. Target has been superceded by the substance misuse indicator in the CSR07
PSA to
"Increase the number of
children and young people on the path to success". Reporting will be
through the Autumn Performance Report and Departmental Report.